Chapter Five: Living Stone

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(Arya and Skylar above):


It was about seven-thirty and I was walking through the woods, having just ate some food at the diner.
The waiter was a bit weird, and I had a feeling he was a bit... how should I say... scattered.
His personality was anyway.
I couldn't see myself getting along with him ever if we had met outside of the diner.
A heavy breath escaped me and I felt the warm violet-indigo glow inside my bag, causing me to dig it out.
I frowned, studying it.
"You are a strange thing, aren't you?" I questioned with a mutter.
"Lady Skylar!" A voice spoke suddenly and I turned, muttering the words written on the amulet subconsciously.
We were bathed in the calm glow, the wings unfolding around me as I stared down the being coming through the bushes.
"Incredible reflexes, Lady Skylar!" He(?) complimented.
I could only stare at the being in front of me, another ambling out of the bushes behind them.
"What are you?" I asked, glad my voice had come out stronger than I had originally anticipated.
"Oh, we are trolls. I knew it was but a matter of time before the amulet called out to us." He replied with.
"What are you talking about?" I asked, however he plowed on.
"Actually, no. We've been spying on you."
"Spy on you." The bigger one stated.
"Excuse me?!" I asked incredulously, taking a step back.
"Well, keeping a close eye on you." The one with six eyes corrected.
It was silent a moment.
"What?" I asked, my voice unusually calm given the situation.
Before they could speak, I found myself talking, my voice slowly rising with each word.
"First, you stalk me, then you dump a bunch of nonsense on top of me?! Who even are you? Where did you come from? And what do you mean by amulet?! I have no idea what is going on and I would really love some answers without a confusing and messy explanation. So please, for the love of whatever you worship, just tell me what I want and/or need to know."
"Scary one." The big one stated softly, seeming to shrink away a tad.
A cry of irritation escaped me as I threw my hands into the air, turning away from them.
"Lady Skylar, if I may." The other troll spoke slowly, causing me to turn back to them.
"Firstly, allow me to introduce ourselves properly. My name is Blinky and my companion here is Arrrgh." Six eyes stated, gesturing to the bigger 'troll' with two of his arms.
"Three r's." He stated, making me nod slowly.
"And secondly, we really should begin your training as soon as possible given the situation. You see, the Trollhunter's amulet is what protects all of troll and human kind alike from evil forces. However, it seems... that the trollhunter's amulet and the... Nightwatcher's amulet have merged together to create... You. Your wings are the product of the nightwatcher's amulet and it contains many abilities. However, the armour you have adorned is the product of the Trollhunter's amulet. I have no idea as to what this means and further study, along with your training, could do wonders to help all of us. For this, has never happened before in all of troll history." He explained.
I blinked slowly, absorbing this new information.
"And you wish to train me... because I am supposed to be fighting off the evil that lurks over your kind?" I asked slowly, filling in the few blanks I still had as the information was slowly clicking into place, which was unusual.
"Precisely, Lady Skylar." Blinky stated simply as Arrrgh gave a simple 'Yes'.
"And this training will allow me to control whatever this is?" I asked, gesturing briefly to, well, me.
"Correct again." Blinky replied.
I nodded, closing my eyes and letting out a breath.
"Fine, fine. But we start tomorrow after school. If I'm not back home soon, my mom will send out a search party and something tells me that there's a reason humans don't know of your existence." I spoke, meeting his gaze again.
"Fine, fine. We shall come by your cave tomorrow then. To begin your training!" Blinky stated, causing me to nod.
"Uh, no. We'll meet at the edge of town, that way there's less of a chance of you guys being spotted." I spoke.
"Excellent, Lady Skylar. Until tomorrow." He replied.
We then went our seperate ways, the armor disappearing as I walked.
I caught the amulet and stuffed it back into my bag.
This is turning out to be the strangest day of my life.

Finally, I made it home and sighed, rubbing the bridge of my nose as I walked through the door only to be met with Strickler.
"Oh. I thought you were gone." I stated coldly.
"Skylar." Mom pleaded softly, causing me to let out a silent sigh.
"I hope you have a lovely rest of your night. Now goodbye." I stated, stepping aside and holding the door open for him.
"The same to you, Skylar. And perhaps you should take it easy, after all, you were sick this morning." He stated, walking pass the thresh-hold.
Without responding, I pushed the door closed quickly.
I then turned to face mom fully.
She had a hand on her hip.
"What? I was nice." I stated, crossing my arms.
"That was you being passive-aggressive." She corrected.
"Hey, you can either have that or aggressive. You can never have passive." I replied easily.
"You're passive with Jim and Toby." She pointed out.
"Uh, no. I'm sarcastic, chaotic, and even, just a bit, protective. Though they see it as scary." I corrected, my tone a bit more thoughtful at the end.
"Don't forget sassy." Mom added.
"Exactly." I replied, shooting a finger gun at her with a wink, though her expression showed that she wasn't impressed.
"Welp, I'm going to bed. I'll see you tomorrow. I have a lot to do tomorrow, you know, having missed a day and all that. Night!" I spoke, already heading up the stairs.
"Try to get some sleep tonight!" Mom shouted up after me.
"I'll do what I want!" I shouted back playfully, closing my bedroom door behind me.
I then flopped into bed with a groan.
After a few moments of just laying there like a heavy-weighted sack of potatoes, I finally got up to change into my pajamas.


I suppose the true journey is just about to begin.
What will happen next is truly a mystery.
What other changes will be awaiting?
I suppose we'll find out soon enough.
Goodbye for now my dear readers.
As always, have a wonderful day, sit back and enjoy, and maybe leave a comment.
Take care, for the peace will come to an end soon enough.

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