Chapter 34: Staying Instead

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Alden Above:

Skylar and I were in the basement doing homework, Draal listening in on us as we worked.
"Divide by seven and x equals three." Skylar mumbled to herself as she scribbled ferociously at on her paper.
"I still do not understand your math." Draal then spoke up, causing me to spare him a glance before focusing back on my own homework.
"Do you want to?" Skylar asked, no doubt raising a brow as she worked on the next problem.
"No, Jim makes it sound like torture." Draal stated in response, causing Skylar to laugh slightly as she set her pencil down and looked up at him.
"For most, it is. For some, it's simple. It's really not as hard as people make it out to be." Skylar stated, as I bit my lip.
How was I going to tell her that I was going to be leaving soon?
With my mission accomplished, there was no reason for me to stay here.
Skylar then closed her book, stretching.
"I think it's time for a break, Arya." She stated, causing me to nod in agreement.
I stood, following after her.
However she stopped, looking back at Draal with a frown.
"Have you ever worn a flower crown?" She suddenly asked, causing me to look at her with pure confusion.
She then shook her head.
"Wow, what a random thought." She spoke with a laugh before heading up the stairs, never waiting for an answer.
Though, I'm sure the answer would be no.
Skylar, sighed and stretched as we walked into the kitchen.
"Are you hungry? We have left over meatloaf." She stated, peering into the fridge.
"Skylar." I spoke, knowing by saying her name, I'd have her undivided attention.
She closed the fridge, meeting my gaze with a seriousness I have grown quite used to seeing in certain moments.
"Bular is gone now..." I began, causing her to turn to face me fully.
"I'll be leaving Arcadia soon." I finished quickly.
I looked back up at her, seeing she was looking away from me.
"Well, if it's what you feel you need to do... Then, I'm glad we had the time we did. You're a good friend." She stated, opening the fridge again.
I frowned.
What kind of reaction was that?
I stayed silent, waiting to see if she had more to say.
"So the meatloaf?" She then asked.
"Uh, sure..." I replied, causing her to nod and take it out.
I studied her a moment.
"Do you not... Care?" I asked, swallowing thickly.
She turned to me abruptly, anger in her glare before she let out a breath.
The anger disappeared and she spoke slowly, as if trying to keep any sadness or anger out.
"Of course I care. You're the first friend I've actually ever had. Sure, I have Jim and Toby, but Jim's my brother and I only became friends with Toby because he was Jim's friend." She stated, grabbing a knife and cutting the meatloaf before placing it in the microwave.
"I was kinda hoping you'd stick around for a bit longer... But, I won't stop you if you want to leave." She then added softly.
My frown deepened.
I didn't want to leave.
But what reason did I have in staying?
"You can stay without actually having a reason... Help me out with anything that may or may not come up... Be my friend..." Skylar stated, causing me to realize that I had said that outloud.
"If you don't want to leave, then don't... It's simple." She added after.
I didn't know what to think.
"You... Really want me to stick around?" I asked, causing her to laugh and turn to me.
Her blue eyes were watery.
"Who wouldn't?" She then asked, causing me to smile.
The microwave then beeped, causing her to turn and plate some of the meatloaf for us.
I took my plate gratefully.
A clatter then caught our attention, causing us to look at Jim and Toby; Toby picking up a vase that luckily didn't shatter.
"Sorry..." He stated sheepishly.
"How long have you guys been standing there?" Skylar asked, wiping at her eyes as I cleared my throat, blinking the tears that were trying to spill away.
"Uh... A minute or so..." Jim replied, looking to Toby with a 'what do we do' expression.
"Clueless." I stated, shaking my head.
"He'll never impress Claire that way." Skylar added, joining in the mock disappointment.
"Won't even offer to console two females near tears." I spoke, offering a sigh.
"Chivalry is truly dead." She replied before taking a bite of the meatloaf.
Her eyes widened and she turned away.
"Hawt!" She exclaimed, causing me to laugh, Toby and Jim joining in as she grabbed a glass and filled it with cold water.
"Agh! I can't feel my tastebuds!" She exclaimed after swallowing.
I was going to stick around for a while longer.

The next morning, I had woken in Skylar's room, having spent the night.
I slowly stood, and sighed as I ran fingers through my hair, realizing I had to redo my braid.
I began to do it as I walked down the stairs', seeing Jim was cooking breakfast in the kitchen.
"Hey, where's Skylar?" I asked, finishing up my braid.
"Basement." He replied, flipping the omelet.
I gave a nod before looking at what he was making.
"Seems special." I stated.
"It's for mom, she's been..." He trailed off, causing me to nod.
"Worried." I finished for him.
"And Skylar refuses to drag her into what's going on and she's mad enough at me already..." He said softly with a heavy sigh.
I then heard Skylar walking up the stairs, causing me to look over as I got some water.
"Morning." I greeted, causing Skylar to give me a smile.
"Morning." She replied.
"Good morning." Jim suddenly spoke, causing me to glance over at Dr. Lake.
She looked tired.
"Hi." She replied with, Skylar leaning against the counter next to me as she observed the interaction, taking the water I had got for myself.
"Made your favorite breakfast." Jim then stated, plating the omelet.
"Sorry kiddo, in a rush." She stated, pouring some cereal.
Skylar raised a brow, watching Dr. Lake.
"Hi, Skylar." Dr. Lake then greeted before glancing to me.
"Morning, Arya." She then spoke, causing me to wave as she walked off.
I looked to the twins, seeing them lock eyes.
"Looks like we're in the doghouse." She stated, giving a shrug.
"I really think we should tell her." Jim insisted as Skylar slid the plate towards her.
"I call dibs." She stated, cutting the omelet in half before handing me a fork.
"Try it." She insisted, causing me to do so hesitantly.
She closed her eyes with a smile as she tasted the omelet and I could completely agree in the deliciousness of it all.
"Hey, I made it." Jim said with a laugh, grabbing his own fork.
Skylar then slid the plate further away from him with a mischievous smirk as I took another bite.
"So you can make another." She stated, causing Jim to gasp with mock shock.
"My own sister has turned against me." He stated dramatically.
"Pft, as if." She stated, finally allowing him to eat some.
We all then ate quickly before heading off to school.
Skylar and I quickly parted from the main group, deciding to have our own conversation.
However, someone was quick to step in front of us.
"Hey, gals." He greeted, causing me to raise a brow.
"Good morning, Alden." I greeted, earning a toothy smile.
"Something you need?" Skylar then asked in a not-so-snarky way.
I glanced at her.
Yeah, she and I had the same weird feeling about this guy.
"Not really... I was just hoping you guys would be interested in letting me have lunch with you and your group..." He spoke, seeming a bit shy now as he looked to the ground, rubbing the back of his neck.
"You seem pretty buddy-buddy with everyone already. Why do you want to sit with us?" Skylar asked before I could speak.
"To get to know you guys better." He replied rather quickly.
Skylar opened her mouth to speak again, but I cut in.
"Sure, Alden. It's just lunch." I replied before linking arms with Skylar.
"Let's get to class." I spoke, causing her to nod.
We then walked down the hall.
"He gives me bad vibes." Skylar muttered to me.
"I know... But there's a familiarity to it... I want to find out why." I whispered back.
For some reason, the image of Bular chasing my brother and I down the tunnels came to the front of my brain, his obsidian eyes never losing sight of us.
No... I must be remembering it wrong.
I shook my head, freeing myself from those thoughts as I turned my attention back to Skylar.
"Does he have a magic energy?" She asked, raising a brow.
"If he does, he hides it well." I replied, causing her to nod.

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