Chapter 49: Souls Are A Tricky Thing

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(Takes place at the same time as Chapter 48)

I entered my home, closing the door behind me before looking around.
"You're here again." I stated, noticing the figure standing in the dark corner.
"So I am, little elf." Angor replied, watching me.
"Shouldn't you be relaying the information to Strickler?" I asked, placing my coat on the hanger before heading over to my plants.
"I'll do so when I please." He stated in response.
I heard it before I felt it, barely taking my dagger out in time to deflect the attack.
His blade fell to the ground and I raised a brow at him.
"Testing my reflexes?" I asked.
He only smirked and I picked up his blade, handing it back to him.
What was I doing?
He was the enemy and I was acting as though this was completely normal.
"Why are you here?" I asked, picking up the watering can.
He was silent as he walked towards me.
"I was curious." He replied.
"About?" I pressed on, moving on to the next plant.
"How you came to Arcadia." He stated.
"I came to avenge my brother. Now, I'm just here to help my friend." I found myself saying.
"Is that all?" He asked, pressing.
"It is." I replied, shooting him a glance before moving on to my small indoor flower bed.
I could feel his frown.
"You're not entirely your own being anymore, are you?" I then asked, causing him to frown.
"Your soul isn't within you." I reiterated, meeting his gaze.
He stayed silent, giving me my answer.
"I'm assuming Strickler is controlling you somehow then." I went on, turning back to my plants.
Again, I was met with silence.
When I looked back to where he was, he was gone.
I frowned, looking around before shaking my head.


I entered my accommodations, slamming the door shut behind me.
My irritation foiled my own plans.
I hated her with every fiber of my being.
When she continued to display her distrust, I couldn't help but push.
My hands began to shake.
I was hungry.
Just a few more seconds and I could have consumed the magic within her.
How dare he interrupt.
I had her where I wanted her.
Now, I will never be able to get that close to her again.
She'll be too wary.
Arya won't trust me either because of this.
I needed some form of sustenance.
My eyes widened and I looked around.
"Marlow." I called out, looking for the black and white familiar.
"Yes?" He replied cautiously, walking towards me.
I grabbed him by the scruff, my eyes turning gold.
"Sorry about this." I spoke while he struggled.
He should have known it would've ended like this.
The magic from his being slowly left his body, entering my own.
The hunger I felt dissipated with every passing second as my familiar slowly shriveled up.
A couple more minutes past and I dropped his body, his soul no longer within.
His corpse collapsed within itself, turning to dust.
I sighed, closing my eyes.
It wasn't enough.
I needed more...


Sorry for the short chapter today!
I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless.
As always, have a fantastic morning/afternoon/evening/night!
See you all soon!

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