Chapter Sixteen: Scum of the Earth!

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"For centuries, the troll and human worlds, stood serperate and at peace. Divided by bridges that acted as doorways between two realms, but the Gumm-Gumms wanted to devour all of man kind. They were lead by Gunmar the Black. The rest of troll kind fought against him, culminating the great Battle of Killahead Bridge, the portal to Gunmar's Darklands. After many moons, good triumphed over evil, and our great Troll Hunter, Deya the Deliverer, locked Gunmar away, exiling him to the darklands, and seated the Killahead Bridge with the sacred amulet. After, we tore it apart, stone by stone. We left the old world in search for peace. We stoewed away on a ship called the Mayflower, just a handful of us and some gnomes we'd brought along for companionship and norishment. Finally, we arrived in a strange and exotic realm." Blinky read as I sat next to Arya on the ground.
It had been a day since I had first brought her here, and now she was part of the team.
After all, she had a thing against Gumm-Gumms and she had been tracking one, Bular, for a while.
She didn't say why exactly, but I was happy for the help either way.
When I said that, she said that I was far too trusting, but in a good way.
I don't know how it could be taken a good way ever.
"New Jersey." Arrrgh then stated, bringing me back from my thoughts.
"We kept walking. Eventually, we came across a new Heartstone, and we realized we had found a new home... Under Arcadia." Blinky finished.
I stretched, standing up.
"That's pretty interesting. Your history really ties into human history, and yet there's no mention of you guys in our records except in fairy tales. Quite intriguing, if you ask me." I stated, continuing with different stretches to loosen my limbs after sitting for so long.
"I'm glad you believe so. Because there is much more where this came from." He replied.
"Awesome!" I exclaimed, a bright smile on my face.
Arya then stood, still using her charm to disguise her true form, yet I could never get that image out of my mind.
"Are you ready to spar?" Arya asked in her slow way.
I smiled, parting my lips to answer.
However, I never did get the chance when loud footsteps echoed through the area as someone ran down the bridge.
"Oh, no. Is it the Heartstone?" Blinky asked worriedly as a troll panted heavily.
"No! NO!" She panted out, the volume of her voice louder than I had expected.
"Stalkling?" Arrrgh asked.
"Is Bular in trollmarket?" Arya then asked, causing me to look at her with wide eyes.
"No! Gnome! Rogue GNOME~!" She shouted, causing me to raise a brow.
Why was she being so dramatic about it?
Nonetheless, we followed her to where the gnome was.
"First, I couldn't find my monocle, then my collection of bed coils. Now, something disappears every minute!" She exclaimed.
She then tripped over a gnome.
"Ah, yes. Gnome." Blinky stated.
"Oh, dirty little pests." She stated as I helped her back up.
"Up to last week, the glue traps were working fine." She stated, holding one up with a gnome skeleton stuck to it.
I took a step back.
The gnome suddenly zoomed past, taking the skeleton.
"Fix it, Trollhunter!" She pleaded.
"Yeah, of course I'll help." I replied, nodding.
A guitar then started playing, causing me to look over at the gnome with a smile.
"For a gnome, he's pretty good." I stated just before he cleared his throat.
He then started vocalizing.
"He's trying to distract us! Hold tight to your valuables." Blinky warned.
I checked my pockets, only finding the amulet.
I kept my hand over, making it impossible for the gnome to take.
I also noticed that Arya tightened the grip on her bag.
The gnome then zipped around, taking the second charm that was on her wrist.
She gasped and a glare overcame her features.
"We need to catch that gnome." She hissed out, her pupils slitting like a cats'.
It quickly turned into a frenzy to figure out where the gnome was and how to catch it.
I grabbed a cauldron and tossed it to Arya who slammed it over where the gnome ran.
It was dead silent and slowly Arya lifted the cauldron to check underneath.
It blew a raspberry, spit flying into the elves face.
She reeled back.
"You vile creature!" She exclaimed before it disappeared into a small cave that was too big for anyone to fit through.
That's when I realized that the amulet was gone.
"Vile creature." I then stated, looking to Arya as I nodded my head in agreement.
"Some Trollhunter you are." The she-troll stated before walking away.
I let out a sigh.
"Eh, we'll figure it out. And we'll get the amulet and your charm back." I stated, causing Arya to meet my blue gaze with her violet one.
"Oh, I'm helping you." She stated with authority.
"Thought so." I replied before turning to Blinky.
"Any ideas to get into there?" I asked, knowing he'd be the best option for this troll stuff.
"Well... Maybe." He spoke thoughtfully before leading us towards a cave a bit ways off.
"All Trollhunters must start small." Blinky stated as he grabbed the corner of the cloth that covered a large object.
"Who knew it would lead to be literal in this case." He added, pulling the cloth off in a dramatic fashion.
"Cool, who wants to go first?" I asked, looking to Arya.
She only crossed her arms and I smiled.
"Awesome! I got first!" I exclaimed, stepping inside as Blinky closed it behind me.
Smoke quickly began to fill the area and a few coughs escaped me as they began trying to pull the door open.
Finally, it opened and I stepped to the edge, studying my surroundings.
"I am so tiny!" I announced, looking up at my companions.
Arya let out a hum as she studied me.
"Quite adorable." She stated, causing me to furrow my brows, picking me up and handing me off to Arrrgh so she could step inside.
"I don't believe I like this situation. You look like a giant!" I exclaimed, Blinky closing the door.
"Do not fret, Lady Skylar, it should wear off in time." He spoke.
The same thing happened to Arya besides everyone freaking out.
"Who's tiny now?" I asked once she stepped out.
She raised a perfect brow at me.
"I do believe that I am still taller than you." She stated.
"Whatever you say, Arya." I replied, giving a playful roll of my eyes.
Arrrgh picked her up gently and she knelt down next to me.
"To the gnome!" I exclaimed as we began to move.
Eventually, the two of us were placed down.
"Wish us luck!" I spoke as we began moving into the small tunnel.
It took a few moments before we found the gnome.
He was having dinner with the skeleton from earlier.
I parted my lips as Arya and I exchanged looks.
I had no idea what to think about it.
However, that's when the skeleton's headwas knocked off, making it roll towards us.
"Oh trolls." I stated before we began fighting for survival.
"Get the amulet!" Arya shouted at me, taking the role of distracting.
Arya then pulled the gnome's hat off by accident, causing said gnome to become far more viscious then before.
I reached the amulet, muttering the incantation.
My wings unfurled behind me as the armor moved into place.
The gnome then stopped as the sword manifested in my hand.
Arya then walked over and grabbed the bracelet that the gnome had taken from her.
I placed the blade of my sword at the gnome's back and began walking out, Arya following closely behind me, having given the hat back to the gnome.
Blinky and Arrrgh smiled upon our return and I smiled in return.
"Skylar the Gnome Slayer." Blinky announced, causing me to cringe.
"Oh, I hope that one doesn't stick." I laughed out, Arya smiling softly beside e.
"All that is left is for you to take care of it." Blinky then stated.
"And by that you mean..." I began, trailing off.
"Deaden, end, le coup de grace." Blinky confirmed, causing me to nod with a soft sigh as Arrrgh slid a finger across his throat.
Arya and I exchanged a look.

