Chapter 70: To Arcadia

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"Bular." I called softly, watching his sleeping form.
He stirred, grunting.
"Bular, you promised." I pestered, moving closer to him.
He growled lowly as I poked his side.
"It'll take us two weeks to get there at this rate." I stated, poking him again.
His eyes peaked open at me, the look of 'I don't care' greeting me before he closed his eyes again, huffing.
"Alright. I didn't want to do this, but you left me no choice." I stated, standing up.
I grabbed my cloak and opened the door, cold air rushing in.
Bular scoffed, turning his back to the door.
"Let's go Xena." I called, holding out my arm for the bird.
"Bye, Bular. Have fun without me for however long I'm gone." I stated, walking out and leaving the door open.
He growled, shuffling behind me before sticking his head out the door.
"Blythe." He warned lowly.
"Sorry, Bular. I can't hear you from all the way over here." I stated, leaning against a tree about twenty feet from the door.
I then looked to Xena, handing her a small bottle.
"You know what to do." I stated, readjusting my bag.
Xena cawed before taking the bottle into her beak and flying over the cottage, landing on the chimney.
"I suggest you get out here. Like you promised." I stated, causing him to narrow his eyes at me.
"No." He stated.
"Fine. Three." I began, Xena shifting her position.
"Two!" Bular still didn't budge.
"One." I finished, Xena dropping the bottle down the chimney.
A few seconds passed as Xena flew back to me.
Bular smiled smugly, however it dropped when I lifted a finger, giving a smirk.
A plume of green smoke then erupted from the chimney before filling the cottage.
It was comical watching Bular choke up on the stench before he pulled himself the small door.
"What was that?" He roared questioningly, eyes narrowed on me as I stifled a laugh.
"That, my dear friend, is a stink bomb of my own creation. It'll clear out in a few weeks. And it won't linger on you for too much longer... If I give you this." I stated, holding up a vial.
He walked over, holding his out for it.
"Nah ah. You gotta follow me to Arcadia." I stated, pulling the vial closer to me.
He growled, turning his gaze away from me.
"Fine." He muttered, causing me to smile.
"Yay! I knew you'd stick to your promise." I stated, climbing onto him before handing him the vial.
"Drink up. And you're not allowed to throw me off you, otherwise you won't feel inclined to go to Arcadia to get me off you." I stated, smiling.
He glared at me over his shoulder, though I just kept smiling.
"Why I put up with you is beyond me." He muttered.
"Cause I'm your only friend." I explained.
"I'd rather have no friend." He stated plainly, tossing the empty vial away before he began to walk.
I simply began to braid his black mane, humming the song my mother once sang to me.
"Arcadia is the other way." I stated, causing him to grunt and turn.
I laughed, Xena taking off to fly above us.











Hi guys!
Sorry for today's short chapter.
I decided that 70 chapters was enough for this round and this is the end of Starlight, but that doesn't mean it's the end of the series.
I'm just adding another part so this one isn't super long.
The next one will be titled 'Sunlight'.
After starting this one, the plan was to write a third book anyway, so this kinda works out.
Now that that's out of the way, as always, have a spectacular Morning/afternoon/evening/night, and let me know what you think.
Bye for now!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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