Chapter 44: Intruders

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The fight had begun, Arya and I were back-to-back.
The others were fighting separately.
We were quickly getting cornered, Claire stabbing Gatto's tongue.
I was beginning to like her if I was being honest.
We started running, Blinky and Toby having been swallowed.
"We need to get to the Gyre!" I shouted, the others running beside me with a mutual agreement.
I opened my wings, shooting ahead to clear the path for the others.
I was the first to make it to the gyre, starting it up as I waited for the others.
Just as Toby and Blinky appeared, Arya was jumping across the opening that was quickly filling with lava.
Everything seemed to slow as I watched her.
She barely made it, running over with Blinky and Toby.
I laughed as they got in, Blinky taking control.
"You're crazy!" I shouted to Arya, receiving a laugh.
"Right back at you!" She shouted back.
I only laughed, enjoying the exhilarating ride back.

I walked home, readjusting my bag before seeing Strickler's vehicle, Jim talking to him at the door.
I narrowed my gaze, growling lowly before getting into the vehicle and armoring up.
I waited patiently, laying my sword across my lap as I slowly watched him near.
He got into the drivers seat, checking his reflection in the rear view mirror.
I raised my sword, catching his attention.
"Young Athena." Strickler greeted, causing me to grit my teeth.
"If I ever see you near them again..." I began.
He only sighed.
"I expected this time would come." He stated, seemingly calm.
I scoffed, glaring him down.
A throb echoed in the back of my head, dread filling me.
"What did you do to her?" I asked with a growl, panic gripping at my chest.
He then slid his finger across the blade.
My eyes widened and I glanced over at the window, seeing mom drop a plate and checking her finger.
I growled, deactivating my armor.
"You're going to regret this." I whispered before exiting the vehicle.
I slammed the car door before heading towards the door.
I opened the door.
"Skylar." Mom greeted.
I met her gaze, staying silent.
"I'm going to do my homework in the basement." I spoke sourly, ignoring Jim as he stood on the stairs.
I slammed the basement door behind me, walking down the stairs and throwing my bag on the ground before turning to my punching bag.
"Is everything alright?" A voice spoke, startling me.
I turned, seeing Draal sitting in the shadows.
I stayed silent a moment, my heart racing as I took in a deep breath.
"I'm fine." I replied softly, taking a seat on the ground.
He moved a bit closer and I winced, the throbbing getting stronger.
I placed my head in my hands, trying to will the headache away.
I felt a pressure, running over my hair.
I glanced up, meeting Draal's gaze.
"Do you mind if I stay here tonight?" I asked softly.
"Your house, your rules." He reminded.
I laughed softly, a haze falling over my mind as I leaned into him.
I was suddenly very tired.
"Hey, Draal." I whispered, closing my eyes.
"Yes?" He whispered quietly.
"I forgive you... You're not that bad." I replied softly before giving into sleep.


I felt my heart beating quickly as I watched her.
She forgave me.
A shiver ran through her and I pulled her a bit closer.
She was so small compared to me, a fact I could never look over.
I stilled when she began mumbling in her sleep, holding my breath.
She moved closer, curling into herself before letting out a deep breath.
After a few seconds, I began to breathe again.
Was Jim right?
Should I pursue this feeling I have for her, pursue her?
Or is the fact she is human and I'm not too much a difference?
I found myself slowly giving into the warmth her body gave off, sleep slowly taking over me as well.


The next day, I was in the void again.
They were going through my memories about the triumbric stones.
"She found the birthstone."
"She thinks she can kill Gunmar." 
"We told her she couldn't."
"What can I say, I have a knack for proving people wrong." I muttered as they continued.
"Silence!" Kanjigar demanded, before meeting my gaze.
"You said it was impossible to kill Gunmar, but I found a way. You're either a lousy council or a liar. Whichever one you are, I don't need. As proven." I spoke, not backing down.
"We needed to deter you from making a grave mistake. You were lucky to obtain the Birthstone, but the journey will only grow more treacherous from here onward." Kanjigar stated in defense.
My glare only hardened.
"If we don't end Gunmar, then this fight will never end. Is that what you really want?" I asked before deciding to continue.
"And not to mention that you also said that I needed to push my friends away, but without them, I wouldn't have gotten as far as I did."
This outraged them.
"The girl won't listen."
"She mocks us."
"What's the point in council?"
"If you insist on risking the lives of everyone you care about, I advise you to listen to reason." Kanjigar stated.
A voice started calling me, however, I ignored it.
"I'm not like you!" I shouted, silencing them.
"I am a human, not a troll. I am going to do this the only way I know how and that is by working together with those that have my back! Maybe that's the reason the amulet chose me because that is the only reason I am even still alive right now." I stated.
No one said a word and I was sent back.
I stumbled slightly, a bit disoriented before meeting Draal's gaze.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Intruder." He stated, causing me to open my wings and shoot for the center of trollmarket.
I landed in the center of the crowd, seeing something hanging in a sack from the ceiling.
"Everyone back off. I'm the trollhunter and I'll deal with it." I spoke, causing them to do so.
However, the one holding the rope tried to argue until I narrowed my gaze on him.
"Let him go." I ordered.
He gave in, dropping the bag carelessly.
I grabbed my sword as I moved closer, opening the bag.
"Oh, thank you, Skylar." The man spoke, causing me to raise a brow.
"How did you get here and how do you know my name?" I asked, the others finally here.
"Lady Skylar, it's me. Blinky." The man pleaded.
I looked him over before sheathing my sword.
The base of my skull throbbed.
Before I could speak, the others chimed in.
"No. He lies." Arrrgh stated.
"Strike the fleshbag down. He's seen too much." Draal spoke.
"I can prove it." The man spoke before continuing, "Your mother is Barbara Lake. You're best friends with Arya River. Your father disappeared when you were five." 
I took a step back, not knowing what to do here.
"The changeling spy has studied you!" Draal spoke, obviously not believing a word.
"Everybody back down!" I shouted, silencing them.
I turned my gaze onto the male.
"Tell me the absolute truth or I'll decapitate you. Are you or are you not Blinkous Galadrigal?" I asked lowly.
He frowned.
"You know I despise being called that, nor do I appreciate your tone of voice. Is this the way you address an errant stranger in need?" The man then asked.
I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me and I deactivated my armor.
"I'll take that as a yes." I stated before looking him over.
"You look terrible, by the way." I stated, the others slowly relaxing.
Arrrgh then poked Blinky's gut.
"Squishy." He stated with a laugh.
Draal then sniffed him.
"What sorcery is at work here?" Draal asked.
"If I had to guess, I'd say it was something of Gatto's." Arya stated, causing me to nod.
"Who knew what he had in there." I agreed.
"Come on, let's get you to Vendel." I stated, receiving a nod.

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