Chapter 33: Water Under The Bridge

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I had to push her in before Bular got to them.
I parried his blow, my feet slipping from underneath me due to the unexpected force.
I rolled into the sewer, taking in a large breath and closing my eyes as I pulled my wings to my form.
The water enveloped me, the cold seeping into my bones.
As soon as the tunnel opened up, I opened my wings, forcing myself up.
I broke the surface, my wings wide open as I went to land on the bridge, a sudden pain building in my back.
I grabbed onto the pole, my feet slipping slightly as I panted.
I looked around, the tension in my shoulders slowly giving way.
That's when I felt the bridge shake, causing me to look in the direction of the thud.
Bular stood their, panting heavily as he stared me down.
I drew my sword as he growled, his red eyes flashing dangerously.
I took in a deep breath, pushing the pain aside as I readied myself.
"SKYLAR!" I heard my brother shout.
My feet left the ground as I made the first move, our swords clashing.
Sparks showered around us, almost as violently as our attacks.
Time seemed to slow as I failed to block an attack, his blade meeting my arm.
The blade slid off the armor, the impact no doubt going to leave a bruise.
Sparks flew into my eyes, causing me to grit my teeth as I swung my sword carelessly towards his throat.
We both separated from each other, gaining our breath as we watched for the next move.
I raised my sword, ready to continue.
Bular growled, readying to launch himself forward.
I waited, falling to my knees as soon as he did.
He swung his swords down at me and I pushed myself to the side, using my blade to slice at his side.
I opened my wings, turning to lift myself above him.
As soon as I was over him, I lifted my sword and pierced his stone-like skin.
I stood behind him a second.
Before pulling out my sword and letting him fall into the water rushing below.
I barely registered my armor deactivating as I caught the amulet.
I looked down into the water before lifting my face to the rain-filled sky, closing my eyes a second before feeling myself fall.
I watched as the sky became more and more distant before letting out the breath I was holding.
Everything went black as the cold water rushed over me.
Suddenly, there was a warmth wrapping around me, something lifting me back up.
I felt a harshness underneath me, it wasn't comfortable.
A buzz was going on in my ears, water dripping down my skin.
It was so dark...
I wonder where everyone was.
Were they okay?
"Get up, Night watcher. It is not your time..." A voice spoke.
I felt something come up in my throat, causing my eyes to fly open as I sat up, retching up water.
I coughed, trying my best to get air into my lungs.
I took in deep gulps of air as I looked around me.
The laugh that escaped me was one of relief and delirium as I laid back down, staring up at the sky.
"Holy shit." I breathed out, closing my eyes.
"Are you okay?" Jim asked from next to me, a death grip on my hand.
I gave a hum in response.
"Sore." I replied before sighing.
"I should get up." I muttered, Jim helping me up.
I glanced over at Arya, seeing she was staring at me with an indescribable expression.
"Sorry you didn't get to-" 
I was cut off from the shock as she was suddenly hugging me, her body shaking with silent sobs.
"Thank you." She whispered, causing me to hug her back.
She suddenly pulled away, frowning.
"You're hurt." She stated aloud.
"Just bruises. Thank Merlin for that armor." I replied, causing her to nod.
"Let's get out of here before someone sees us." Blinky then spoke, causing me to express my agreement.
I then looked over to Draal, who had water running down his back.
He was watching me intently.
"Hey, Big guy. How's your injury?" I asked, walking beside him.
"I was more worried about-" He cut himself off, looking away.
"It's okay." He then stated, causing me to nod.
"You jumped in after me, didn't you?" I then asked, causing him to glance briefly at me before nodding.
"Thank you." I stated softly before walking ahead.

A few days later... Somewhere Far outside of Arcadia

A figure walked by the river bed, a raven flying over their head before taking a dive.
The raven let out a series of caws, telling the figure to hurry over.
They crouched down next to the raven, running their fingers over the black feathers.
"What did you find?" They asked, before studying the stone they were pointing at.
The figure hummed, pulling the hood around their face further.
"Hello again... Bular." The figure spoke, a soft smile in their tone.
A red glow slowly seeped in around the figure before the stone lifted into the air.
The figure then turned and began their walk back into the forest, heading home for the day.
They had a lot of work in store for them.


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