Chapter Fourteen: Training

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Arya and I had decided to meet at the diner after school and from there I would show her Trollmarket.
That way, we both were ready for what was to come, after all, showing would be better than explaining.
I was glad we agreed to meet tomorrow, because I did want to talk to Blinky and Arrrgh about it all first.
However, they had decided to start training as soon as I got to the Heroes Forge.
So, I decided to talk to them when we finished.
"Wider stance, keep your frame." He spoke, causing me to fix my position...
He couldn't make up his mind and I was quickly becoming irritated.
"No, that's good. Alright, raise your sword, Lady Skylar." He spoke as my wings beating once behind me.
"Perfect. You look the part." He stated, causing me to side-eye him.
Arrrgh then began throwing rocks and I moved across the floor, blocking and dodging the stones being thrown at me.
My wings were a pretty good help as well when it came to dodging.
"Well done, Lady Skylar." Blinky complimented as I focused on the task at hand.
He listed the rules as I worked and I repeated them so he knew I was listening.
I then swung the sword, cutting a rock in two.
Thankfully, it was the last rock.
"Wonderful, next we'll move on to flight patterns. You're a natural flyer, but there is always room for improvement." He spoke.
"I can agree on that." I stated, sheathing the sword.
"Ah! So the Trollhunter's training begins." A familiar, unwanted voice called out.
I looked over my shoulder with a narrowed gaze, meeting the eyes of Draal.
He walked towards us, causing me to spread out my wings slightly.
"I thought the great Trollhunter might accept my services as a sparring partner. Part of your training regiment, isn't it?" Draal asked, stopping in front of me.
I scoffed, turning my gaze away from him.
"I don't associate myself with pointless tasks." I replied with a slight growl in my tone.
I then turned my attention back to Blinky, deciding to ignore the childish brute behind me.
Although, I could still feel his glare burning into the back of my head.
"In due time, perhaps?" Blinky suggested, flipping through a book of different kinds of birds and their wing work.
It was strange that he had such a book, but I wasn't about to complain.
"Why wait?" Vendel's voice then asked, carrying over the area.
I grit my teeth.
"I am eager to see your charge demonstrate her mettle." Vendel added on.
I clenched my fist, doing everything in my power to suppress my anger.
"Fine." I spoke, ice lacing the singular word as venom dripped off my tone.
I turned my steeled gaze to Draal.
"Don't blame me for what happens next, Draal." I then stated.
"Just a simple spar." He replied with as I walked over to the opposite side of the arena.
"Nothing is simple when it comes to you." I shot back, turning to face him.
It was complete silence.
He then began to snarl, pounding the grown with his fists.
I allowed my wings to stretch, curling at the edges and beating them once in response, grabbing the sword off my back.
Draal then charged.
I kept my ground, watching each movement within him.
Once he reached halfway, he jumped, curling into himself to form a spiky ball, rolling faster than he had ran.
At the last second, I jumped, twisting in the air as his spikes barely missed me.
I landed behind him, landing on my feet and sliding back, the glare taking over my features hardening further.
He then jumped back into the air as he turned, launching himself towards me.
I jumped to the left, barely getting away from the landing zone.
Draal grabbed my leg and I twisted myself as he swung me.
I landed a kick to his nose, causing him to let me go.
It took a moment of soaring before my wings were able to catch the air, slowing me down.
I landed again, watching the troll as he growled.
I then spun, throwing the sword.
As the sword cut through the air, I used my wings to shoot into the air, landing behind him as he dodged the sword.
The sword then disappeared from the air and Draal turned to face me, seeing the sword in my hand pointing directly to his throat.
I breathed through my nose heavily, the glare never leaving my features.
"Feel like talking now?" I asked, raising a brow.
My wings beat behind me once, showing themselves off proudly.
I then turned away, sheathing the sword in my back and making my way back over to the troll eyes.
"A word of advice, Draal." I began, casting him one last look.
"Acting like a child that didn't get the toy they wanted isn't a good look for anyone. The amulet didn't choose you. Get that through your thick skull." I finished.
I then ignored his presence as he walked off, his anger obvious and Vendel having disappeared after the fight.
"Let's go over flight patterns." I stated, Blinky opening the book with a smile.
"Very well done, Lady Skylar. Most impressive work." Blinky complimented before showing me a page in the book.
I nodded and I began flying.

After training was over, I was in Blinky's study cave and was telling them about Arya.
Blinky and Arrrgh both agreed that bringing her here was the best course of action.
After all, she seemed to know something of this world and Blinky was curious about it, seemingly more curious than I was.
So, I was glad.
However, I was less glad when Blinky added on that he was going to warn Vendel about it, which sucked.
My head began to throb again, causing me to frown.
Why did it keep doing that?
Blinky then handed me a book on Troll Lore, telling me to read it.
Volume one of forty-seven.
I was kinda excited, not to mention that it distracted me from the headache that kept returning.


The rivalry between Skylar and Draal has gotten worse.
Not to mention Skylar's headaches keep coming back.
Leave a comment to let me know what you think, dear readers because a long journey lies ahead.
Bye for now, and as always, have a great morning/afternoon/evening/night.

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