Chapter 43: Riddles and Trickery

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"Aha! We're here. Did everyone come prepared?" Blinky asked once we reached our destination.
I glanced over at Skylar, seeing that she was out of whatever funk Jim had put her in.
Hopefully, it would get cleared up soon.
"Yeah, I've got my horngazel, amulet, and my emergency kit." Skylar stated, readjusting the strap of her bag.
"I've got my first aid kit, matches..." Claire listed.
"And I got tacos! Extra spicy." Toby exclaimed.
We all looked over at him, a small smile playing on my lips while Claire shook her head and Skylar raised a single brow with a teasing smirk.
"What? I get hungry on a quest." Toby defended.
"And you, Arya?" Blinky asked, catching my attention.
"I have my tracking kit and a few herbs." I replied.
"Wonderful, and what of Jim?" He then asked.
"He said he had something important to do." Skylar replied, making the six-eyed troll nod.
"Very well. The horngazel if you will, Lady Skylar." He spoke, gesturing to the wall.
Skylar was quick to draw the arch and Blinky was the first to enter.
We followed after him as he lead us towards a gyre.
I frowned, I glanced at the others, Skylar seeming in complete awe with the object.
She was the first one to get in, looking at everything with a strange fascination.
I got in second to last after Toby, Arrrgh going on about how he hated the gyre.
As soon as I sat down, Blinky started it up.
My gaze flitted over to Skylar again as she winced.
"Hey, everything okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, something is just familiar about this. And I have a rush of adrenaline surging through me." She replied.
That's when we took off.
Her eyes lit up with excitement as a scream of joy escaped her.
I found myself laughing as the others hung on tightly, screaming in sudden fear.
Blinky laughed a bit as well.
We hit a bump, everyone rising into the air and off the seat for a few short moments before hitting the ground harshly.
Skylar shot me a smile, throwing her hands in the air not too long after.
I joined her, feeling the sudden rush of doing so.
We jolted, coming to a sudden stop.
Skylar and I were the first to get out, vibrating with enthusiasm and adrenaline.
"I can't wait to go on that again!" She exclaimed.
"You're crazy." I replied with a laugh.


I scraped my head against the cool stone of the basement.
A groan escaped me, the pain in my chest becoming almost unbearable.
It had gotten worse since I had spoken with Jim, almost as if I couldn't get enough air into my lungs.
What was happening to me?
The pain kept getting worse the more I thought about it.
Jim was right, wasn't he?
It suddenly felt like I was on fire, heat rushing through me.
My head scraped against the basement floor again, trying to cool down.
This wasn't just part of trying to get her forgiveness or her respect.
The pain in my chest was from something else, that much I knew.
The door then opened, causing me to look towards the stairs.
Footsteps drew nearer before stopping at the basement door.
A hope began to fill my chest as I heard it open, however, it disappeared when I heard Jim call out for me.
Jim slowly walked down the stairs, meeting my gaze.
"I wanted to apologize." Jim began, looking to the ground.
I stayed silent.
Jim opened and closed his mouth a couple times, frowning as he tried to find the words.
"You and Skylar are... Good together. Just don't hurt her." He then stated, walking back up the stairs quickly.
He was certainly awkward.
Even so, the pain in my chest lightened some.
Just barely.


"You bring news?" Strickler asked, glancing up at the review mirror to see Angor sitting in the back seat.
"They're going to Gatto's keep." Angor replied, taking his eye from Strickler.
"For what purpose?" Strickler asked, raising a brow.
"I was prevented from seeing. All I know is that they seek one of his treasures." Was the reply before he added, "I know Gatto. If the hunter is foolish enough to deal with him, I doubt they will return." 
Strickler sighed before glancing back at Angor.
"Did you bring the charm I require?" He asked.
"Do you know what to do with it?" Angor Rot asked in turn.
"Don't patronize me. Of course I do." Strickler defended, taking the charm and narrowing his gaze.
"How does it work?" He then asked.
"Once you both drink its essence, then the woman's fate will be tied to yours." Angor Rot spoke easily as Strickler studied the charm.


Skylar flew ahead of us, having activated her armor for no reason, while we walked with the trolls escorting us.
Finally, we made it to the top.
Skylar was looking around as I glanced over.
"Okay, where is Gatto? They said he'd be here." Toby spoke tiredly.
"Oh, he's here." Skylar stated with a breath, looking up.
I followed her gaze, eyes widening.
"Gatto's a real butt snack." Toby stated, making the both of us wince.
The ground rumbled as he opened his mouth, the others not seeming to realize.
"Who has awakened Gatto?" The mountain asked, his voice booming around us.
"Oh no." Toby stated as Claire stared up in shock.
"Holy Sheesh Kebob..." She spoke breathlessly.
"I am so sorry I called you a butt snack." Toby apologized quickly.
Gatto then opened his eyes, his gaze falling onto Skylar.
"A human trollhunter? How interesting." He spoke, now gaining everyone's attention.
"How unique." He then added.
A laugh escaped him, causing the ground to shake.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?" He then asked.
Skylar glanced at us before stepping forward.
"We've come..." Skylar trailed off, watching a troll walk up with a cart full of rocks.
Gatto then opened his mouth, his tongue flicking out to take the wheelbarrow and the troll.
Skylar gasped, taking a step back as I widened my eyes.
"Agh! Did he just eat a troll?!" Toby asked, as the others stayed silent.
"You must excuse me. I never talk business without something to eat. Go on." Gatto explained.
Skylar shot us another look.
"Uh, we're here to ask about the birthstone. We need it." Skylar spoke slowly.
"The birthstone of Gunmar. Very powerful. Why should I give it to you?" Gatto asked.
"We need it in order to destroy Gunmar." Skylar stated in turn.
"Why do I care?" Gatto was quick to ask before repeating the former question.
Skylar frowned, opening her mouth to reply.
Luckily, Blinky spoke first.
"He's negotiating, Lady Skylar." 
Skylar took in a breath, composing herself.
"What do you want in exchange?" She asked calmly.
"Ooh, an answer to a riddle." Gatto replied.
Skylar winced before frowning.
"Answer it correctly, the birthstone is yours. Answer incorrectly, I eat you all." Gatto bargained.
Skylar smirked, glancing at us briefly before nodding.
"Give it your best shot." She replied.
She was confident.
"Very well, what begins and has no end, but ends all that begins?" Gatto replied.
"Death." Skylar replied easily with a slight wince.
"The answer is death." She repeated.
"No one has answered that before." Gatto stated before narrowing his eyes.
"And lived to tell about it." He added.
"You were never going to give it to us!" Blinky spoke, glaring at the giant troll.
"You're a sore loser." Skylar added on as I grabbed my daggers.

Hi everyone! I'm so so so sorry about the long wait for this chapter. 
I'm no longer working at the moment so I can put more time into this and I'm definitely looking forward to it!
I hope you all enjoyed todays chapter and I'll see you all next time!
Bye for now and as always have a splendid morning/afternoon/evening/night!

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