Chapter 28: Strict and Stern

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"War is constant chaos. The winner will be the one who controls the chaos, both his own and his enemy's." Strickler stated before turning to the class, his eyes meeting mine briefly.
"Napoleon's words show an unquenchable need for conquest. A man who could not be stopped. So, what was the French Generals downfall?" He asked, receiving no answer.
"Did he stare down the barrel of a cannon?
When no one answered, although both Arya and I had raised our hands, he asked another question.
"Did he die from the deafening silence of a classroom?"
Everyone laughed except for Arya, Jim, Toby, and myself.
He then noticed my and Arya's hands.
"Skylar, Arya?" He acknowledged, gesturing for us to answer.
"Malaria. the greatest in the world was felled-" I began, waiting for Arya to continue.
"All because of an 'insignificant' insect." She stated.
I held my hand out for a high five, which she met without looking.
"That would be correct." He stated, clicking the button to show the next slide.
The bell then rang.
I started putting everything in my bag.
"One last lesson." Strickler then stated, causing me to raise a brow before exchanging a look with the other three.
"Who can tell me where Napoleon kept his armies?" He asked, causing me to sigh.
I knew what was coming next.
"In his sleevies." He answered for everyone, earning a collective groan.
He laughed as I rolled my eyes.
I hated the man, but his puns were alright.
That familiar throb at the base of my skull returned, causing me to wince.
Strickler then walked over to me.
"Young Atlas." He greeted briefly before turning to me.
"Young Athena." He stated.
"If I could have a brief word with you." He stated, causing a glare to fall over my features.
When the other three showed no signs of moving, he spoke again.
"Alone, please."
I nodded to them, giving them the okay to leave.
They gathered their things, Jim sending me one last pleading look before glancing at Strickler and leaving.
"Due to recent developments, I don't want things to be strange between us." Strickler began.
"Is that what you think this is? Strange?" I asked with an acidic bite to my tone as I placed my notebook and pencil in my bag.
"Your mother had invited me to have dinner with you all." He stated, making me freeze and slowly turn my glare onto him.
"Will that make things awkward?" He asked.
"It's just dinner." I forced myself to say through grit teeth, turning my glare back to my bag as I fastened it shut.
"Splendid! Then I'll be seeing you this evening." He stated, receiving a harsh affirmative hum from me in response.
I then stood, slinging my bag over my shoulder.
With one last glare directed at Strickler, I walked towards the door.
I stopped short however, turning to look at him again.
"Why didn't you want to talk to Jim about this as well?" I asked.
"He suggested it." He responded.
My glare only darkened as I walked out.

We were in the basement, my arms crossed as I leaned against the wall, glaring at Jim.
"I do not approve of this plan. It lacks a certain 'killing the Changeling' component." Draal stated, causing me to roll my eyes before nodding in agreement.
"I would love to do that." I stated, catching Jim's glare.
"But, Blinky and Arrrgh are locating the bridge. Besides, Mom likes him." He stated, seeming defensive as he looked down at the batter he was mixing viciously.
"Maybe mom should find someone else to like. Someone who isn't a changeling." I spoke in turn, matching his glare.
"I think mom deserves to be happy. She and Strickler are a good match." He stated.
"I agree that mom deserves to be happy, but have you forgotten the whole 'Strickler is a changeling' thing?" I asked, my voice raising slightly.
"He's a good guy!" Jim spoke, finally meeting my gaze as he  stopped stirring.
"Since when were you in charge?" I asked.
He opened his mouth to reply, but stopped short with a frown.
He slowly began to mix again.
"I just want her to be happy. And I like Strickler. He isn't all bad." Jim stated softly, seeming almost defeated.
I growled before looking to Draal.
"We could rip of his limbs, make him talk-"
"You mean scream." I interrupted, liking the idea.
"I think you're forgetting the fact that mom is going to be here with us. We can't have Draal coming up and busting chops unless it's a last resort." He pointed out.
