Chapter 48: True Evil Doesn't Hide Within The Shadows

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The wind was harsh up here, cold against my skin.
I found myself landing, a heavy sigh leaving me as I stood on the cliff.
I didn't know how far I flew, I just knew that I needed to get away.
How could I be his replacement?
It didn't make any sense.
And if that was the case, then why did he not know Arya from before?
But at the same time, it explained so much.
Why he acted so differently, why he continued to try and be in charge, why he brought people in, how he found us at the museum.
The base of my skull began to throb again, harder this time.
I closed my eyes, breathing deeply.
I focused on the throbbing, trying to access what had been forgotten from before.
I could feel it there, surrounded by a sturdy wall.
I needed to get passed that wall in order to remember it all.
It became silent around me; the only sound was of my heartbeat and each breath leaving and entering my lungs.
The throb became more frequent, the pain piercing my temples and my shoulders as I slowly began to shrink into myself.
I gave in, opening my eyes and I breathed heavily.
Slowly, the pain went away.
Suddenly, my phone began ringing.
I sighed, pulling it out.
"Shoot for Sky." I answered.
"Hey, Skylar." A voice greeted, causing me to frown and check the caller I.D.
"Who is this?" I asked.
"It's Alden, Strickler gave me your phone number so then I could tell you that you're supposed to tutor me." The voice replied.
I bit the inside of my cheek, glaring straight ahead of me.
Of course.
"Yeah sure. What days and what time?" I asked, with-holding a sigh.
"Well, I'm free right now if you are." He replied.
I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah sure. Where do you live?" I asked, getting ready to take to the air.
"Actually, I was hoping to do this at your place. My parents are home and they're... Kinda embarrassing." He explained.
"Yeah, I just have to clean things up a bit. Meet me there in an hour or so? I'll text you the address." I spoke walking away from the cliff a bit.
"Sure thing. See you soon!" He stated, sounding way to enthusiastic.
I hung up without replying and turned on my heel.
I then ran towards the edge, jumping off and opening my wings.
Once above the cloud line, I shot towards home.
It took about half an hour in order to get there, landing a bit roughly in the back yard.
I walked in through the back door and headed towards the basement.
"Hey, Draal?" I called out, walking down the stairs.
I heard him shift as I turned on the light, meeting his gaze.
"Is something wrong?" He asked.
"Other than the fact I now have to tutor someone, no." I replied with a laugh at the end before looking around the basement.
"Tutor?" He asked unsurely.
"Teach. He's apparently having trouble with school and Strickler nominated me to tutor him in order to make my life harder. Not to mention the fact that I still have to participate in that stupid contest. And James. Don't get me started on him." I stated, clenching my fist before taking a breath.
"Anyway, I just wanted to warn you that someone was coming over." I added quickly.
"A male?" He questioned, causing me to frown.
"Uh, yeah. His name is Alden." I replied with a shrug.
"I... See." He stated slowly.
"I have to start cleaning up a bit upstairs. He'll be here in about... Twenty minutes." I spoke, glancing at my watch.
He only nodded in response.
"Are you okay?" I then asked, tilting my head.
"Yes." He replied, causing me to nod.
"We can hang out when I'm done, if you like." I suggested, grabbing onto the railing.
"I would like that." He replied, causing me to nod.
I then headed up the stairs, taking out my phone and texting him the address.
Luckily the house wasn't too messy.
I took in a deep breath before getting to work.
Not too long after I had begun, the doorbell rang.
I sighed, grabbing my books from my bag and setting them on the coffee table before heading to the door.
I took one last breath before opening the door.
"Hi." I greeted, gesturing for him to come in.
He offered a brilliant smile before walking in and looking around as I closed the door.
"You have a nice place." He stated, causing me to shrug.
"You have your books?" I asked, his smile faltering a bit.
"Uh, yeah." He replied with a nod.
"Great. Let's get started." I spoke, heading into the living room and sitting on the couch.
