Chapter 40: So You're Back

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We threw the doors open, walking in as complete silence came from everyone.
"Looks like you three were digging in the dirt." Steve stated.
Another throb.
Like the one I got when fighting the Golem.
"We were." I found myself stating with a smile, throwing my arm over Arya's shoulders.
"What is that even supposed to be?" Steve asked, directing the question at Jim.
"They... look like moles." Eli stated.
Everyone began to chant the word 'Mole' and I looked over at Toby and Claire.
"Jim Lake Junior here to present his theme; Mole Mania!" Toby announced. 
Everyone began to cheer and clap harder as our mascot began to dance.
"The people have spoken, Jim is the winner." Claire announced, causing Coach Lawrence to take the mic from her.
"Oh, apparently Claire's the queen. But, yes, Jim wins the challenge." He stated.
I shrugged, taking my arm off of Arya as she stood to her full height, Coach Lawrence rambling on.
However, one word caught my attention.
A glare fell over my features as my head began to throb.
He met my gaze with a smirk and I found more hate for him festering in my chest.


"The teeth tear and chew, grinding the food into paste before its swallowed. Then it travels down the wind pipe- I mean esophagus." Coach Lawrence went on.
I barely paid attention, my fist clenching and unclenching as I tried to keep myself in check.
Arya was glancing over at me every now and again. 
Meanwhile, Jim seemed completely fine.
And why wouldn't he be?
He was pro Strickler.
My knuckles turned white as Steve's annoying voice filtered in.
"Shut your hole, Steve." I spoke, turning my glare onto him.
Only then did I realize my mistake.
"Oh, that's it. That's it you Jokers. The two of you, principal's office. Now!" Coach ordered.
I stood, grabbing my bag and storming out the door to my enemy.
Steve trailed behind me.
I could feel him opening and closing his mouth, trying to figure out what to say.
However, we got to Strickler's door before he could.
I opened it, sitting down across from Strickler without a word, a cold look settling over my features as Steve sat to my left.
"Young Athena." Strickler greeted.
"Ahem, Principal Strickler, this has been a huge misunderstanding." Steve began, trying to act innocent.
"You have a lot of nerve,  Strickler. I was really hoping to never see your face around here again." I stated, narrowing my eyes slightly.
"I've decided I'm not done with you. Your education has just begun." He replied.
"I think I can handle myself, I am a fast learner after all." I shot back, leaning forward as he did the same.
"However, I can't fathom why you would come back. Clear it up for me." I added, putting both hands on his desk as I stood.
He mirrored me.
"After all, I did rain on your little parade." I continued, wanting him to lose his temper.
"For the record, I just want to say she's not speaking on my behalf." Steve put in, causing us to look at him with a glare.
"Shut up,  Steve." We said in unision.
My glare hardened further as I turned back to meet his gaze.
"I'm in a position to make your life truly miserable." Strickler stated in turn.
"We both know I could take you out right here and right now." I replied.
"And I could do far worse. Are you ready for that?" Strickler asked, raising a brow slightly.
"Give it your all." I growled out, every muscle in my body preparing itself for a fight.
"I'm sorry about the poop jokes! They really weren't that funny!" Steve suddenly cried out before breaking into tears.
"Detention. The both of you." Strickler stated after a moment.
Suddenly all anger left my body and I smirked as Steve ran out.
"Have you talked to my mom yet?" I asked, causing him to stiffen.
"You were thinking about it though.  I hope she doesn't forgive you, so then you understand the pain and embarrassment. I hope it destroys you so completely you won't know what to do with yourself. I hope you wake in the middle of every night, your guilt so strong that it destroys you from the inside out."  I then spoke, causing his eyes to widen slightly.
I then turned on my heel and walked out the door.

After school, we were walking to the canal, Arya scribbling away in her art book.
It's been a while since I seen her pull it out.
"What are you drawing?" I asked, receiving a brief look from her.
"Don't know yet." She replied with a slight shrug of her shoulders before continuing to draw.
"How was your encounter with Strickler?" Claire then asked, causing me to glare in response.
"I hate him with my entire being." I replied, causing her to nod.
"Understandable. You find out he's a changeling. He's trying to use your mom in order to kill you easier. He's ruining your life. What is there to like?" Toby spoke.
"He isn't that bad a guy." Jim defended once again.
My fist clenched.
"He killed people, Jim." I spat out.
"Yeah, dude. He's evil to the core." Toby agreed.
"And a changeling." Claire pointed out again.
"Well, maybe changelings can be good." Jim spoke, causing me to walk ahead of them.
"I'm not doing this right now." I stated, grabbing the horngazel from my bag and drawing the arch in one smooth motion.
Arya stiffened, looking around as Claire did the same.
"You two coming?" I asked.
"Yeah." Claire spoke breathlessly as Arya frowned.
That's when I felt it, causing me to stiffen.
The familiar feeling of someone watching me.
Or us rather.
"I'll be in soon, you go ahead." Arya then spoke, meeting my gaze.
I nodded, trusting her completely to do what she thought was right.
She usually had a good intuition about these things.
I headed through, following after the others.


I finally got another chapter out!
I'm really sorry for the long wait.
I've been super busy with work lately...
I hope you enjoyed todays chapter and that you're having a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night! 
Take care and see you again soon!

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