Chapter 61: Faking the Upper Hand

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"There's your amulet." Draal pointed out, causing me to smirk.
"They should've put it higher, would've been more of a challenge." I stated before we stopped walking into the arena.
"You get the small one, I'll get the big one." Draal stated, causing me to scoff playfully.
"As if." I replied, challenging him.
He smirked in response.
"I called first." He pointed out.
I pursed my lips before sighing.
"If you insist." I stated in turn.
The ball shot into the air and we moved into action.
Draal charged the catcher, plowing into them full forced which caused them to drop it.
I ran forward, flipping over the one that was charging at me, pushing off their shoulders and landing on my feet before falling back into a roll.
I stopped, grabbing the orb and running towards the center.
I dodged under a hand reaching for me, running up their back and pushing off.
My hand reached out, grabbing the horn of the scoothsayer.
As I went to dump the orb in, I was grabbed and tossed to the side, sliding over the side of the arena.
I gasped, grabbing onto the edge.
My brows furrowed together before I swung myself back over.
I landed on the edge, moving quickly only to see them make the goal.
A low growl resided in my chest as Draal ran over to me.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"Yeah, let's win this thing." I spoke, causing him to smirk in response.

After the game, and the whole Arrrgh incident, I was checking on Draal.
"You took one hell of a hit." I laughed, looking him over.
"It wasn't as bad as it looked." Draal replied lowly, looking me over.
"You thought you were dead." I pointed out, a small smile playing on my lips.
He opened his mouth to reply, but failed in finding the lie.
We met each other's eyes.
"Are you sure you're okay?" I found myself asking.
I don't know why, but I felt different around Draal.
It's been like this for a few days now, and I've yet to find why.
He chuffed in response, bringing a smile to my lips.
"Good. Because we have a lot to prepare for." I stated quickly, standing up.
Even while he stayed sitting, our eyes were level despite me standing to my full height.
He then stood up, causing me to glance up at him before turning away.
"I better get home. It's getting late." I stated.
"I will accompany you." He replied, causing me to nod with a small smile.
Draal and I took our time heading to the house, talking about whatever we thought was worth talking about.
If I'm being honest, I don't really remember everything we had talked about, it was just nice being able to talk to someone so freely without having to worry about the impending doom for once.
By the time we did get there, Jim had met us in the basement.
"Okay, before you get mad, Strickler is here." He stated.
My smile morphed into a glare and I made my way up the stairs.
"Skylar. Skylar, wait!" Jim shouted after me, scrambling up the stairs.
I met Strickler's gaze.
"We help you, you never show your face around here again. I don't care if your feelings for our mother are real. You will not ever see her again. Am I clear?" I spoke.
"You're not in any place to make any demands. You have to protect me. If Angor Rot kills me, then your mother dies as well." He reminded.
"I don't have to do anything, Strickler." I stated simply, heading towards the kitchen.
"I can let you suffer in your own self pity and allow you to die. I don't have to help you, but for now, I will. Do you understand what I'm getting at?" I asked, raising a brow.
When I didn't receive an answer, I continued.
"There are things you can do, and there are things you can't do. I can watch you die with a smile on my face, I can allow my mother to suffer the same fate, but I won't. You see?"
"I can't bring myself to like you or respect you as a person, but I can help you if I so choose. It's all a matter of will. Whether I help you or not, is really just up to me." I added on before leaning against the counter, meeting his gaze.
"And it all depends on what you say or do next." I finished, a small smirk playing on my lips.
"I have the upper hand." Strickler spat out.
"But do you really?" I questioned.
Once again, he was rendered silent.
"There is always more ways than one to break a spell or curse. Simple as that. So, tell me, why should I help you?" I questioned, raising a brow.
"You shouldn't." He stated lowly, narrowing his eyes at me.
I sighed, standing to my full height and rotating my shoulders.
"Precisely. I'm glad we're on the same page." I stated in turn before turning to Jim.
"He can stay for the night, but you're in charge of feeding him. We'll talk about the game plan tomorrow. I'll take first watch." I stated simply before walking up the stairs and to my room.
Jim followed me.
"What are you doing?" He hissed out.
"Faking the upper hand. If we act as though we have everything under control, he won't be inclined to play us for everything we're worth." I replied, giving a shrug.
"And if he finds out you're lying?" He questioned.
"He won't if you keep your mouth shut." I stated before closing the door to my room.

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