I hated how he was right.
"Ugh, fine!" I agreed, hating everything about this.
"We could have avoided all of this if you didn't suggest he come over for dinner." I added with spite.
He paused again.
"You... Found out?" He asked.
"Of course I found out, Jim. I don't understand why you would ever do something so boneheaded like that. We know he's a changeling and yet you keep pushing him and mom together as if you're some kind of matchmaker. You would have never done this before, so why are you doing it now?" I asked, glaring heavily at him.
Draal shifted uncomfortably.
"I... Have to finish making dinner." Jim stated, walking past me and effectively avoiding the question.
My nails dug into my arm as I watched him disappear up the stairs.
I then turned my gaze to Draal.
"If I stomp once, it's all good. I stomp twice, come on up to help." I spoke, causing him to nod.
"Two times. Then I'll tear his limbs." Draal stated, making me smirk.
"Yeah." I stated just before the bell rang.
A heavy sigh escaped me and I looked up the stairs before turning my gaze back to Draal.
"Time to face the music." I stated, shrugging.
He snorted in response, causing me to smile.
I then took in a breath before heading up the stairs, letting it out before greeting Strickler with a smile.
"Mr. Stricklander. Great to see you." I greeted, causing him to smile smugly in response.
I hated him.
I want to rip him limb from limb and make him eat his fingers till he chokes on them.
That thought brought a true smile to my face.
"Jim cooked for tonight, he's great in the kitchen." I stated, placing a hand on my brother's shoulder.
"Please, Skylar, my friends call me Walt." He stated.
I laughed.
"Really? Then what do your enemies call you?" I asked, tilting my head with the same smile.
Jim winced at the grip I had on his shoulder.
Strickler and Mom then began talking and I allowed Jim to continue cooking.
"Skylar, come sit." Mom spoke, causing me to walk over and sit in my chair.
I was mad at Jim for suggesting this stupid dinner.

"So, I said to my co-worker; I brought you a midnight snack. Too bad for him, he had indigestion for days." Strickler spoke after telling a much longer than necessary story.
I rolled my eyes as Mom laughed with him.
I was tempted to stomp, but somehow, I controlled myself.
Skylar Jordan Lake preventing murders!
How, you ask?
Mom's phone then rang.
The hospital no doubt.
I watched as she left the room before fixing my gaze onto Strickler.
"That was a funny story." I stated.
"Who was it you were forced to work with again?" I then asked, Jim glaring at me, no doubt telling me to stop.
"The superintendents son." Strickler replied.
I hummed in reply, grabbing my fork and stabbing at the food on my plate.
"He's a bit bullish." Strickler added.
"Sounds like a real monster." I stated in turn.
"Sky, c'mon." Jim spoke as Strickler and I glared at each other.
"Yes, I know." Strickler then stated.
"You know what?" I asked, glare hardening further.
"I know you know." He replied.
Jim sighed, about to speak but mom cut him off, calling for him.
He glanced between the two of us, watching as I took a bite before reluctantly leaving.
"How much do you know?" I asked after Jim left.
"You didn't know I knew, but now you know, I know." He replied.
"Maybe I did know before you knew that I know." I countered with.
He narrowed his eyes at me.
"He told me, if I can't get you to hand over the amulet, I should kill you." He stated, causing me to chuckle.
"You would kill me in front of the woman you are so infatuated with, my own mother?" I asked.
"Granted, killing your death might have an affect on our relationship, but I will if I have to." He replied, causing me to laugh dryly.
"I was thinking the exact same thing." I spoke before leaning back in my chair.
"How about you tell me where the bridge is, and I'll leave your head attached to your body? Though I can't promise the rest of you would stay intact." I spoke, not missing how he swallowed thickly.
"It seems we have something the other wants." Strickler stated, keeping his cool.
I couldn't say I was impressed, he had proven to be a great actor.
All changeling's have.
Jim then came back and sat down, seeming surprised we were both still alive.
