Chapter Twenty: Clashing Thoughts

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"Are you certain? Are you unquestionably, unequivocally-"
"I'm certain." Arya spoke firmly as I leaned against the wall.
A beat.
"Could be anything." Arrrgh stated.
"I concur." Blinky stated, agreeing with the larger troll.
"Skylar, you saw it too, correct? In the museum?" Arya spoke, turning her gaze to me.
"I... Yes. I think so. I never did get a good look because of everything going on, but... The more I think about it... The more I see it. It's Killahead." I stated, giving a firm nod at the end.
A sigh left me and I ran a hand through my hair.
"I'm going to walk around a bit. I'll be back soon." I stated.
They nodded.
"I'll catch you up later." Arya stated, causing me to smile slightly.
I than began my walk.
As I walked, the trolls muttered softly as they stared.
My armor was on, so I refolded my wings to make them smaller, though otherwise, I didn't pay much attention to them.
My mind was blank as I walked past everything.
I ended up bumping into someone, almost falling over, but my wings caught me.
"Sorry." I muttered, moving past the troll.
"So the Trollhunter is clumsy." A familiar voice stated, though I couldn't place it at the time.
I turned to face the troll, my gaze meeting Draal's.
"Oh, it's you." I stated simply.
He then frowned and I turned away.
He grabbed my arm, causing me to send a glare his way.
"Are you... Alright?" He asked.
A scoff left me.
"Why would you care, Draal? If I'm distracted you'll have a chance to win. Isn't that what you want?" I asked in turn, watching his eyes dance in slight confusement and annoyance.
When he didn't answer, I continued.
"That's exactly what I thought. And you know why? Because you are predictable. You are a child and this amulet is the toy you so desperately want. Maybe one day you'll open your eyes and you'll see why it didn't choose you. Until then, I would worry about yourself and the fight to come rather than worry for my sake."
I turned and walked away, folding my arms across my chest and tucking my wings.
I was exhausted to say the least and I had no idea how much longer I could go without sleep.
My fingertips began to itch, almost burning.
In fact, I was heating up.
I leaned against the wall of the empty tunnel,
My veins felt as though they were on fire.
I dropped, my vision going black.

When I came to, I was in bed.
I sat up, sighing and I stared down the steps, the smell of different foods accompanying each step.
I saw Jim and mom.
"What time is it?" I asked, sitting down at the table.
"Late. You slept for a long time. When you got here, you seemed really out of it." Mom stated.
I then glanced around the table.
"I haven't been sleeping the best. A lot's been going on." I said, seeing just how much was on the table.
"Jim, what is all this?" I asked, raising a brow at him.
"I just wanted a nice dinner for all of us. It's been a while since we all ate together." He replied, gesturing his hand that we'll talk later.
"It's more like a feast." I stated, grabbing my plate and piling food onto it.
I started eating as Jim and mom made small talk.
I finished quickly, even with the amount of food I had.
The base of my skull began to throb again.
"Skylar, are you alright?" Mom asked, catching my attention.
"Yeah, just thinking." I replied before standing.
"I'm going to get some more rest." I added, walking up to my room.
Soon after, I heard footsteps and my door opened.
"Skylar..." Jim started, seeming saddened.
"I know you're worried Jim." I spoke as he closed the door behind him.
He sat down next to me and I let out a sigh.
"I will survive, you know I will." I added softly.
"We don't know that. You're a great fighter, but sometimes..." He sighed, trailing off.
"I won't lose, Jim." I stated firmly, meeting his gaze.
A beat.
"I believe in you." He spoke softly.
"Come watch, tomorrow. I could use a good cheerleader." I joked, offering a smile.
"You want me to cheer you on? As if." He replied, shoving me away.
We both laughed softly.

