Chapter 55: You Have To Fall If You Want To Rise

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I tossed and turned in bed, furrowing my brows as I huffed.
My gaze moved to the ceiling of my room before moving over to the music box.
A voice inside me was telling me to destroy it.
Destroy it and get it over with.
I huffed again, sitting up and swinging my feet over the edge of the bed.
I grabbed my jacket, I quietly began making my way out of my room.
Shadows danced in the hall as I placed my hand against the wall, feeling my way towards the stairs.
I knew exactly where I needed to avoid stepping on the stairs.
One wrong move and it would creak, resulting in someone waking.
I made my way to the basement.
"Draal, you awake?" I whispered, crouching on the stairs.
He turned his gaze towards me, causing me to smile as I slipped my jacket over my shoulders.
"Come walk with me." I whispered, gesturing for him to follow me.
He frowned before pushing himself up.
I moved up the stairs quietly as he followed, moving as quietly as a stone being of his size could.
We made our way to the backdoor and across the backyard.
"Where are we going exactly?" Draal asked quietly from behind me.
"Wherever the night takes us." I replied with a grin, heading towards the forests.
I could feel his gaze on me as I moved, though my gaze was elsewhere in order to ensure we didn't get caught.
That would be bad.
I glanced over my shoulder at the blue troll, meeting his gaze briefly.
"Thanks for coming with me. You didn't have to." I stated, the tips of my ears heating up.
"I couldn't sleep." He stated, causing me to nod.
"Could you not get rest either?" He then asked, causing me to give a soft laugh.
"Not really, no." I replied, giving a shrug as well.
"Is something bothering you?" He then asked, causing me to frown.
A lot of things were bothering me.
Jim having been the trollhunter, which eventually led to the mistake of me becoming said trollhunter.
Strickler and Mom having a relationship.
That music box.
Angor Rot's deal.
School itself.
Though, the more I thought about it, the less of a threat he truly seemed to be.
I don't remember exactly why his presence seemed so threatening, but after time away, I couldn't seem to remember why I was running in the first place.
I fought trolls, goblins, changelings, stalklings, curses.
What was a male to any of that?
"Is it the male fleshbag that came by the other day?" Draal suddenly asked, seeming to have read my mind.
"Partially." I replied, frowning deeply.
"There's a chill in the air tonight." I then stated, lifting my face to the sky.
The stars were twinkling brightly tonight, no moon in sight.
I suppose it's a new moon.
Either way, the night was gorgeous.
"Yes." Draal replied with.
I was thankful he was allowing me to change the topic.
"Hey, Draal?" I then asked, meeting his gaze once again.
He snorted, letting me know I had his attention.
A slight throb began in the base of my skull.
"If it was at all possible to give the amulet to someone else... Do you think I should?" I found myself asking, the problem revealing itself to me.
I wasn't meant to be the trollhunter.
But I was meant to be the night watcher.
"No." He stated, almost growling out the simple word.
I frowned, watching as he turned to fully face me.
I stopped walking, looking up into his yellow and red eyes.
"You are by far the best trollhunter I have had the pleasure to witness. No matter what stands against you, you fight. You come out victorious even if you make a mistake. You bring people in before you push them away. That makes you strong, Skylar. If it was at all possible, I would rather die than see you give up something like that." He stated.
That was the most he's ever spoken in one go.
"But you heard-"
"Bushugal!" He exclaimed before continuing, "He gave up the amulet in hopes of it picking his friend. Instead, it picked you. The amulet makes no mistake. It chose you for a reason."
I didn't realize, but tears were falling from my eyes and I turned away, brushing them away with a groan.
"How do you do that? The first time we met, I hated you and you tried to kill me. Now you are helping me with more than just training, but my indecision." I spoke, willing the tears to stop.
"I admire your strength... But you are free to whatever emotion you feel with me." He spoke, voice soft for first time since I've met him.
I sighed, turning back to him.
"Thanks for being here, Draal." I whispered, receiving a snort in response.

