Chapter 30: Claire Meets Goblins

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We were at my house, going over how we were going to save Claire's brother.
However, Skylar seemed distracted as she played with the obsidian piece hanging from the choker Draal had given her.
This was the first time she has worn it.
I narrowed my gaze at her.
"Lady Skylar, what do you think on the matter?" Blinky asked.
Skylar's cheeks turned a bit pink, but no response.
"Lady Skylar!" Blinky then shouted, causing me to wince at the volume slightly.
Skylar immediately snapped into the present, looking at him with somewhat wide eyes.
"Your opinion on the matter?" Blinky asked.
She cleared her throat, the slight blush disappearing from her cheeks.
"Sorry, I was thinking." She stated before letting out a breath.
"We shouldn't go through. Gunmar being released upon the world is too big a risk. We can't take that risk for the life of a single child. There could be millions in there. We can't give up our only upper hand." She spoke, finalizing the decision. 
"I know you like Claire, Jim." Skylar began, a coldness to her tone as she looked at her brother with a narrowed gaze.
"But until we have a better plan, the real Enrique is staying in the Darklands. Blinky said it was probably the safest place he could be for now anyway." She finished.
"No, James." She interrupted again, shutting him down.
Everyone seemed to realize something was going on between them.
For one, she never called Jim 'James' despite it being his real name.
Jim sighed in defeat.
"Okay." He stated softly, looking to the ground.
Chompsky then began chattering, causing Toby to widen his eyes.
Toby had gotten unusually close to the gnome during their very short interactions.
"Chompsky, no! It's too much to ask." Toby stated, causing the gnome to chatter some more.
I'm sure I wasn't the only one to think this strange.
Tony nodded and placed the fetch on the floor as Jim tied a rope around the gnome's waist.
I placed myself next to Skylar, glancing at her features before leaning it a bit closer so she was the only one that could hear me whisper.
"Who's got you blushing?"
She looked at me with a shocked expression before frowning, looking back to the gnome.
"What are you even talking about?" She asked, her voice equally as quiet.
"I think you do." I stated as I watched the gnome say goodbye to the doll.
He was so strange.
He then hopped through the portal.
"It's nothing." Skylar insisted.
"Sure." I agreed, backing off.
For now.
The rope then pulled taut, tearing a few seconds after, causing my eyes to widen as Toby, Jim, Arrrgh, and Blinky fell backwards.
Not even a few seconds later, their was a knock on my window, causing us to look over.
"Open up! Let me in!" Not Enrique shouted, causing me to frown as I walked over and opened the window.
"Oh no." I heard Jim mutter under his breath.
"What happened?" Skylar asked, walking over.
"A goblin came at me. I made mincemeat out of him, but now, the rest of 'em want their pound of flesh. I'm lucky to have escaped with just a soiled diaper." He spoke, causing my eyes to widen a fraction.
Blinky then walked past me to face down the small Changeling.
"You've drawn the ire of goblin vengeance and have led them here?!" Blinky yelled before grabbing Not Enrique by the throat.
"Blinky, take it easy." Jim spoke, causing Skylar to glare at him.
"You aren't in charge here, James." She spoke, again saying his name with as much spite as she could muster.
"Relax!" Not Enrique then exclaimed, drawing all attention back to him.
Blinky dropped him.
"They think the girl did it. Now they're after her." He stated, Jim clenching his fists in response.
He then turned to Skylar.
"Sky, they're hurt her. We have to save her." He begged.
"I know. I'm not an imbecile like some people in this room." Sky stated, glaring him down.
He took a step back, averting his gaze to the floor.
"I'll go after her, Arya, you're with me." She stated, causing me to nod.
"Wait, they got all the bridge pieces together. I hear all they need is you." Not Enrique stated, looking at Skylar.
"Then I just have to make sure they don't get me." She stated, walking towards the door.
I lingered behind a moment, looking to Jim who sported a worried look on his face.
"I've got her back." I stated.
"I know." He whispered, his voice broken.
I nodded and followed after her.
We made it to Claire's house, Skylar voting to climb up to her window.
As I began Climbing, I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I tensed, looking over to see Jim.
"I couldn't wait around." He stated, catching Skylar's attention.
"You're just gonna get in the way." She spat out as he began to climb up, leaving me to follow after him.
"Just let it go, Skylar. I'm sorry, alright? I'm sorry that I want mom to be happy and you have such a problem with it." He spoke, facing her down before knocking on Claire's window.
"That is not what's going on. You're trying to set her up with a changeling and you don't even care." She spoke sharply in response.
A feeling of dread settled in my gut, telling me I really shouldn't be here for this.
The window opened and Jim was pulled in, Skylar and I staying out here to keep watch.
Just then, we heard a sound, seeing the goblins climbing over the roofs.
Skylar knocked on the window, causing Jim to open it.
"They're here. We got to go." I spoke, causing him to nod and turn to Claire.
"Those are raccoons." Claire stated, causing Skylar to shake her head.
"Your brother. They've taken your brother, Claire. Please, just check his crib." Jim spoke, thinking quickly.
She ran out of the room, Skylar and I following close behind Jim.
Upon seeing the empty crib, Claire turned, hitting Jim in the chest as she asked where Enrique was.
"We don't have time for this." Skylar spoke, her voice hard.
"If you want your life and your brother, You'll come with us and stay quiet." She finished.
"Trust me. When these guys get mad, you don't want to be the one receiving it." Jim spoke softly, taking Claire's hands into his own.
A beat before she nodded, leading us out the back door so her parents wouldn't see us.
Jim ran behind us, holding onto Claire's hand.
"What about my parents?" Claire suddenly asked.
"They aren't after your parents." Jim replied, turning to look at her briefly.
I could tell from that single look that it pained him to do this to her despite what was going on.
Suddenly, the snarling and growling of the goblins caught our attention.
"Sky, now would be a good time to armor up." Jim spoke.
"Stop telling me what to do!" She shouted at him, having already taken the amulet out.
She growled as she stared at it.
"It's fake." She stated, all of us stopping in a small clearing, forming a circle to defend all sides.
She tossed the amulet aside.
"What?" I asked, moving a bit closer.
"Strickler must have switched them. That snake!" She growled, glaring heavily.
"I wouldn't put it past him." I stated, handing her one of my daggers.
She nodded in thanks as Jim and Claire grabbed a couple of sticks.
"Stop it. Just stop it!" Claire suddenly spoke up, turning towards us.

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