Chapter 32: Angers Toll

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The light filtered in through the window, causing me to flutter my eyes open and look in the direction Skylar was resting.
She stirred, causing me to sit up straight.
I had news for her and it was important.
Her eyes fluttered open, her breath catching in her throat as she took in her surroundings.
After a few seconds, she sat up, fisting the sheets before glancing over at me.
"Hey." She greeted softly.
"Hey." I replied, standing up to stand next to her.
"You doing alright?" I then asked.
She responded by pulling the blanket off her and swinging her legs over the side, standing up.
I saw her wince slightly before placing her hand to her forehead, feeling the bandage that was there.
She pulled her hand away with a sigh.
"They have Blinky." I spoke, cutting to the chase.
Her gaze snapped to meet mine, violet against blue.
She opened her mouth to speak, but got interrupted by the door opening.
"Hello, Arya." Dr. Lake greeted.
"Dr. Lake." I greeted in turn, bowing my head slightly.
"I'll meet you outside." Skylar spoke, causing me to nod before heading out.
I walked out the lobby door, deciding to wait outside so I could get some fresh air.
A few minutes later and Skylar stormed out, a pissed off look covering her features.
"Come on, we have to get Blinky back." She spoke, causing me to nod and follow after her.
I followed silently as she led the way to her house.
Her hands were stuffed into the pockets of her jacket, her bag thrown carelessly over her shoulder. 
"Everything okay?" I asked slowly.
"They're going to regret messing with me." She responded with, a growl to her tone.
I stayed silent after that until we walked into her house, Draal coming up to greet us after Skylar knocked on the wall twice.
"They took Blinky. I'm going to rescue him." She stated sternly, heading into the kitchen.
Draal opened his mouth to speak, but Skylar continued.
"You are going to make sure Toby and Jim stay here after Arya brings them over, saying I had a plan or whatever. Point is, keep them here." She spoke, dropping her bag to the floor.
"What?" I asked.
"I tried teamwork, it gets too messy. I'm going to rescue Blinky on my own. Try to Arrrgh in the dark about the whole thing." She went on, looking through the cupboards.
"Wait, why are you going at it alone?" I asked.
"I would like to understand as well." Draal spoke in turn.
Skylar slammed the can she was holding onto the counter.
"Didn't I just say?" She questioned, causing Draal and I to exchange looks before looking back at the angry red head in front of us.
She sighed, turning away from us as she continued her search for whatever it was she was looking for.
"Just keep them here, and if they ask where I am, say I'm out getting more canned food." She stated softly, her anger seeming to dissolve quickly.
She sighed again, looking at the clock.
"I have to get going. Don't follow me." She spoke, voice stern.
"Okay." I agreed, nodding.
Draal only watched in silence as she headed towards the door.
"You are walking into a den of death, for what? Blinky?" He suddenly asked, causing Skylar to pause with her hand on the handle.
She didn't even turn to look at him when she responded.
"I'd do the same for you."
I clenched my fist, biting my tongue as she walked out the door.
I turned to Draal.
"What do we do now?" He asked, causing me to sigh.
"As she says. We'll get the others." I stated, a mischievous smile gracing my lips.
He let out a snort of agreement.

We snuck into the museum, the sound of metal clashing against metal already taking place.
Jim immediately widened his eyes, breath hitching.
"She actually went against them alone. This wasn't even part of her plan?" He spoke, looking to me with worried eyes as we snuck closer, Draal seeming to tense further.
"She was very clear about us staying put." I replied softly.
Finally, we shoved the curtains aside.
"I am Toby, Grandson of Nana! Fan of hard Rock!" Toby shouted, distracting everyone, including Skylar from the fight.
The music that he started playing definitely wasn't rock...
Skylar just stared at us, looking at us with a 'really' look.
However, my gaze fell on Bular, anger filling ever fiber of my being as Toby fixed the playlist that was playing.

"Arya, can you hand me the hot sauce?"
I gave a nod, handing him the glass bottle holding the spicy substance.
"Thanks!" He stated before mixing it into his ketchup to dip his french fries in.
"So strange." I murmured, causing him to grab one of my fries and stick it into his mixture.
"Try it." He urged, holding the fry out to me.
I sighed before taking it from him.
Hesitantly, I took a small bite.
It wasn't too bad...

I unsheathed my daggers, a dangerous glare on my features before I charged, re-initiating the fight.
"Kill them all!" Bular shouted, everything else around me a faint buzz.
Skylar fought against Strickler; Jim, Not Enrique, and Arrrgh fighting off the goblins as Draal attacked Nomura.
Toby was cutting Blinky down.
Finally, I was able to lodge a Dagger into Bular's arm, slicing the other one across his chest.
Something suddenly slammed into my side, causing me to fall and slide across the floor.
I turned, coming face to face with a goblin as he tried to claw at me.
I grit my teeth before throwing him off me and against a wall, watching as he became nothing but a green mush.
The goblins that weren't already attacking started coming at me and my glare hardened as I did my best to fight them off, trying to get back to my fight with Bular.
A sudden force then caused everyone to fly back.
The bridge was opened, Skylar kicking Strickler off of her, resulting in a red gash appearing across her cheek.
I grabbed not Enrique, hiding behind a pillar as the portal began to suck everything in.
I took a peek around the corner, seeing Skylar was hanging from the bridge, trying her best to pull the amulet free.
Draal was making her way to her, doing his best to not get pulled into the dark lands.
He put his hand over Skylar's, pulling at the amulet with her.
Nomura then jumped onto Draal, trying to pull him away.
However, Skylar suddenly began glowing, electricity crackling from her skin which flung Nomura away.
As the electricity emanating from Skylar grew stronger, she flung Draal away in a desperate way to protect him from herself.
The amulet was torn free, Skylar being sent backwards into the wall.
Dust fell everywhere, causing me to blink rapidly as I tried to pinpoint where everyone was.
Slowly, the dust settled and I set Not Enrique down as I looked over.
Skylar was next to Draal's motionless form, her own shaking as she looked him over.
"Skylar?" I spoke, trying to catch her attention.
She didn't move.
Until Draal let out a groan.
I moved closer, seeing his arm had crumbled to dust.
"You're alive..." She whispered, letting out a breath of relief.
"Lady Skylar, we must leave at once." Blinky insisted.
Skylar slowly stood up, trying to help him up.
"Arrrgh, help me." She spoke, Arrrgh moving over to do so.
Jim then walked up, motioning to Skylar that he would take her place.
She stared at him a moment before nodding and shifting Draal's weight onto him.
Blinky then lead us over to the manhole in the museum that lead to the sewers.
Jim let out a heavy sigh.
"Where did Bular go?" I then asked, feeling almost completely numb.
Skylar widened her eyes before pushing me in, the others jumping in after me.
I barely had time to close my eyes and take in a deep breath before being completely submerged.

Hello my dear readers! 
Welcome back. 
Since I missed uploading a chapter yesterday, I'll be posting another one later on today.
I'll also be posting the next section of the q and A either today or tomorrow!
Thank you all for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
As always, have a fantastic morning/afternoon/evening/night!

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