Chapter 31: First Fall

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"You and Strickler are in something deep. Something- Something I don't understand." Claire began, causing me to look at her fully.
"I heard you. I heard you! And what was that thing in your basement?! I saw something?" She continued.
"What were you doing down there anyway?" I asked, studying her expression.
"I was worried about Jim." She stated, causing me to look at him.
"I'll explain everything. Once you're safe. In Trollmarket." Jim spoke.
"We're not taking her there." I spoke, catching his attention.
"Why not?" He asked.
I narrowed my gaze.
"Why are you so eager to show Trollmarket to everyone?" I asked in turn.
His eyes widened a fraction before narrowing.
"That's not-"
"We don't have time for this." Arya spoke, catching my attention.
"Let's keep moving." I stated, sending one last glare to Jim before turning away.
That's when we got surrounded, causing me to growl.
"Jim, when we get out of this, I am going to strangle you." I spoke, sending one final glare over my shoulder before focusing on the task at hand.
"Waka chaka." A goblin spoke from the shadows.
"Those aren't raccoons, are they?" Claire then asked, causing me to tighten my grip on the dagger.
"They're goblins." I stated, Jim seeming to take a more protective stance.
"I'll count to three then we start running. Stay close to me and don't let them know you're afraid." I spoke harshly, waiting as the goblins slowly crept closer.
I shifted my feet, readying myself.
I checked to see if they were ready, the tension building.
"Three!" I shouted, taking off.
Arya kept up with me easily, Jim and Claire behind us as the latter stumbled slightly in the dark.
They were hot on our trail as we ran through the bush.
However, we had to stop as one cut us off.
We formed a circle again, watching all sides as we slowly turned.
The air was thick around us, heavy breathing coming from Jim and Claire as I breathed heavily through my nose.
"Claire, stay close." Jim spoke softly, causing said girl to nod.
That's when they attacked, Claire screaming at the one that dropped in front of her.
Jim stepped infront of her, hitting the goblin away as I kicked one away from me, Arya slicing at a few in turn.
No matter how good we were doing in that moment, we were quickly getting over run.
"For the Glory of Merlin! Come back to me!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.
Suddenly, my vision went white, my feet being lifted off the ground.
Once my vision was clear, I was glowing a beautiful violet, my armor gleaming in the moonlight as my black feathered wings spread around me, a sword in each hand.
Once my feet touched the ground, I smirked.
"Now it's a party." I stated, tossing Arya her dagger before jumping into the fight, slicing at the goblins.
Arya fought by my side, Jim and Claire swinging at the goblins with the branches they found.
The goblins were quick to scatter, however, I held my ground, waiting for them to come back for round two.
I turned, slicing the goblin that launched itself at me, green goop scattering across the grass at my feet.
I then turned to the others, looking them over for any injuries.
Claire then began to hyperventilate, Jim answering her questions.
I flicked the goblin blood off my swords, looking to Arya as she wiped the blood off on a cloth.
She glanced at Jim and Claire, rolling her eyes, causing me to nod in silent agreement.
"Let's get moving. We shouldn't stay here." I spoke, catching their attention.
Just as I took a step, whistling echoed through the air.
"Who's whistling?" Claire asked as I opened up my wings, warning the person to back off.
"Arya, take Jim and Claire and get out of here. I'll hold her off." I spoke lowly, glancing at her briefly before returning my gaze to the direction the whistling was coming from.
"What, no-"
"They don't have weapons. If they stick around, they'll get hurt. We can't send them on their own because of the goblins." I interrupted quickly.
She stared at me a moment before giving a curt nod, grabbing Jim's arm who was still holding Claire's hand and jogging off.
"Wait, Skylar!" Jim shouted, but I ignored him, readying my swords as I closed my eyes.
I took in a deep breath, listening closely.
I opened my eyes, blocking her attack as she jumped down from the trees.
My gaze met hers.
My gaze was cold as I stared at her deadly expression.
I pushed her away from me, our swords scraping against each other as sparks flew around us.
We stared at each other, about three feet separating us.
With each attack she launched, she always aimed for one place.
My amulet.
Obviously, they wanted it back.
A yell tore free from me as I used all my strength in a single swing, knocking one of her swords away from her.
"A human trollhunter." She laughed out, gripping her one remaining sword tightly.
I readjusted my grip, watching her every move.
"That must have broke Draal's heart." She then stated.
My gaze hardened.
Sparks flew, my swords meeting hers with barely any time to react.
She threw her fist at me, causing me to drop and slide out of the way, dragging my blade across the back of her leg before rolling away.
I got back to my feet, seeing her pissed off expression, her pupils turning into slits.
That's when red fell over my eye.
My own blood.
I had a head wound, bleeding heavily.
When did she even land that?
Black spots danced across my vision, causing me to sway slightly.
I shook my head, focusing back on my opponent only to find that she wasn't standing there any longer.
I turned, receiving a kick to the chest.
I coughed, hitting the ground.
I scrambled back to my feet, meeting her blades with a renewed force, adrenaline racing through me as I fought as hard as I could.
Suddenly, she was clawing at my face with her long nails, leaving four deep gashes across my cheek.
I launched myself at her, throwing her off.
As she lifted her sword, I twisted, landing a kick to her side as my swords turned to one.
With the new advantage, I slammed the pummel of my sword to her temple, causing her to stumble back.
"Skylar!" I heard a voice shout, causing me to chuckle dryly.
From one direction; Toby, Arrrgh, and Blinky were running through the trees, on the other, Claire, Jim, Arya, And Claire's parents were on their way.
"I'd get out of here if I were you." I spoke, causing her to growl before she slipped into the shadows, grabbing her discarded sword in the process.
I let my armor deactivate, pocketing my amulet before turning to the five as the other three hid in the bushes.
Only now could I feel the sudden pain coming from my head, the gashes in my cheek stinging.
"Skylar!" Jim exclaimed when he saw me.
I took a step forward, everything becoming dark almost as quickly.
I could feel myself falling before feeling absolutely weightless.

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