Chapter Seven: A Close Call

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I skated down the street, throwing the empty slurpee cup into an open dumpster as I passed by.
The sun was just beginning to set after having spent a few hours in town.
I let out a breath as I skated through the now empty streets.
A roar broke through the quiet atmosphere as I turned the corner, immediately seeing the source of such a sound.
I flipped the board up, catching it as I stared silently at the brute before me.
"Trollhunter, Merlins Creation, Gunmars Bane!" He shouted, glaring me down.
Dang did his voice carry.
I looked around as if he could be talking to anyone before shrugging and looking back at him.
He then roared, causing me to throw my board at him without thinking.
It broke upon contact with his skull.
"Well... Shit." I stated as he growled lowly, raising his gaze back to me after staring at the broken board for a moment.
I laughed awkwardly before taking off down the street.
I stopped behind a truck, grabbing the amulet from my bag.
"For the glory of Merlin's moon, Night and Day is mine to command." I spoke quickly.
"Oh for the love of-"
I was cut off by the loud troll's voice.
"Centuries of trollhunters and I will have killed two in almost as many days!"
Is he freaking kidding me?
That's when the truck was picked up and I stumbled slightly, as I had been using it for support.
My grip tightened around the amulet, my knuckles turning white as I stared at him.
"Hey man, maybe you need a snickers?" I suggested.
He growled and I took off running again, the truck being thrown towards me.
I have no idea how, but suddenly, I was flying, my black-feathered wings curling around me to make it through the small alley.
Yet there was no armor.
As soon as I landed on the other side, my wings disappeared and I began running again, taking off towards the edge of town as the troll's roar echoed with anger behind me.
Eventually, I made it to the edge of town, a few miles out and I looked around with heavy breaths, praying that the giant troll didn't follow me.
"Oh my jeez. I flew. A truck was thrown at me. How am I not dead?" I asked aloud, crouching down as I panted heavily.
"Aha! Lady Skylar!" A familiar voice greeted, causing me to jump up, the adrenaline still coursing through me.
"Buar's trying to kill me. He chased me all over town!" I greeted the two trolls with, gesturing wildly with my hands.
"And you're still alive! I knew you had potential, Lady Skylar!" Blinky countered, causing me to let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding.
"You have a really sweet voice, but you bring death with you." I stated sourly.
I then groaned, running a hand through my deep red hair.
My thoughts circled wildly as I tried to form a plan, however was quickly interrupted by a snarl.
I glanced over my shoulder, tensing when I saw Bular.
"Follow me! We'll be safe in Heartstone Trollmarket!" Blinky ordered, already running off with Arrrgh.
I let out a frustrated groan, glaring at the troll.
"You owe me a new board!" I shouted before being dragged off by Arrrgh.
"Dawn your armor!" Blinky shouted.
"I tried, the amulet isn't working!" I replied.
"Did you speak the incantation?" He asked in turn, causing me to glare at him as I ran.
"What do you think I've been doing?! Singing to it?!" I shouted.
"Just focuse and say the incantation." He replied quickly.
I let out a quick breath before looking at the amulet.
"For the Glory of Merlin's moon, Night and Day is mine to command!" I spoke.
"That is not the right incantation." Blinky stated.
"Well that's what it says!" I shouted back.
"That must be the incantation because of the merge!" He spoke, seeming excited with the information.
"Nerd out later!" I shouted at him before saying the incantation again, just having reached the canal.
The trolls ran ahead and just as Bular reached me, the armor appeared with a bright glow.
I was thrown back by the force behind Bular's punch, but luckily, my wings caught me.
I lowered myself to teh ground, a sword appearing in my hand.
A glare fixed itself onto my face and I raised the sword.
Bular roared once again before charging as I opened my wings fully.
I swung the sword, my feet moving surely across the concrete, however his reflexes were quick and he blocked my attack.
I flapped my wings, gaining distance between us.
I then faked an attack, dropping to my knees and sliding past him before flying towards the opening that the two trolls made under a bridge.
I broke through right before it closed behind me and I landed roughly.
"He nearly... Oh my god, he almost..." I spoke, standing up with a soft chuckly.
"What? Speak Lady Skylar." Blinky ordered.
"He almost killed us." I stated breathlessly, running a hand through my hair as I tried to catch my breath from the sudden adrenaline high.
"Almost! A very important word! A life of almost is a life of never!" Blinky exclaimed.
"Yeah... I don't think that's how it works." I stated, letting out a breathy sigh.
After stretching my wings a bit, the armor and my wings glowed softly before disappearing.
I placed the amulet back in my back as I followed the two trolls down the crystal stairs that lit up with each step.
"This is beautiful." I whispered.
"It is indeed. Just for future purposes, the incantation forbids entry to the Heartstone Trollmarket by Gumm-Gumms, such as Bular. They are the most fearsome of Trolls." Blinky explained, causing me to nod.
"Scary one." Arrrgh added.
"Sounds like a candy to me." I stated, a small headache throbbing at the base of my skull after I said those words.
"Do you have any questions, Lady Skylar?" Blinky asked.
"Not really, I'm understanding what's being said pretty well." I replied, shrugging slightly as I let my gaze wonder.
We then entered the centre of Heartstone Trollmarket.
"Beautiful." I whispered.
"This is the world you are bound to protect! This is Heartstone Trollmarket!" Blinky spoke as I looked around in complete awe.
I was starstruck.


Ah, Skylar has finally made it to Trollmarket.
What a lovely place it is.
I'll see you guys in the next update.
Tell me the part you liked most, your theories?
And as always, have a great rest of your morning/afternoon/evening/night.
See you soon my dear readers!

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