Chapter 68: Something Isn't Right

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We all stood in front of Vendel.
I had just recounted the events that had happened the night before, how Angor Rot had took the horngazel that was in our possession.
"It's not their fault. It's mine. I should have gone." Skylar spoke, causing the three of us to wince.
"It was in my purse. Toby, Arya, and I were dangling off the roof. He cut it off and left." Claire explained.
"It was a great everyday purse. It went with everything." Toby stated unnecessarily.
I glanced over at Skylar.
She looked tired, arms crossed as she stared at the floor.
She didn't even look like she was listening, just standing there.
"We need a plan." I spoke, everyone's gaze moving to Skylar.
"Jim, he attacks here, right?" She questioned, shocking her brother.
"Uh, yeah." He stated.
"Where does he come from?" She asked.
And so Jim started going through the events of what had happened when he was the trollhunter, however, it seemed like he was keeping something to himself.
He looked... Ashamed.
"Alright. All of you will take on the golems. I'll wait for Angor in the heroes forge. Once he crosses the bridge, Toby and Claire can make their way over, Claire will open a shadow portal, Toby will smash him to pieces as I turn him to stone." She stated slowly, as if she wasn't really paying attention to what she was saying.
"Skylar." I found myself starting, finally getting her to meet my gaze.
She was distracted, causing me to frown.
"Let me try to talk to him again." I stated.
She frowned.
"Again?" She questioned.
"He said we met before, I have no memory of it, but... If he wanted to hurt me, he had every chance to. Let me try to change his mind." I explained, the pleading tone in my voice making me wince.
Why did I want this so badly?
Skylar's expression morphed into a glare.
"He could've to kill my mother. I'd rather slit my own throat then let him live after that." She spoke coldly.
Her words felt poisonous, constricting.
"He was trying to kill Strickler." I reminded.
"He was fully aware what he was doing. In killing Strickler, he would've killed my mom. I'm not letting him get away with it, nor am I letting Strickler off scot free." Skylar spoke, turning her gaze to Jim at the end.
Before another word could be said, Strickler began calling for Skylar's help.
It seemed unlikely to happen, and yet it was.
Skylar gritted her teeth before turning her back on us, walking out and towards the screaming changeling.
We followed after her, all of us knowing this wouldn't end well, her muttering being a good indicator.
Things were quick to escalate when we got there.
"Drop the changeling." Skylar ordered, glaring the group of trolls down.
Her armor summoned itself, her wings unfurling to their full length.
Something was definitely off with her.
"As much as I would love to kill the impure laying at your feet." Skylar spat out, before meeting the troll's gaze.
"I need him unfortunately. As much as I hate to admit it." Skylar stated, a look of relief coming over Strickler's face as we all stared at her in shock.
"So, if anything happens to him, you'll lose your trollhunter. Besides, nothing will change if you kill him. Angor Rot is still going to attack Trollmarket. So, I'd say you have five seconds to decide whether or not you're going to throw the both of us out or not." Skylar finished, meeting each individual gaze.
Vendel then climbed ontop of the vehicle that belonged to the changeling.
"And once you finished throwing them out, come back and throw me out too." He stated, causing my jaw to drop as Skylar glanced over at him with a raised brow.
"Yes, the girl has made grave errors. But she's come through for u more times than I give her credit for. Trollmarket is in danger, and our greatest defense has always been our trollhunter. She's earned my trust. She should have earned yours." Vendel finished.
"You can throw me out too." Blinky stated, climbing up next to Blinky.
"And me." Arrrgh added on.
"Us too, though technically we don't live here. I'm just saying." Toby stated, gesturing to Claire and I as well as himself.
"It goes without saying that I stand with my sister." Jim stated, meeting Skylar's stormy gaze.
She was mad about something as her gaze flitted over the changeling.
"You better keep your word after all this. There's nothing stopping me from killing you without a second thought now." Skylar stated, folding her wings.
"What now, our infallible leader?" Strickler then asked, rubbing at his neck with a glare directed at Skylar.
"Now? I'm going to kill Angor Rot." Skylar stated before walking off, leaving all of us in silence.
"Does she believe it to be that simple? After everything?" Strickler asked, his question directed at Jim.
However, Jim stared wide-eyed at his sister's quickly disappearing form.
"I've only ever seen her with that look in her eyes once." He stated, his eyes growing a bit distant, no doubt recalling the memory.
"Trust me when I say... It is that simple." He added on.
Something wasn't right.
Luckily, I didn't have to ask for Jim to continue.
"She usually just loves the fight, she's always serious about it, making the right decisions... But when she gets like this... She's terrifying."
His voice was a mere whisper at this point.
None of us knew what to say.
However, there wasn't time to dawdle.
"Let's do what's expected of us. We have a lot to do before Angor gets here." I stated, taking charge while Skylar prepared whatever it was she was doing.
In silent agreement, we thought it best to leave her be at the moment.
My thoughts went back to Angor.
I wasn't okay with killing him off.
However, I was stuck.
After sticking my her side in front of all these trolls, it would be hypocritical of me to go against her at the end.
Not only that, but they expected Angor Rot to die.
No matter how much I tried to rationalize it, how much I understood Skylar's perspective, I wasn't okay with it.
I was at a loss.

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