"You three want something while I'm up?" Mom asked, peaking around the corner.
"I'd love a sharp knife for the steak." Strickler spoke, returning to his pleassantries.
"Skylar?" Mom asked, causing me to pick up the duller knife I had.
"I'm good with the one I have." I replied, causing her to nod and head back into the kitchen.
"It causes more pain." I added only loud enough for Strickler to hear.
Jim looked between us, eyes widening.
"Sky. Why can't you just be nice to him?" Jim asked, causing me to look at him from the corner of my eye.
"Because I don't  like him." I stated plainly.
Mom then came back, finishing up her food, the rest of us doing the same.
When she finished, she hummed in delight.
"I'm stuffed, can hardly move." Jim stated, smiling innocently.
"Your cooking alone should warrant you an A." Strickler stated, seeming slightly oblivious to the fact Jim knew what was going on.
I would be too considering the fact that Jim basically invited him here to flirt with our mom.
"Yeah, it was good." I stated sourly, causing Jim to look at me with a slightly hurt look.
"I hope you saved enough room for some hot apple pie." Mom then spoke, completely oblivious to all the hostility.
"Sounds great mom." I stated with a forced smile.
She took the dishes and I offered to help, her declining my offer.
"I just need a second, talk amongst yourselves." Mom stated, walking into the kitchen.
"I'm going to go check on the heating." Jim stated, standing up suddenly.
He then looked at me.
"Be nice." He pleaded, begging clear in his eyes.
"Give me the amulet." Strickler then ordered after Jim left the room.
"Over my cold dead body." I spoke with a growl.
We then attacked, blocking and dodging.
He cut my hoodie, opening the pocket so the amulet fell out.
It rolled across the floor and he went for it.
I kicked him away, flinging myself at him and locking him into a choke-hold.
That's when mom walked in and I stopped, acting as though I was looking for something.
"Now where did that contact lense go?" He asked aloud.
"We'll find it." I stated calmly, keeping my breathing under control.
I then found the amulet under the couch, sliding it into my pocket secretly as Strickler stood up, acting as though he was putting in a contact lense.
"I didn't know you wear contacts, Walt." Mom stated.
"Barbara, you'd find I'm full of surprises." He stated, causing yet another glare to fall over my features.
Jim then came back up, looking between the two of us as he handed Strickler some leftovers.
We bid our goodbyes and he left, knocking on the doorframe twice before leaving.
I turned toward the basement door, mom standing in front of me.
"That went well, right?" She asked.
"He seems two-faced to me." I replied easily, crossing my arms with a glare.
"I like him." Jim stated, looking to me.
"It sounded like you two were getting along, Skylar." Mom spoke, Draal appearing with an unconscious Claire being held upside down by her foot.
I gestured for him to go back downstairs and his eyes widened when he noticed mom standing their, side-stepping back into the basement.
"I don't want you seeing him again." I spoke sternly, causing her to sigh and close her eyes.
"I really expected more from you, Skylar." She stated before turning away and walking up the stairs to her room.
Now that hurt.
"Why can't you just accept it?" Jim asked.
"What is wrong with you?" I finally snapped, causing him to take a step back.
"He is a changeling, Jim. I don't care if he's your favorite teacher. I don't care if Mom likes him. He is working with Bular. He brought Bular a human being to eat as if that human was nothing but a snickers bar. I know for a fact you aren't dim enough to actually think this is a good idea." I spoke harshly.
He sighed, looking at the ground.
"You need to stop, Sky. Why don't you take Claire home, get some air?" He suggested.
My fist clenched again, my jaw tightening.
"Yeah, I think I will. Obviously you and I can't see eye to eye on the matter, so we should just drop it right? Let it fester like a bad wound and get infectious. Yeah. I like that plan." I stated bitterly.
I then turned away, walking towards the basement.
"Leave me alone, James." I spoke harshly.
I hated using his actual name rather then call him Jim.
But this was serious, and he needed to understand that.

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