Chapter Four: First Day of School

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(Takes place at the same time as chapter two)

I opened my eyes, taking in a breath.
I got up and quickly got ready for the day, wrapping my brothers necklace around my wrist before placing on my own charm.
I sighed, as I met the violet eyes in the mirror, my hands moving to the thin braid over my shoulder, undoing it only to fix it.
I then grabbed my bag and headed out.
Five months had passed since my brother's death.
I had been trying to find his killer ever since.
My search led me to Arcadia.
A small town surrounded by greenery.
A place that magic coarsed through, even though it was hidden.
I could feel it racing through my veins, the tips of my fingers tingling with the feeling.
Bular the Butcher, the Gumm-Gumm Prince, would be able to hide well in a place such as this.
The school soon came into veiw.
During my search, I still had to keep up appearances because my ID showed me to be sixteen despite I was actually one hundred and twenty-three.
So, that meant going to school.
The only reason I was able to get away with it before was because I was traveling, never staying long enough for anyone to really notice.
But, here, I had no idea how long I'd be staying as there was no sign that Bular had left this area since he came here.
It was a little ridiculous, but I would do anything to avenge my brother.
Even if that means associating with humans.
Once my task was done, I would disappear again.
It shouldn't take too long...
I hope.
I took in a breath as I walked through the empty halls, the final bell having rang some time ago.
My footsteps echoed lightly in the silence as I looked down at the schedule.
My first class was AP history with Mr. Stricklander.
I looked up, beginning my search for the room number that matched.
Just my luck, it was only a few more doors down.
I knocked before opening the door, the teacher halting in his lesson.
Everyone's eyes fell on me.
"I apologize for interrupting. Is this AP History?" I asked, keepingmy voice soft and collected as I readjusted my bag.
"Yes. You must be the new student I heard so much about." He stated, gesturing for me to come in.
"All good things, I hope." I replied, offering a small smile.
After all, I had to appear as a normal human being to get through this.
My eyes then moved to the students as I walked in.
Only one was staring at me with a look of complete shock and confusion, contrasting greatly with the curious stares I was getting from the others.
My eyes met his and I raised a brow at him before turning my attention back to Mr. Stricklander.
"Why don't you introduce yourself to the class?" He suggested, making me close my eyes with a slight nod before turning my attention back to the students.
"My name is Arya River. It's a pleasure to meet you all." I spoke, meeting each and every individual gaze for a few moments.
"Wonderful, you can take your seat... Behind Jim. Jim, if you could-" He cut himself short as I walked towards Jim, taking the empty seat behind him, noting that there was another empty seat next to me.
"Oh, do you know each other?" He asked, seeming perplexed.
"Just intuition." I replied simply, setting my bag down at my feet.
He nodded before carrying on with the lesson.
My violet eyes studied everyone within the room, taking in as much information as I could by their fidgeting forms.
It wasn't much, but watching someone in a classroom could tell you a few things about that person.
Only a few things though.
As I did this, I could see Jim looking over his shoulder at me for quick glances.
I wonder why he keeps doing that.
The enchatment should keep some if not most infatuation at bay as well as make me look more human.
My gaze moved soley onto him, our eyes meeting for a brief moment, which caused hi to jump significantly.
My eyes danced with amusement as a small smirk tugged at my lips, causing him to look away.
I leaned my head into my hand, my gaze moving to the window to watch the dust float through the rays of light.
Something so simpe, being somehow beautiful.
"Miss River." Mr. Stricklander spoke, catching my attention.
"I understand it's your first day, but perhaps paying more attention will help you in the long run?" He suggested, causing me to tilt my head slightly.
"Yes, of course." I replied, nodding once.
He seemed content with that answer as he went back to the lesson.
When the bell rang, I was the first one out despite my slow demeanor.

Finally, the last class came.
However, during the middle of it, the hair on my arms raised as a gently breeze rushed over me.
I frowned, looking around.
I took note that none of the windows were open and nobody else had seemed to felt it.
That's when a bigger breeze brushed over me and the lights went out.
Some of the students screamed in shock as the teacher was quick to go into protocal.
I frowned slightly.
Whatever caused that had come into contact with a highly concentrated magic.

Third person POV:

Somewhere in the small town of Arcadia, just as the lights went out, looked in the direction of the canal with a frown.
"Did you feel that?" A smaller figure asked, looking up at the much taller figure.
"It'd be hard to miss." Was the reply.
The smaller figure hummed before responding.
"You tend to be oblivious at times." He admitted.
"Hey!" The other figure cried out, both offended yet somewhat amused.


Hello again, Readers.
It seems as though the plot keeps thickening.
What had caused this reality to be so different than the other, I know you are asking yourself.
Have faith that these questions will be answered eventually.
In the meantime, leave a comment and of course, enjoy the story as it continues to unfold bit by bit.
Bye for now...

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