Arya had decided to take us to her house to sleep off this whole tiny person thing.
We had decided not to kill the gnome and that it could help Arya with her gardening.
Very original, I know.
And we slept through basically the entire day, waking up just in time for the both of us to be full size.
When I checked my phone, it was full of messages from Jim and mom.
"Hey, Arya. If anyone asks, I had a sleep over with you and we watched movies and talked about boys basically the whole time.
"Why boys?" She asked.
"Uh... Because that's what girls usually talk about during sleepovers?" I replied a bit unsurely.
"Or we had studied then had a conversation about our favorite books." She suggested.
"Yeah, that sounds right." I agreed.
A beat.
"I told you we would be good friends." I stated, smirking.
"You were right." She replied, causing me to give a full on smile.
She smiled in return.
"What should we call the gnome in the meantime though?" She then asked, glancing over at the gnome.
"I don't know... How about... Chompsky?" I suggested.
"Chompsky?" Arya had asked.
"It just sounds right." I replied with a shrug.
She gave a nod.
"For some odd reason, I agree." She stated.


Ah yes...
It seems Chompsky is now in the hands of Arya.
The fight with Draal is drawing nearer.
Skylar is distancing herself from family more and more.
I do hope you're enjoying this so far.
As always, Have a fantastic morning/afternoon/evening/night.
Bye for now!

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