"What do you have the most trouble with?" I asked.
"History." He replied quickly.
"You're in luck. That's my favorite subject." I stated, pulling out the history book as he pulled out his and his homework.
"Let's go over exactly what you're having trouble with and then we can start from there." I stated, gesturing to his homework.
He handed it over to me and I looked it over, a frown slowly falling over my features.
"You have everything right on this." I pointed out, meeting his gaze.
"Oh, do I?" He asked, glancing over the sheet himself.
I grabbed the rest of the homework he pulled out, shuffling through it.
"You have everything right here. Math, science, History being your best subject." I added before sending him a glare.
"Why are you really here?" I asked, moving away from him slightly.
"I'm really here for you to tutor me." He replied, leaning towards me.
"You don't need help on anything." I stated, standing up and rounding the coffee table to get some distance.
"You need to leave." I then said.
"Okay, wait." He stated, standing up.
I stiffened, my gaze never leaving him.
"The real reason I'm here is because I want to know why you don't trust me." He admitted.
I only narrowed my gaze.
"I tried being friendly, pulled strings for you to be a spring queen nominee, got Strickler to sign you up to tutor me. Yet, no matter what I do, you're always cautious and you avoid me." He stated, rounding the table and walking towards me.
Dread filled my gut, my body moving back involuntarily with every step he took forward.
My tongue felt like lead in my mouth, throat quickly becoming dry.
All I knew is that I had to get away from him.
That's when my back hit against the wall, Alden trapping me with his body as he leaned over me.
I shrank, turning my head away from him.
"You're beginning to hurt my feelings, Sky. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you didn't like me." He spoke lowly, leaning closer if possible.
"I'd appreciate it if you move away from me." I spoke, my words coming out weaker than I had intended.
He was dangerous.
Unlike Bular, he actually made fear creep into my very soul.
"You do like me, don't you? Sky?" He asked, whispering my name into my ear.
I shook my head, hating the way the name sounded when he said it, causing my stomach to turn.
He suddenly grabbed my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes.
They were golden, just like a predators.
"Why don't you show me how much you dislike me, then?" He asked, a teasing smirk on his features.
My body began to shake.
The door then opened and Alden stepped away from me.
I glanced over, seeing Jim standing in the doorway.
His blue gaze didn't leave Alden's form as he glared.
He looked mad.
"What is he doing here?" He asked, now looking to me.
I stood to my full height, finding the strength to glare Alden down.
"He was just leaving." I replied.
Alden finally got the message, offering a harmless smile and grabbing his bag.
"Your sister is really smart. She really helped me tonight." He stated as he walked past Jim.
As soon as Alden exited the house, Jim closed and locked the door before looking me over.
"Did he do anything?" He asked as I crossed my arms over my chest, staring at the door.
"He isn't human." I muttered before looking at him.
"Why don't you know him?" I asked bitterly.
"You being the trollhunter changed the timeline. Some events are the same, but when I was the trollhunter, Alden wasn't here. Nor was Arya. I don't know what else has changed." He spoke softly.
I only nodded before turning on my heel and heading towards the basement.
"I promised Draal I'd hang out with him." I muttered.
"We have to talk about this." Jim stated in turn.
"And we will. Just not now." I replied before quickly heading down.
I sat down next to the large troll, leaning into his frame.
He began to pat my head softly and I sighed.
"Promise me you aren't going to leave." I found myself saying.
His entire frame froze and I glanced up at him.
"You'll stay by my side, right?" I asked softly.
He nodded.
"I will."
"Good." I whispered.
A beat.
"What happened?" He asked softly.
"I've discovered what true fear feels like." I spoke weakly, my voice barely above a whisper.
"I didn't know what to do... I faced Bular, Strickler, Goblins... But nothing could prepare me for the evil I faced within that thing today..."
Draal stayed silent, holding me close as he comforted me in silence.

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