Chapter 38: Issues

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When it arrived, it sounded like all Blinky was saying was absolute gibberish.
However, the more I listened, the more I thought he was onto something.
"How long has he been like this?" Arya asked, causing me to smirk.
"Long time." Arrrgh replied.
Blinky then walked up to us.
"According to legend, only one scholar, the Dishonorable Bodus, uncovered a method of wounding Gunmar." He began as I raised a brow.
Wounding not killing.
"That's interesting considering those jerk predecessors of mine said there wasn't anyway to do so." I stated before looking to Arya.
"And yes, I am very aware that they can apparently see every prospect of my life." I spoke, receiving a nod from her.
"I take it you don't like them?" Draal spoke, causing me to move my gaze solely onto him.
"Starting to dislike them. Yes." I replied, nodding.
Blinky then cleared his throat, shooting us an unamused look.
"Gunmar had Bodus and his students hunted down and dispatched in the most unpleasant manner. But here, this book, The Final Testament of Bodus. The last surviving copy of his work! This is the key!" Blinky exclaimed, holding up the book.
"And I'm going to burn it." He then stated in a nonchalant way, lowering the book from his face.
"Let's do it." I stated, picking up the candle.
"Okay." Jim agreed, causing me to groan as I dropped the candle.
"Okay, seriously, you and I have a lot to talk about." I spoke while Toby, Claire, and Arrrgh tried desperately to put out the fire.
"What?" Jim asked, seeming slightly panicked.
"You and the way you're acting. It's not the same as how you would normally. Especially if it would be burning the one book that could possibly lead us to the answer that would kill Gunmar despite the fact that you shouldn't even be involved in it in the first place. So, we're talking about it." I spoke, the fire finally being put out.
"Hey, look. The ashes." Jim then pointed out, causing me to narrow my gaze at him before turning away from him.
Blinky began to blow the shape away and I winced from a sudden headache.
Suddenly, I was speaking without realizing it.
"In the darkest tide, when daylight darest wane, the Myrddin Wylt obscured a Shadow's bane. Three forces elemental thou must seek. In marshland, caverns deep, and mountains peak. Where worthy perish, ye will prevail in night and eclipse all who quarry with thy might." 
A throb took its place in my skull as I placed my fingers to my temple.
"That's precisely what it says." Blinky spoke, almost seeming in awe.
"It feels so familiar." I mumbled before closing my eyes.
"Anyone else feel freaked out by this evil perish poem?" Toby asked.
"How did you know what it was going to say, Skylar?" Claire then asked, meeting my gaze.
"I don't know..." I replied, shaking the feeling off.
I took in a breath.
"If we can figure out what he is hinting at, we'll be able to defeat Gunmar. Let's focus." I then stated, placing my hands on the table.
Blinky then walked over to his books, rambling to himself.
"We make the weapon and Wham! Gunmar is done-mar!" Toby exclaimed.
"Caution." Arrrgh then warned, causing me to raise a brow at him.
"Indeed, the triumbric stones have been hidden for centuries, but if we can decipher this text, Lady Skylar, then we shall-"
"Eclipse all who quarry with thy might!" Claire exclaimed excitedly, interrupting Blinky.
However, my thoughts quickly turned back to the familiarity of this all.
I just wanted to know what was going on.
"I need a minute." I spoke before turning on my heel and walking off.
"I'll come with you." Draal spoke, causing me to glance and nod at him briefly.
I could feel his footsteps tremor through the ground as he followed behind me.
In a strange way, it was comforting.


I hesitantly picked up my pace in order to walk by her side.
Judging by the look on her face, she was deep in thought.
She looked so small next to me, fragile.
Yet I knew she was anything but.
How can so much hostility be pent up within her?
Why is she able to change the emotion she portrays as quickly as a rockslide?
She truly is a mystery to me.
"Hey, Draal." She began.
I blinked, her blue gaze piercing my own almost immediately.
"Did you really go easy on me? When we first trained together?" She suddenly asked.
Her expression was hard to decipher, a mixture of emotions.
"No." I replied, a frown pulling at my features.
She let out a heavy breath, breaking eye contact.
She stood straighter now, just slightly.
However, that look was still on her face.
"Why do you ask?" I questioned softly.
She stuffed her hands into her pockets, her gaze falling to the ground.
Her lips parted a couple times, seemingly trying to find the words.
Another sigh.
"I don't feel like they actually take me seriously as the trollhunter." She mumbled softly.
I opened my mouth to reply, but she continued.
"Sure, Blinky and Arrrgh are training me and Arya is great. Toby is... Toby. But Jim... It feels like he's trying to take over and do things his way. And he knows something. He really knows something about what's happening. And it was his idea to bring Claire into all this, not mine. I want to limit how many humans we bring into this, if we have to bring any. There's a reason all of trollkind is hidden from humans now... He just doesn't seem to understand the fact I'm trying to protect people. And your father, and all the Trollhunters before me, treat me like a failure. Telling me I need to distance myself from everyone in order to succeed because I'm putting them in danger." Her voice grew soft at the end, the blue of her eyes becoming a slightly stormy color as tears pricked the corner of her eyes.
"What if they're right?" She then asked, meeting my gaze.
I glanced around, relief filling me that there was no one else to hear this.
A feeling filled my chest and I placed my hand on her shoulder.
"You are doing your best, Skylar. You have done far better than anyone I've known to. You forget that you are not just the trollhunter, but the nightwatcher as well." I stated, watching as she blinked her tears away rapidly.
Her pain hurt me.
How can that possibly be?
She let out a breath, composing herself.
"Alright, enough of that. There's too much to do." She spoke, shaking her head.
I frowned.
She showed strength, not just physically.
I then realized the feeling that swelled in my chest as she began walking ahead again.
It was pride.
She trusted me enough to tell me what was bothering her.
While painful, I was proud to give her that much.


Well, another chapter done. 
I'm really sorry about the long wait.
Been super busy lately due to harvest/fair time. 
I will try to do better with the updates, but can't make any promises.
As always, thank you for reading and have a fantastic Morning/afternoon/evening/night!

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