Chapter Twenty Two: Mistakes

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I was in the backyard, the sun slowly beginning to set.
Arya and I were practicing our forms as Jim read through the book Blinky had given me.
I had finished it the night before because I had failed to fall asleep.
Jim then let out a heavy sigh, putting the book to the side.
"Shouldn't I throw things for you and have you cut through them?" He asked.
"Absolutely not. Hasn't mom ever told you never to play with sharp objects?" I asked in turn, raising a brow at him as I fixed my footing.
There was always room for improvement no matter how good you thought you were.
"It'd be good training." Jim countered.
"No, it'd be ruining our stuff. That's why we can't have nice things." I pointed out, meeting his gaze as I swung the sword throw the air.
"The sword of daylight is not a toy to be played with." Draal added in agreement, seemingly appearing from out of nowhere.
I couldn't help the frown pulling at my features as I rolled my eyes.
"It is a hallowed obligation I have spen my entire life training to be worthy of." Draal finished.
I sighed, holding the sword out to him.
"Here, take it for a spin. I'm getting some water." I spoke.
I had no idea why I was doing this and Draal seemed to not know what to think either.
A moment passed before Draal picked it up, holding it to the sky.
Not even a second later, the sword glowed, making the troll gasp before it disappeared from his hand.
He looked around in confusion before it appeared back in my hand.
"Ah, I forgot about that." I stated.
"I'll go get that water you wanted." Jim stated, standing from the porch and walking off.
"I think I will get myself a water as well." Arya added, leaving the two of us alone.
Draal turned to face me fully.
"If my destiny is to not hold the sword, perhaps it is to teach you how to properly weild it." He stated.
I raised a brow.
"Well... There is always room for improvement I suppose. And if it is true that you've been training your entire life for it, I suppose that it would be helpful." I spoke, keeping my gaze on the sword as if I was studying it.
In all honesty, I just didn't want to give him any satisfaction because of the fact that I would appreciate the extra help.
"Alright, you've convinced me. Show me what you got." I spoke.
He grinned slightly.
Jim then came out, sipping from the cup of water he said he'd get for me, a lamp in the other hand.
"Totally wasn't listening, just thought you could use this." He stated, handing the lamp to Draal before walking off.
"When did you become so nosy?" I asked as Jim sat down, picking up the book.
Arya sitting down next to him to read next to him.
"No idea what you're talking about." He replied.
"Whatever." I replied, rolling my eyes before facing Draal.

We practiced for hours, Jim and Arya watching us for some time before beginning to practice with each other.
I never knew that Jim was a good fighter, but he showed promise.
Draal suddenly pinned me against the wall, causing me to glare at him because of his grip.
"A real fight is never predictable, Trollhunter. You have to expect the unexpected and learn to embody the armor, force it to do what you want." Draal explained.
My amulet glowed as I forced the sword to appear in my other hand, the blade pointing at Draal's gut.
I then slipped from his hold, using my wings as support to pin him to the wall.
"How's that?" I asked, pulling a laugh from the troll before I stepped away, finding myself smiling slightly.
My phone then began to ring.
I pulled it out and checked why.
"Oh shoot. Arya, we're supposed to meet Blinky at the museum now." I spoke, Arya nodding as she pulled away from her mock battle.
I then turned my gaze to the troll.
"We'll work more on this later, okay Draal?" I asked, already moving away.
I could feel him nod.
"Hey, I'm coming too." Jim spoke, causing me to glance over my shoulder at him.
"Why don't you stay here with Draal. Maybe there's something he could teach you as well." I replied, turning my gaze forward again.

Once reaching the museum, we crawled through the window that Blinky had left open.
"Let's hope Blinky took care of the camera's as well." I stated, causing Arya to nod in agreement.
We walked down the hallway cautiously.
"The goblins are gone." Arya stated quietly.
We found the three trolls near the dress that Claire had taken an interest in before.
"You're late." Blinky stated simply, staring us down.
"Draal decided to train with Skylar." Arya replied, bowing her head slightly.
I elbowed her slightly, sending her  slight glare.
"Draal?" Arrrgh asked.
"Training?" Blinky then asked.
"Yeah, he made a home in my basement to look out for the place." I replied, rubbing the back of my neck.
"Of course. When a troll is defeated in combat, it's completely natural for them to take refuge in the victors domicile." Blinky stated in a sarcastic tone.
"See? I'm not the only one that thought it was a bad idea." I spoke, looking to Arya.
That's when Vendel cleared his throat, catching all our attention.
"Are we simply waiting here to be discovered? Or were you planning on showing me this thing you believe to be the Killahead Bridge?" Vendel asked.
Blinky laughed nervously.
"The Trollhunter was just about to show us the way." The six-eyed troll spoke as he patted my shoulder.
I sighed with a roll of my eyes before leading them down the hall, explaining what had happened.
"And as we were chasing away the goblin pack, we ran past this closed exhibit and there it was: the Killahead Bridge." I finsihed, pushing the two wooden doors open.
I pulled the curtain open to find the same large blanket covering a hidden object that took on the same shape of the Killahead Bridge.
The trolls all gasped, Blinky looking to Vendel.
Arrrgh helped us uncover the large piece of fabric covering the item to reeal a viking ship.
"What?" I asked softly, disbelief coating the single word.
Arya and I exchanged a look.
"Blinkous Galadrigal, I've not left the Heartstone in a century. I only did so tonight because of the grave peril Killahead represents." Vendel pointed out before continuing.
"For you to invoke that dager without just cause--"
"If Lady Skylar says it's so--"
"You will be only too quick to believe her. You've never met a conspiracy theory you didn't like." Vendel interrupted after Blinky's interruption.
"I hate conspiracies. That is why I am dedicated to rooting them out." Blinky defended.
"Like you rooted out the plot to rid Trollmarket of all its cat meat?" Vendel asked.
"That was a misunderstanding." Blinky replied quickly.
I sighed heavily, shaking my head befoe exchanging a look with Arya as this continued.
In the end, Vendel had Arrrgh take him home.
"We know what we saw." I mumbled softly, Arya placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.
In the end, Blinky walked us back to my house, coming inside with us as we spoke.
However, the sound of a cup shattering upon contact with the ground caused us all to stop and look over.
Jim had facepalmed and Toby had just fainted.
"Well... Shit." I spoke as Draal came up.
"I heard glass shatter." He spoke before seeing the problem.
"Yeah, let's just bring in the whole town to help us." I stated sarcastically, placing my head in my hands as I took a seat.
"I do not believe that would help, Lady Skylar." Blinky stated.
I only let out a groan.


Ah, finally we can welcome Toby back to the Trollhunters, we have dearly missed his humor.
I hope you all enjoyed todays chapter and I hope you enjoy the next twenty four hours!
Bye for now!

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