Chapter Six: A Friend?

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I had no luck finding Bular last night, but I did end up finding the place where the magic burst took place.
The canal.
The magic residue that was left behind was messy at best.
It took hours to clean up so it wouldn't have any lasting effects on anything within the vicinity.
A sigh passed through me as I entered the school, looking around.
However, there was a face in the crowd that I did not recognize from yesterday.
And strangely enough, she was walking with that boy that wouldn't stop looking over his shoulder at me.
I raised a brow before making my way over.
"Good morning." I greeted, causing Toby to jump.
"Oh! Hey, Arya. How have you been adjusting?" Jim greeted, causing me to blink slowly as I mulled over an answer.
"It's... going to take some getting used to, but otherwise, I think I'll manage." I replied before turning my attention onto the girl.
"Oh, I'm going to like you." She stated with a mischievious grin.
"Uh oh." Toby stated, visibly paling before the red-haired girl introduced herself, holding out her hand.
"I'm Skylar Lake. Nice to meet you."
I took her hand gently, giving it a small shake before letting go.
"Arya River." I replied.
Her smile seemed to get bigger.
"Lake and River. We are going to be great friends." She spoke.
She had said it with such conviction that I was almost inclined to believe her.
"I suppose we shall see." I replied, giving the smallest of smiles.
"We shall." She agreed.
And that's how the four of us ended up walking to class together.
I will admit that she was an interesting character to say the least.
However, she did seem to have a vendetta against the history teacher, Mr. Stricklander (Or Strickler I suppose).
He called on her frequently through out class and she got every answer correct despite the fact that it didn't even seem like she was paying attention.
Very interesting indeed.
"Miss River." Strickler then spoke, causing my attention to move back to him.
"Can you answer the question on the board?" He asked, causing me to move my violet gaze to that.
What was the largest contiguous empire in history?
I was silent a moment before coming to a conclusion.
"The Mongol Empire during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.
"Very good. Now-"
His voice drowned out as my violet gaze met blue.
"Good job. Not everyone knows that." Skylar whispered at a much lower volume than other humans used for whispering.
I matched the volume as I replied.
"You know you're history as well. I must say I'm impressed."
"Us history buffs gotta stick together. Can you imagine what we could do if we put our minds together?" She asked, a very soft laugh echoing after her words.
I found myself genuinely smiling slightly.
"I suppose we would make a good team." I replied, causing her smile to brighten.
With that, we both refocused on the class.
A very strange girl indeed.
That's when a glow from the bag at her feet caught my eye.
I raised a questioning brow before it disappeared.
A silent hum left me, my lips pressing into a thin line.

I made my way to my locker, seeing Skylar was talking to her brother and Toby.
Soon, the two of them left and she started walking in the opposite direction of the two.
I raised a questioning brow before quickly doing the combination to my locker and dropping off the things I didn't need.
That's when a flash of swords and teeth crossed my vision.
My hands scrambled for my art book and a pencil, quickly beginning to sketch as soon as I had hold of those items.
Sometimes, I would be hit by glimpses of the future and I drew them out in order to try and understand them.
Though, it was never clear on paper either.
A single flash would come to me every now and again with nearly perfect clarity, but once it was gone and I had it on paper, it would only leave me confused.
However, this one...
This one was clear.
It was Bular.
His face was twisted up into a nasty snarl, his red eyes seeming to glow that bloody color despite the fact I had used a lead pencil.
I could feel my own blood boil at the sight.
However, the half of his face that I had drawn was being reflected in the metal of a sword.
The small bit of a design of it seemed oddly familiar to me, but it was as if it was locked away in the deepest corners of my memory.
I furrowed my brows as I walked, lips pressed into a thin line as I stared at the drawing.
Someone must be fighting him.
It wasn't me.
I wasn't skilled with blades.
I was an archer, not a swordsman.
I prefered fighting at a distance, but I could put on a good defensive when up close and personal.
So this person that was fighting him, would either be an ally or a simple enemy of my enemy.
Most assume that the enemy of your enemy was a friend, but that is not always the case.
Sometimes, they were worse than you thought your former enemy to be.
I closed my sketch book, deciding that worrying about it now wouldn't do me any good.
If I was correct, then it won't take long for it to come true.
And I will find the person fighting Bular.
Because they will lead me to him, even if they don't know it.

As I walked through town, I saw Skylar again.
She was just exiting the convient store, sipping at what I believed was called a slurpee, which was blue and red in color, while dropping her board and beginning to skate down the sidewalk.
She easily manuevered past the few pedestrians.
What a strange girl.
She glanced over and gave me a small wave before continuing along her path to wherever it was she was going.
I tilted my head slightly.
I had a distinct feeling that there was more to her than a single meeting could let on.
Perhaps it would be in my best interest to get to know her better.
After all, she did say we would make great friends.

"Always use every situation to your advantage and never tell a full truth unless you wish to fail."

That voice echoed in my mind.
It was one of the elves that my brother and I had met before his death.
They were rather 'prickly' as my brother put it before comparing them to a cactus.
I hummed.
I wonder just how well that piece of advice would work out in this situation.
And if it's even worth risking it.
For now though, I think I'll head home.


So our two lovely young ladies have met.
Skylar seems to have taken quite a liking to Arya, yet the elf seems slightly opposed to the idea of friendship.
I hope you're enjoying it so far.
As always, have a lovely rest of your morning/afternoon/evening/night.
And maybe leave a comment.
Bye for now!

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