The next night, I waited by my brother, Arya, Blinky, and Arrrgh as the trolls gathered into the stands that surrounded the heroes forge.
"Gathered Trollkind!" Vendel announced, catching everyone's attention.
"The trollhunter has laid a challenge before the son of her predecessor, and you shall all bear witness to the ensuing battle, which will be one for the ages..." He stated, trailing off to mutter under his breath.
"Hey, we are getting tacos with Toby tomorrow when this is all over, alright. And if you remember correctly, it's your turn to buy tacos." I spoke, causing him to give a weak smile.
"Draal, son of Kanjigar, son of Tarigar!" Vendel then announced, signaling the beginning.
The sound of rock on rock, rolling, echoed into my ears.
"Draal the Destroyer, come forth." The ederly troll ordered.
"How original." I muttered, rolling my eyes.
Spotlights hit him as he rolled towards the center.
He jumped into the air, landing in the center, the crowd cheering him on.
"It's time to put everything I've ever said to you to practice." Blinky stated, causing me to look at him with a raised brow.
"With a little luck, he'll trip and fall. Now, tell me; rule number one." Blinky went on.
"Always be afraid." I replied, moving my gaze back to Draal.
"Rule two." Blinky demanded.
"Always finish the fight." I stated.
"Rule three?" Blinky asked.
"About that, I have an idea. There could be more than one weakness besides the... the gronk-nuks, so I was thinking I could try finding that." I explained, causing Blinky to smile brightly.
He did love learning and teaching.
"And now, Draal's combatant, Skylar Lake. Daughter of..." He trailed off.
"Ba-bu-rah." He then finished.
"Come forth, human Trollhunter." He spoke.
I took a breath and walked forward.
"Good luck out there, Skylar." Jim spoke.
I gave a firm nod, the light falling onto me.
The gate slammed down behind me, my steps silent as I opened my wings slightly, my gaze never leaving Draal's.
"Prepare for battle!" Vendel spoke.
I grabbed the sword from my back, readying myself as Draal raored, slamming his fists to the ground.
"Begin!" Vendel shouted, causing the crowds to cheer.
The ground shook beneathe us before it began to rise.
I just had to keep my balance and use my new surroundings to win.
Draal growled and I hardened my gaze.
Draal jumped towards me once the gears stopped turning and I jumped down, rolling across a lower platform.
However, I did not account for Draal to be faster than before.
He grabbed my leg, spinning me through the air before letting go.
I landed, using my wings to catch myself.
My glare hardened as he laughed.
I tossed the sword at him, darting into the air.
He dodged it as I flew behind him, the sword appearing in my hand.
He turned, and I tilted my wings back, catching the air and landing on the opposite side of the ring.
I was baiting him.
He gave chase and I smirked before running.
Draal then jumped into the air.
I dodged to the left, his fist coming into contact with the ground.
I launched myself upwards, Draal following.
All the pieces then raised up to the same level as the center before turning.
I walked back, my feet going to the edge as I focused on keeping my breathing calm.
My heart was beating fast as I watched the blue troll advance.
He then charged and I jumped down, flying underneathe the platforms before reappearing.
I landed silently, staying behind Draal as he looked around for me.
When he turned, I turned.
When he jumped down, I got into position, readying myself, but staying hidden at the same time.
"You cannot be the Trollhunter! You're a human girl!" Draal shouted, his frustration showing.
"I am the son of Kanjigar!" He added.
I let out a laugh, a smirk falling into place.
He turned.
"And I am Skylar Lake, daughter of Barbara and sister to Jim. And for the last time..." I began, lifting my gaze to meet the Troll's.
"The amulet chose me." I finsihed.
Draal growled before roaring.
I dodged to the left, the axe swinging towards Draal.
The blue troll had no time to react as the axe had hit him, taking him with it.
The force flung Draal into the air.
When he landed, he rolled, having to cling to the edge to not fall.
Everyone gasped and I stood, walking over with the sword in hand.
The crowd started yelling at me to finish the fight.
I took in a breath, thrusting the sword into the ground and using it as support as I offered my hand to the blue troll.
He stared at me.
"The fights over. Let me help you up." I spoke, my voice carrying over the area.
Everyone was silent as Draal continued to stare up at me.
"Quite making it weird." I then stated.
He grabbed hold of my hand and I pulled him up.
I couldn't help but see how... broken he looked.
As if this was a fate worse than death.
I sheathed the sword after taking it out of the ground, ignoring the booing crowd.
"See ya." I then spoke, waving off handedly to the crowd.
I wasn't one for speeches.
Everyone was silent as they watched me head towards the gate.
"You did marvelous work out there, Lady Skylar." Blinky complimented.
"I know." I replied as I flipped my hair sarcastically, causing Arya to give a breathy laugh.
I joined her until the booing began again.
I looked over my shoulder, seeing Draal walk off while the other trolls threw things at him.
"Why are they treating him that way?" Arya asked as I frowned.
"Skylar spared his life, but destroyed his honor. He will never be able to show his face in Trollmarket again." Blinky explained.
My frown deepened.
I adverted my gaze and walked with the others out of there.
I should just forget about it.
After all, Draal wasn't my problem anymore.


I hope you enjoyed today's chapter!
AS always have a lovely morning/afternoon/evening/night!
Bye for now!

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