Chapter Twenty-Six: Grit-Shaka's Are Bad News

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Nobody important.
Something twisted in my gut as she said those words.
A frown etched into my features.
Why did those words seem to hurt ?
It almost hurt more than a wound you would get in a vicious battle.
A sigh left me as I sat down on the cold floor.
These feelings didn't feel right to me.
Perhaps I wanted her respect as she had mine?
Was that it?
It wouldn't hurt to try.
The faster this feeling went away, the better.


Metal met metal, an intense glare on my face as I faced down my opponent.
Arya and I were sparring together while Jim and Draal were fighting as well.
"Were this an actual battle, Jim. You would have just been deprived of your right leg, three fingers..." He paused for a moment, moving his stick lower as I parried Arya's daggers, jumping back to avoid being slashed.
"And your gronk-nuks." Draal stated as Jim hit Draal's stick away with his own.
"I know." Jim stated with a slight laugh.
"Switch." I called out, causing Arya to begin facing off with Draal as I went against Jim, easily blocking his attacks.
"You're distracted. I swear if it's about Claire again, I'll hit you over the head." I stated.
"Sorry, you're right." He stated, causing me to slide past him in order to hit him over the head with the hilt of my sword.
"What's it about this time, I asked with a sigh, rolling my eyes as he rubbed the back of his head.
"Switch." Arya called out, causing me to begin fighting with Draal as she and Jim began sparring.
"The school play, Romeo and Juliet... We're rehearsing the kissing scene and I have to kiss her tomorrow..." He stated, muttering something at the end.
I groaned, my nose crinkling in disgust.
"Kissing?" Draal asked, his confusion clear.
"What is this kissing?" He then asked, pulling away to signal a break.
I rolled my eyes again.
"Kissing is the term used when there's a touch of the lips, usually as a sign of love, desire, or even a greeting. All depending on the country and such." I explained, sheathing the sword.
"Disgusting. Killing sounds easier." Draal stated, looking away.
"Well, I'm getting some water now." I spoke.
"Wait, Skylar, can't you just say something encouraging or tell me how stupid I'm being first." Jim called, causing me to look at him with a raised brow.
"You are being stupid." I stated blandly.
He sighed, looking to the ground.
"But, I know you well enough to know that you can face any challenge without any help because that's what you do. Despite you being so strange lately, that's one thing that hasn't changed." I then added, looking away with a bored look as I rolled my shoulders back.
Arms were suddenly wrapped around me.
"Ew, let go." I spoke, causing him to laugh as he did so.
"You're a huge softy, admit it." He spoke, poking me.
I grabbed his wrist, twisting it and kicking his legs out from under him.
"Nothing to admit." I stated as he repeated the word 'ow' over and over again.
"Okay, okay, you're right, sorry!" He spoke, causing me to nod and let him go.
"Anyone want anything while I'm inside?" I asked, turning to the other two with a smile.
"No, thank you." Arya replied with as Draal shook his head.
I nodded and headed inside as Jim rubbed his wrist.
I grabbed a cup from the cupboard and filled it with cold water, sipping at it as I headed back outside.
"It sounds as though these 'girls' require you to not be afraid... then you need a grit-shaka." Draal stated.
"I don't like the sound of that." I stated at the same time as Jim said "Absolutely not".
I only threw my arm over Arya's shoulders.
"I can't believe you stayed out here for that conversation." I stated, drawing a long heavy sigh from her.
"They talk as though boys and girls are completely different species." She stated, causing me to nod.
"Tis the way of the male mind." I spoke, getting an eyeroll and a smirk from her.
I then looked to Jim eyeing him.
"You know, I seriously thought you would have went for something that would make you 'braver' because of how much you want to impress Claire." I stated.
"If it's used by Gumm-Gumms, then I shouldn't wear it, right?" He spoke, causing me to frown.
"That is strangely logical of you." I stated, looking him up and down again.
"Thank you?" He spoke with a questioning manner, offering a smile.
I took my arm off of Arya, readying my sword.
"You guys ready to continue training?" I asked, raising a brow.
"Yeah, let's try to get that double sword out this time." Jim stated, causing me to nod as Arya and Draal talked for a moment longer before getting into their stances.

"Mr. Strickler is out today, so I'm subbing." Coach Lawrence started, pulling down the screen after the blinds were closed.
"He asked me to fin in to teach you some history. So without further ado, I present gun robot three." He stated, turning off the lights as everyone cheered.
I sighed, Arya and I moving our desks closer to look over the book on Troll Lore.
"Coach Lawrence? Jim took my seat!" I heard Mary Exclaim.
I sighed rolling my eyes as Arya shook her head.
We both knew what she was doing.
I focused on the book, glancing to Arya to see if she was ready to turn the page, to which she nodded.
Arya's hand began to shake and I frowned, looking at her for a moment.
"Everything okay?" I asked, causing her to nod.
I nodded softly before we continued to read in silence.

After the bell rang Arya made her way outside the school, causing me to frown.
I know she was impatient when it came to finding Bular and putting an end to it, but I didn't know why.
I didn't want her going alone either, so I followed her.
"Arya, wait." I spoke, catching up to her.
She glanced at me with a surprised look before frowning.
"What are you doing?" She asked, seeming defensive.
"I know that you're going to look for Bular. I'm coming with you." I stated.
She was silent for a moment.
"No. This is my fight. I have to end him myself." She spoke sternly.
It was my turn to frown.
"We are a team. It is our  fight now. If you're going to look for him and do something reckless then I'm going to come with you to back you up. That's what friends are for." I replied with, standing my ground.
"Then maybe we shouldn't be friends." She stated, her tone sharp.
I was at a loss for what to say next.
That was until I saw the green glowing from her neck.
"You don't mean that." I stated, meeting her eyes again, matching her tone.
I was mad.
How could she use something the gumm-gumms used?
Why would she stoop that low.
"I think I do." She then spoke, turning on her heel and walking off.
I clenched my fist, following her into what would undoubtedly be danger.
I took out my phone and sent a quick text to Jim and Toby, telling them that they better get the others.
I then turned on the tracking on my phone so they could find us.
Arya stayed silent, not noticing a thing as she focused on her one goal.
This was not going to end well.

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