Chapter 39: Secrets in a Web

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Somewhere outside of Arcadia

"Dang it!" A voice shouted from inside a small cottage.
The raven cawed before flying into the window, distracting the girl.
"Not now, Xena." She spoke, looking back to the book before lifting her gaze back to the statue figure.
Xena then let out another caw, causing the hooded girl to look back at the raven.
"What is it?" She asked, raising a brow.
The raven only stared at her, causing the girl to sigh before turning back to the book.
"I can fix this." She spoke with a frown.
She clenched her fists, closing her eyes and taking in a breath.
"There's only one thing left to try." She stated, standing straight.
"I'll be back in a few days, Bular. C'mon Xena." She spoke leaving the cottage.


I was planning on spending the night with Skylar again.
As we walked towards her house, the clear night sky above us, I saw her stiffen and glance around.
"Are you okay?" I asked, raising a brow.
"It just feels like someone is watching." She mumbled.
I stopped, grabbing her arm as Jim walked ahead, continuing to talk about whatever it was he was talking about.
"Then lets look around." I spoke.
She was silent a moment before nodding.
"Skylar, c'mon. We have to make sure Mom is fine." Jim spoke from ahead of us.
Skylar sighed as she looked over her shoulder for a minute.
"Skylar, I need to tell you something. It's about how Jim." I then stated.
This piqued her interest before she sighed.
"I want him to tell me on his own. We're twins, he should know that he can tell me anything. Even when I'm mad or upset by something he did. Give it a week and if he doesn't, then tell me." She spoke softly before turning away and following after her brother.
She looked so downcast.
I glanced around, hoping to spot whatever it was she thought was watching before following after the two.
It was so strange.
There was a faint magic coming from somewhere.
A frown etched into my features as they opened the door.
Something was about to go down.
"Where have you been?" Dr. Lake asked, not having noticed me yet as her two kids walked in first.
Jim opened his mouth to reply after sending a quick look to Skylar.
"We were hanging out with Claire and Toby." Skylar spoke instead, glaring Jim down.
Was he about to tell Dr. Lake everything?
"Doing what?" Dr. Lake then questioned.
"Does it matter? We're home now." Skylar replied with.
"I've been worried sick and you're just going to blow me off like that?!" Barbara spoke, causing me to take a step back.
"I'm so sorry we're out having fun. Call off the search parties." Skylar spoke, throwing her hands in the air before turning to me.
"C'mon Arya, let's go to my room." She stated before stomping up the stairs.
"Not now, Jim." Dr. Lake sighed, turning away.
Skylar allowed me in before slamming her door.
A heavy sigh escaped her and the quiet sound of a door closing followed.
Jim must've headed to his room.
"Are you okay?" I asked softly.
"I just hate lying to her." Skylar replied, walking over to sit on her bed.
I sat down next to her.
"Why don't you tell your mom the truth?" I asked softly.
"And be admitted?" She laughed dryly.
"Hey mom, I'm ready to tell you what we've all been doing. We're fighting evil trolls and I have a permanent job to protect both the good trolls and humans. Oh, and the only way to retire is to die. Also, not only am I the trollhunter, but I'm a night watcher, whatever that means. Oh, and don't forget, that Arya is not human but and elf, and Strickler is a changeling which is why I didn't want you seeing him at all." She rushed out before sighing heavily and falling back into her bed.
"You could ease her into it better." I stated, offering a smile.
She grabbed her pillow and hit me with it before laughing.
I joined in, shaking my head at her.
She then took in a deep breath and I stood, walking over to the window over her desk.
"C'mon." I stated, opening it.
"Let's get some fresh air." I spoke.
She sat up and nodded before someone knocked on her door.
"Skylar." Jim spoke.
"You go. I think this is gonna be important." She stated, causing me to nod.
"I'll see you at school tomorrow." I stated, causing her to nod.
I jumped out as Skylar opened her door.
I then began running, heading towards the forest.
I missed the feeling of nature around me.

The next day, Skylar was in a bad mood and I did not ask what happened.
She was early to arrive at school, having taken her board.
It must have been really bad.
I was helping Jim find a costume while Skylar decided to go outside to skip the assembly.
"Why are you so invested in this?" I asked, causing Jim to look up at me.
"Actually, I'm not." He stated with a sigh, sitting down with his back to the wall.
"Then why are we looking for a costume?" I asked, tilting my head at him.
"Because I wanted to talk to you." He stated.
I frowned, but allowed him to continue.
"How did you know I was from the future?" He suddenly asked.
"Just guessed. That or you could see the future." I stated with a shrug.
He sighed, placing his head in his hands.
"Why don't you tell Skylar?" I asked softly.
"I don't know. I try, but I can't. Something blocks me from doing so. She'll ask why and I'll have to tell her that I was the trollhunter before I went back in time and I don't know how she'd react." He spoke.
My eyes widened.
"You were the trollhunter?" I asked, eyes wide.
"Don't tell her!" He said in a panic, looking at me with fear.
He must've not meant to have said that.
"So you know what happens next?" I asked, not giving any promise.
"No. This timeline is different. Some of the events are the same, but Skylar is changing things somehow. You weren't in the other timeline at all and yet, when she became the trollhunter, you appeared." He stated.
"I don't understand." I stated after a moment.
"I don't either." He replied in a whisper.
My gaze then moved to the window, a shadow passing over.
"Skylar!" I exclaimed, causing Jim to jump up.
"I forgot about this!" He exclaimed, taking off in a run as he belittled himself for forgetting.
I took off after him.
However, as soon as we reached her, she shoved her sword through the golem, pulling out the carving and breaking it.
The mud splashed all over us and Skylar landed, the armor deactivating as she turned to look back at us.
"What are you two doing?" She asked, raising a brow.
"We were coming to help you." Jim replied slowly, awkwardly.
I then grabbed Skylar's arm before she could blow up.
"C'mon, let's get to the gym." I stated, causing her to sigh but nod.
Jim followed behind us, looking briefly over his shoulder.
Skylar needed to know about what he told me.
I just didn't know how to tell her.





Hello my dear Readers!
I hope you enjoyed todays chapter and are enjoying the story itself.
I don't know when the next update will be, but I will try to get a schedule going for when I post updates.
As always, have a fantastic morning/afternoon/evening/night!
Bye for now!

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