Chapter 51: Dancing Before Danger

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"If Wump's don't let outsiders into their camp, how do we get the stone?" Skylar asked, excitedly getting into the gyre.
"Don't worry, Lady Skylar. I already have a plan! It's rudimentary." Blinky replied as I sat down next to Jim.
"If Quagawumps are hostile to outsiders, we'll need an insider! One of you is going to pretend to be the human reincarnation of the Shattered King! It's genius!" Blinky then explained.
"I like that plan." Skylar stated with a small smirk.
"You like any plan that could possibly end with some form of fighting." I pointed out.
"How else would I sharpen my skills?" She countered with.
"She makes a point." Toby stated, causing me to nod.
"Who's going to be playing the role?" I asked, turning my attention back to Blinky as he started up the Gyre.
The gyre was released and we sped down the tunnels, Skylar throwing her hands in the air as she hollered.
I laughed at her excitement, finding joy in the adrenaline coursing through me.
"This is so much better than a rollercoaster!" Skylar shouted.
"You Tobias, bear the most striking resemblance to their dead king." Blinky then spoke, once we weren't yelling as the ride calmed some.
"Me?" Toby asked.
"Yes. The Quagawumps are short and stout in stature. It'll be a role of a lifetime." Blinky spoke before looking forward again.
"Mostly because if they see past our little charade, the time of our lives will end." He added on.
Panic flitted across Toby's face, Jim seeming unphased by it all.
"Alright, Jim. Is there anything you should warn us about before we get there?" Skylar asked, looking at her twin.
"Well, Angor will be there after the posing king arrives." He stated, though before he could elaborate, we had arrived at our destination.
"Well, we better get a move on!" Blinky stated, causing us all to get out.
"We should be quiet on our way their as to not cause a disturbance, even though I'd love a better warning." Blinky added on quietly.
Skylar and I exchanged a look before following.
Soon enough, we were surrounded by the swamp, the feeling of eyes watching us prickling at my skin.
"This place is creepy. Where are we?" Claire whispered.
"A place renowned for its vast swamps, theme parks, and retirement communities. Florida!" Blinky replied quietly.
"Come on, your eminence. Your people await." Claire spoke teasingly to Toby (Who walked slightly behind us).
Suddenly, Arrrgh stopped in front of us, causing me to stiffen as I looked around.
Chanting echoed through the area, the Quagawumps revealing themselves to have been hiding within the tall grasses.
They quickly surrounded us, leaving no escape route if things got ugly.
One of them then hummed.
"Humans! A taste not common." They spoke.
"Toby?" Claire questioned worriedly.
"Okay." Toby stated, pushing to the front as they pointed their spears at him.
However, they quickly gasped, stepping back slightly.
"It is I, the shower king!" Toby then announced.
"Shattered." Blinky corrected lowly.
"The Shattered King!" Toby repeated.
"Reincarnated as a human." He added before howling.
I raised a brow.
"You're not a ghost." Jim reminded.
The quagawump in charge then approached him. 
"Gunmar Kill you." They began, circling Toby.
"You cannot be. Prove that you are he. Show us great magic, god king. Hi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yah!" They finished, the others repeating the chant.
"Okay. All right, now. Stand back." Toby spoke worriedly.
"We're all gonna die." I found myself whispering under my breath.
"Live a little." Was Skylars quiet reply.
"Hard to do that when you're dead." I pointed out.
The chanting then stopped, causing us to stop talking.
"This one's not for the faint of heart. Abara-Cadabra, nothing up my sleeve-ara." Toby spoke, 'pulling off' his thumb.
We all faked gasp, except for Claire, but the quagawumps were mystified.
Atleast we had that.
"He dismembered his hand, and then rejoined his flesh and bone!" One of them spoke.
"His magic is so powerful!" The lead added.
They began chanting again, lifting Toby above their heads before running towards what I assumed to be their camp.
"Nice work, Tobes! You are leading man material!" Jim encouraged as Toby laughed nervously.
Skylar frowned, looking to Jim.
"The amulet. You were going to have him find it so he could be the trollhunter. Weren't you?" I heard her ask lowly.
Jim's expression fell.
Before he could reply, she began to follow after them.
We all exchanged a look before following her.
Soon we were all feasting, listening to the quagawumps sing, a rare and delightful sound.
It didn't take long for Toby to get high off the power he had over the quagawumps either.
I sighed, shaking my head as Skylar began tapping the table with her nails.
"So, when the situation gets blown like Jim said, I want you to take care of the stone while I distract Angor." Skylar spoke lowly as she watched everyone move around.
"Think it'll work?" I asked, tensing slightly at the name.
"Maybe." She replied with a half shrug.
"Oh great king! Now is the time of telling. Why returned have you?" One of the quagawumps spoke, gaining everyone's attention.
"Uh, yeah. I have returned for one great purpose!" Toby began, clearing his throat as he stood up on the throne.
"To tell you of my grand adventures in a far-off mystic land called Arcadia!" He then stated, causing them all to gasp.
And so he began telling outrageous tales, causing me to sigh.
A familiar chill ran through me and I glanced around.

By the time Toby was done, most of us were sitting on the ground as Arrrgh slept, Claire laying over him.
Skylar then nudged Jim.
"Go get his head on straight before I kill him." She ordered before falling back to lay down.
Jim sighed, getting up.
A drum beat then began, causing me to perk up.
They began clapping and stomping, dancing I realized.
"My king? After journey, what is song you bring?" The quagawump asked.
"Uh oh." Skylar muttered.
We all stood as Toby tapped the arm rests, it being repeated before he took in a deep breath.
We all watched carefully.
And so it began.
Skylar pulled out her amulet as we watched this, the quagawumps beginning to murmur.
One of them then tried it.
"I like!" They announced with a laugh.
A heavy breath left me.
The others tested it hesitantly as the beat picked up.
"How is this working?" Skylar asked.
"Does it matter?" Jim asked in turn.
I laughed, shaking my head.
Arrrgh was the first of us to join in.
Then Blinky.
I laughed again, looking to Skylar.
"Come on, just cause we know what's coming doesn't mean we shouldn't enjoy ourselves." I stated, causing her to roll her eyes before nodding hesitantly.
It didn't take long for Jim and Claire to join in either as we began moving to the music.
I laughed, not having felt this free in a long time.

"Come on, Arya. Just feel the music!" Dalius spoke.
I sighed, looking around.
"You know I'd rather-"
"Live a little!" He then interrupted, pulling me onto the dance floor.

Stomping suddenly sounded over the music, causing us all to stop.
"What manner of mischief this be?!" A large troll spoke deeply, everyone screaming and running to get out of his way.
Uh oh.

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