Chapter 63: Tense Preparations

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As Jim explained the plan, I finished the poptart.
Angor Rot would be here soon... I could feel it.
I told Jim not to say a word about what was gonna happen with this plan, even though he tried.
I refused to allow Strickler to know about that bit.
I didn't care how much Jim wanted to let the changeling know, he was still using us.
I couldn't even bring myself to believe that Strickler of all people could be good.
I dusted off my hands, standing up and palming the amulet through my pocket before making my way to the kitchen.
"Mom said she wouldn't be home tonight, so we have a few hours. Draal, can you go ahead and get those things we talked about?" I spoke up, catching everyone's attention.
The troll chuffed before making his way towards the basement.
"In the mean time, we'll work with what we got. I want every entry point sealed or guarded. Two at the back, two at the front. Draal can guard the basement. Arya and I will guard the back door, Jim you're with Strickler because there's less of a chance of you killing him." I added on, grabbing a can of soup and tossing it in the air before catching it and reading the label again.
"Why do we even have this stuff when you cook it from scratch?" I asked, raising a brow at my brother.
He only gave a shrug, causing me to do so in turn.
"Honestly, I think you're cooking hinders us from having emergency rations. Why haven't we bought more canned stuff is beyond me." I muttered before sighing.
"Let's get to work already." I muttered.


"You're telling me you don't remember anything that happened in the beginning? Not even the person that did that to you?" I spoke, eyeing the large troll as he fell into a rhythm, his swords cutting through the air.
"No... I just remember fragments... Pictures in my mind." He replied, his voice gruff.
I hummed in thought, picking at the blades of grass near me.
"We'll find them soon enough. I just have to conjure up a tracking spell once we get to Arcadia." I explained, noticing the fact that he winced slightly.
Whenever I mentioned it, he grew quiet.
"You're afraid to go back, aren't you?" I asked cautiously.
He turned on me, baring his teeth as his red eyes flashed with anger.
"I am not afraid." He growled out, gaze narrowed as he glared down at me.
I sighed, standing as I met his gaze fully.
His shoulders tensed.
"We are friends. We've been friends for years, Bular. The least you could do is be honest with me as I am with you." I spoke as I dusted off the dirt and grass from my clothes before turning away to head into my cottage.
It was a hassle getting Bular outside, having to quite literally push him through the door.
"Blythe." He spoke softly, a frown pulling at his features as he lowered to the ground with a huff.
He watched me as I turned back to face him.
"I... appreciate all you've done. When I was under their control, I did... bad things." He muttered quietly... well compared to his usual volume.
"The taste... I remember liking the taste. The Blood shed." He added on, staring off into the distance.
I didn't need him to tell me what he was talking about, it was obvious.
"Do you remember the pain? When you turned to stone?" I asked softly.
He chuffed, giving a weak nod as he turned his head away.
I took this time to study him.
He had more scars than he did the last time I saw him, all those years ago.
His horns were slightly chipped along the sides, now crooked due to the left one being broken at the end.
The fangs protruding from his lower jaw were sharper.
I remembered the area around his eyes glowing a fiery orange, though they were duller now.
The large scar across his chest was the most prominent of all the scars though.
It was still grey around the edges, a deeper grey stretching across his chest as if the wielder had slashed through him rather than just shove the blade through his body.
It was the same on the back as well, though slightly covered due to the sheathes for his swords.
That's when I noticed small whitish-gray lines that looked like lighting strikes stretching outwards from the large scar.
They were small, just barely noticeable unless you were able to get close enough.
It looked painful...
I could only imagine what he pictured every time he saw the scar.
How many times did the picture of his death run through his memories?
"You were forced to do awful things. I know you don't want to go back, but to ensure the caster doesn't gain control of you again, we have to. Besides, what if you and the trollhunter cross paths again? They would attack you and then me for bringing you back. I don't plan on dying anytime soon, thank you." I pointed out, sitting down next to him.
He chuffed again, not meeting my gaze.
"The trollhunter." He scoffed, eyes narrowing at an invisible threat.
"She is anything but." He then muttered.
I frowned.
"What do you mean?" I asked, raising a brow.
"The trollhunter is human... And the night watcher." He added.
My eyes widened.
"The Night watcher?" I asked aloud, praying I didn't hear him wrong.
He grunted his affirmation.
"The most powerful being who came in one of the darkest hours of history?" I then spoke.
He chuffed, sending me a glare.
"I'm sorry, it just... seems impossible. I've been searching for any trace of the night watcher since that day and never found anything..." I explained softly.
"The fact that the trollhunter is one... It must mean something bad is going to happen." I stated to myself before sighing.
"It seems that after we clear things up with her... We'll have to find my father. He needs to be here for this."
I let myself fall backwards, Bular stirring into a sitting position to look down at me.
"I do not like him." He stated, eyes wide.
"He doesn't like you, either." I pointed out.
"He will kill me if the trollhunter doesn't.
"Don't be over dramatic." I muttered, closing my eyes.
"Did you bring me back only to let me die again?" Bular then questioned, causing me to snort.
"Hey, trust me, you're lucky that one of the side-effects of bringing you back didn't turn you into a human. Given if it had, I would have found funny even if you were stabbing me. I can see it now, human you glaring at me and being the same height as me. Can you imagine being a third of your size?" I rambled, cracking a smile at the troll although he glared at me.
"Do not jest about such a thing." He warned.
"Relax. I personally don't have the power to do that... Though maybe my father does." I hummed, hearing him chuff once again.
"Why don't you get some meat for dinner? I'll start the fire." I suggested.
He grunted lowly before standing and walking off into the trees.


After a couple hours, Draal finally came back, which meant more work in getting everything up and running.
I sighed, plopping down onto the couch after getting everything set up.
"Are you taking a nap?" Jim asked, causing me to huff.
"I wish. We don't have time for that though." I replied, sitting up and looking around.
"This place looks like a warzone. It should be illegal to attack people in their homes." I stated.
"It already is." Arya pointed out.
"That doesn't stop people from doing it." I countered, causing her to shrug.
"Are the windows all locked and covered?" I then asked, standing to do a triple check.
"Yes." Strickler stated, loading the crossbow.
"And I should trust your word." I stated, raising a brow.
"If it makes you feel any better, I am focused on my own survival. As tempting as it is to get rid of you, I need your help." He stated, causing me to cross my arms.
"You couldn't get rid of me if you've tried. Which you have. And failed. On multiple accounts." I pointed out.
He only glared at me.
"I mean, how can one fail so much? I'm a kid, you've been alive for, what? Hundreds of years?" I questioned, his glare hardening.
"You'd think you'd have experienced enough to come up with a plan that would actually work." I added on, grabbing the rope Jim was holding and tightening it around Strickler's neck.
"In case it wasn't clear. I'm still going to kill you when this is all over. I don't care what Jim or my mother thinks of you. You're a dead man walking and nothing is going to change my mind about that." I stated, dropping the rope and plopping down on the stair next to Draal as Jim finished putting together the pulley.
Strickler then sighed, meeting my gaze.

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