Chapter Nine: TrollMarket

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My attention moved to the two trolls that stood beside me as Blinky began to speak.
"Trollmarket is home, and heart, and sanctuary for all good trolls. This way, Lady Skylar there is much to see."
I followed after him, looking around at all the new things surrounding me.
"Stay close. Human feet have never graced the ground of Trollmarket before." Blinky warned, causing me to take a few sidesteps closer to him, despite wanting to take a closer look at everything.
As we walked deeper into Trollmarket, trolls of all sizes started muttering to eachother.
Gnomes scuttled around our feet and the feeling of eyes watching us filled me.
I glanced over, seeing a gnome standing alone.
"What a cute gnome." I stated aloud.
It hissed at me and I laughed softly.
Blinky then began stomping, trying to get the gnomes, but only succeeded in getting them to scurry away.
"Go away! Get out of here! Vile vermin! Begone!" He shouted as he stomped.
He then brushed his hands off on his chest.
"Gnomes are vermin, pick-pocket. Scum of the eath!" He shouted before turning to me with a softer voice.
"We only tolerate them for their grooming services." Blinky added.
"To eat parasites on the larger trolls?" I asked, venturing a guess.
"Precisely. Now come along, much to do, not so much time." He spoke, leading the way through the crowds again.
I followed closely, Arrrgh walking just behind me.
"Wow, it's breath-taking." I stated, ooking at a giant glowing crystal that gave off a warm, comforting feel.
"The lifeforce of trollkind! The means that keeps us from crumbling to stone, and the source of light and sustenance." Blinky stated, causing me to tilt my head.
"Amazing." I replied with before we moved on.
That's when trolls suddenly started to crowd around us, causing me to feel slightly anxious.
"What is a human doing here?"
I shrank into myself slightly as their voices carried over eachother.
"Friends, there's no need to be afraid, she is the Trollhunt-"
"What is this?" A big blue troll asked loudly, interrupting Blinky as he pushed his way to the front of the crowd.
"I was just getting to that, Draal." Blinky stated, seeming slighty irritated.
"Human feet have not sullied the ground of Trollmarket before. Who is this Fleshbag?" Draal asked, seemingly ignoring my mentor.
"Believe it or not, she is um... How do I put this? Our new Trollhunter as well as the Night Watcher!" Blinky announced.
"Everyone gasped in horror, taking a step back as I looked around with my blue gaze.
However, I found my gaze landing once again on this 'Draal' character.
That throbbing at the base of my skull returned, though it was more than bearable this time around.
"She can't be a trollhunter, she's not a troll!" Draal shouted, pounding the ground with his fist to show his anger.
The force of it was strong, I'll give him that.
"Amulet Chose." Arrrgh stated defensively, steeling his gaze.
"Lady Skylar, perhaps a demonstration, if you please?" Blinky suggested, causing me to nod.
I pulled out the amulet.
"For the glory of Merlin's moon, Night and Day is mine to command." I spoke clearly, relief filling me when it worked.
My wings appeared alongside the armor, the sword appearing in my hand seconds later.
"A human protecting us?" A troll asked before another fainted.
"Are they okay?" I asked, sheathing the sword as I looked to Blinky.
"They'll be fine." He replied quickly.
"Bushagal! I am Draal, son of Kanjigar, and the amulets rightful heir!" 'Draal' announced, causing me to want to frown, but I simply raised a brow instead.
"I was under the impression that the amulet chose its champion." I replied, causing the blue troll to glare down at me.
I met his glare with a passive glance.
The air was tense as we stared each other down, challenging one another.
"We'll see what Vendel has to say about this." Draal stated lowly.
"Feel free to vigil. In the meanwhile, lots of business to be done! Draal, wonderful seeing you as always." Blinky stated, beginning to herd me away.
However, I kept my gaze on Draal as we walked.
He was the first to break eye contact, turning to leave as the rest of the trolls dispersed, returning to their business.
I opened my wings, stretching them slightly before refolding them behind me, walking confidently through the market.
Eventually, the armour deactivated and I caught the amulet in my palm.
I was getting good at that.
"Why does it do that on it's own?" I asked, turning to Blinky.
"The amulet responded to your unconscious command, Lady Skylar. You are at ease, are you not?" He spoke easily.
"Yes, but if we are heading to the area we are supposed to train in, I would've liked for it to have stayed." I replied, glancing down at the softly glowing object.
"Fear not, Lady Skylar, for this is a chance to practice your response to danger." He replied, causing me to nod.
After we crossed the bridge, I looked around.
"Wow." I stated, taking in every detail.
"This is the heroes forge!" Blinky anounced.
"Are these-?" I trailed off questioningly.
"Trollhunters." Arrrgh confirmed, making me nod before frowning.
"No night watchers?" I asked, furrowing my brows.
"We only know of one Night Watcher, Lady Skylar. However, we can tell you much of your predecessors here. A line of heroism that reaches back to the ages of Merlin. This is the place of final reposed, Kanjigar the Courageous. One day there will be a statue of you here, Lady Skylar." I shot him a look and he stumbled over his words a bit before continuing.
"One day very far in the future of course!"
"And the Trollhunters..." I began, gesturing to all the statues looking down on us.
"Only hunt the bad trolls, Gumm-Gumms...." I stated before adding, "Nope, still sounds like candy to me."
"In troll-speak, Gumm-Gumm means; bringer of horrible, slow, painful, and thoroughly calculated death." Blinky stated, causing me to nod slighly.
"So a really dark chocolate kind of candy." I stated jokingly, mainly to myself.
"Do not be concerned too much, Lady Skylar. The Gumm-Gumms were exiled to the Darklands centuries ago. Only one rose free." Blinky then spoke.
"Bular." I stated.
"And wants to kill you." Arrrgh added on, causing me to nod in understanding.
"So, Bular is, what, a general?" I asked, raising a brow.
"Not quite. His father is the king of the Gumm-Gumms and he, along with the rest of them, remain exiled to the Darklands, but they have been trying to escape for centuries! I sense ill times are upon us, hence the need for us to begin your training now." Blinky spoke, causing me to nod once.
"Let's get started." I spoke.
He nodded in turn before moving over to a wall.
"Step back please." He said softly, causing me to take ten steps.
"Ver well." He stated before placing two right hands onto a sphere in the wall and pressing it.
Suddenly, everything seemed to go haywire.
I jumped, twisting sideways to narrowly advoid two blades swinging towards me from different directions.
I landed on my hands before flipping myself to avoid another blade having come up from the floor.
"Excellent reflexes!" Blinky stated as ducked under a torrent of flame before jumping and grabbing onto an axe that had seemingly come out of nowhere.


Apologies for not posting in some time.
As I had announced, not too long ago, making time to write with my new job is quite difficult thanks to my new schedule.
Thank you so much for your understanding and, as always, have a fantastic morning/afternoon/evening/night!

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