Arya's POV

I sighed, placing the book down.
We had spent hours going through different books and Blinky had only left just a few moments ago.
I never even avenged his death myself, of course his spirit would be mad at me.
Those pixies are mischievous and tricky, but they always had an inkling of truth.
I couldn't get his bloody image out of my mind however, and that was what was bothering me most.
A thump was heard on my roof, causing me to frown.
Soon enough, Angor appeared in my window.
I raised a brow at him before opening the window and allowing him to come inside.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, raising a brow.
His golden gaze met mine for a mere moment before glancing around the room.
"I wanted to ask what you saw... Your state was... unexpected." He replied with slowly.
"Why should I tell you? You brought the pixies to that school, you knew I would see something horrible." I replied with, turning away from him.
"I need my ring back." He defended, glaring.
"You could have just asked instead of use me as a meat shield. Skylar would've understood and we'd work together on finding a solution. Out of the two of you, trust me when I say she hates Strickler the most." I shot back, busying myself with another book.
He stayed silent a moment, quiet steps moving towards me.
"I wanted to warn you." He then stated, causing me to glance at him briefly.
"About what Strickler plans to do?" I guessed, opening the book to a certain page and scanning over it before setting it aside.
My hand grabbed another.
"About what happened to your brother." He replied, causing me to freeze.
I slowly moved my gaze to meet his.
"What do you know about him?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.
"Bular did not hunt you for his own gain. He was under orders by a powerful being." He stated as I set the book down, turning to face him fully.
"What do you mean?" I questioned, moving closer to the assassin.
"That being is here. I don't know where, but I feel his presence just as I felt it once before. I warn you to watch yourself. There are far more dangerous beings then myself." He stated in response.
"Why are you telling me this?" I then asked.
"I don't know." He replied after a moment.
Before I could reply, he was out the window and gone from my sight.
This did not bode well.

Far From Arcadia:

I groaned, squeezing through the rock crevice before stumbling into a large opening within the cave.
I huffed, looking down at my list.
Most of the items were in this cave.
Or so the book said.
I sighed, readjusting my bag before pulling down my hood.
It was too hot.
My long raven locks fell down my back as my bronze eyes moved over my surroundings.
I walked towards a rather large amber-colored crystal before breaking off a piece.
"Bingo." I muttered to myself before crushing the magic stone between my fingers and blowing the dust into the air.
It floated for a second, sparkling like glittered before scattering.
The entire area changed into a spectacular garden and I smiled, looking around.
You had to love the little pockets the fae claimed to be their home so long ago.
Just as I was about to begin gathering the herbs necessary, a low growl erupted from my thoughts, causing me to glance over my shoulder.
Of course... An ogre.
I sighed, throwing out my hand as my staff quickly formed.
The ogre growled out me, hefting his large club.
"The things I do for an old friend." I muttered before running into battle.
Unfortunately, I didn't know much for magic like Merlin.
But I had my own way of doing things.
I quickly cast an illusion of myself, distracting the ogre as I took in a deep breath, my body becoming invisible.
I then swung my stuff through the air, the ogre flying due to the force of the magic wave.
He hit a tree, his club landing on his head.
He was out cold after that.
"He's going to wake up with a big headache." I muttered.
I sighed, waving my staff away before quickly gathering the herbs I needed.

Alden's POV

My hand flew into the wall, a large dent being the result.
I growled to myself.
Skylar wouldn't stop avoiding me.
I needed to make my presence constant around her or my power will fade and no longer affect her.
If I had more magical beings to feast on, the affect would last longer no matter how much time she spends away from me.
She will no longer fear me and I need that.
If I am to drain her magic, it needs to come in some kind of strong emotion.
Love was out of the question, there was no getting that from her.
A useless ruse.
Fear was about to be used up.
I couldn't act fast enough when it came to her.
She always felt like ten steps ahead of me no matter what I tried.
I growled, my gaze falling to the mirror above the sink.
The scar over my eye was beginning to show.
It wouldn't be long until I reverted to my true form.
The morsel that called himself a familiar isn't lasting long enough.
I had to break my oath if I was going to gain any ground.
But facing her wrath again...
I shook at the thought of those flames licking my skin.
I could do this without resorting to such lengths.
I had to go for the elf before she became just out of reach, much like her friend.
And I had to pin down Skylar.
Ever since I first saw the wings of the nightwatcher all that time ago... My entire being craved for a single taste of the magic they wielded.
It was primal and no doubt last me years.
I pulled my hand from the wall, pieces falling out of the hole.
My fingers ran through my brown hair, pulling at it slightly as I composed myself.
I will not fail.
Besides, if I succeed then there will be no one to stand in the way of her reign.
I sighed to myself before turning away.
A goblin will due for now, and if more come for revenge, I'll be thankful.

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