Chapter 69: I Won't Be Long

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I walked around, checking the preparations for the battle to come.
"Toby, we have to tell her." Claire stated.
I frowned, walking over to their voices.
"Tell me what?" I asked, seeing Jim and Arya alongside Toby and Claire.
"I forgot to mention Chompsky. It was a small detail." Jim admitted.
"Chompsky coming back is a small detail?" I questioned, moving past them to see the small gnome next to NotEnrique.
I raised a brow at him.
"When did he get here?" I asked.
"A little while ago, we were gonna tell you sooner, but..." Claire trailed off.
I looked over all their expressions.
"What's the message?" I questioned, narrowing my gaze.
NotEnrique took in a deep breath, glancing to the gnome.
"Gunmar knows you killed his son." Arya stated, causing me to nod.
"It's good he knows." The voice spoke smugly.
"And he promises to make you drown Arcadia with the blood of your loved ones, building him a throne from their... I think he said bones... And once he's done he will release his control from you so you may see all that you've done.... This goes on for a while." NotEnrique stated, sighing heavily.
I raised a brow.
"Tell me." I ordered.
"He wants to string you up with their intestines so he can continue to torture you after, and once you're nothing but... a skin sack of broken bones, only then will he make you kill yourself." He finished.
"That varies from what he said he'd do to me." Jim breathed out as everyone stared at me for a reaction.
I gave none.
"And... And he included a list." Toby stated gently before NotEnrique began to list the names.
"Tobias, Jim, Arya, Claire, Barbara, Blinkous, Aarrrghaumont, Draal..." I zoned out a moment, taking in a deep breath as I snapped back.
"He can't do anything if we reach him first..."
"We'll get to that bridge when we cross it. We have to focus on todays fight." I stated lowly.
"It's just too bad we've been wasting our time collecting stones to kill Gunmar and not Angor Rot." Toby stated, causing Jim to open his mouth.
However, Strickler spoke up, having come from nowhere.
"Or so you think." He stated, voice echoing.
I clenched my fists.
"Maybe you do have a stone. Angor's eye." Strickler stated.
I didn't miss the way Arya tensed up at those words.
I grabbed the jar from my bag, showing it to Strickler.
"What do I do?" I questioned, raising a brow.
A look of surprise crossed his face.

I was ready.
Everything was prepared.
"It's almost time... You'll be ready for what is to come."
The voice spoke.
It has been active today.
They were excited...
Or that's what I understood from their actions.
I activated my armor as I approached the Heroes forge, where I would be waiting for my prey.
"Soon. Soon. Soon." The voice repeated, the single word becoming a buzz.
I paused, seeing Draal standing in the center, speaking to his father.
I turned to leave, wanting him to have a moment alone.
"Skylar?" I heard him call, causing me to freeze before looking over my shoulder.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you." I stated, watching him.
"Skylar, I..." He trailed off slightly before continuing, "It's fine. Come. Sit with me." He stated, causing me to nod and walk over to his side.
It was silent a moment as we stared up at his father.
"You don't like him much, do you?" Draal then asked.
"Kanjigar?" I questioned, receiving a chuff in return.
"I respect him... As much as I can anyway. He was a good trollhunter, not such a great teacher though. I don't really like him, but I don't dislike him either. He does his best in giving advice, I thank him for that much. Even if it's annoying." I explained, knowing he'd want an honest answer over whatever bullshit someone else would say to keep the other from getting upset.
It's more upsetting to be lied to.
He nodded before turning to me.
"Skylar... I wish to tell you something." He stated, causing me to look at him.
Guilt washed over me.
"Tell me when this is all over. I'm not letting you say what you want while you have doubt about survival. You'll make it out of this alive. Do me a favor and help Arrrgh as much as you can. I'll be here." I stated, unsheathing my sword.
Draal hesitated a moment before chuffing, causing a small smile to grace my features.
That guilt rolled in the pit of my stomach.
"Soon, soon, soon." The voice buzzed as Draal walked away.
I took in a deep breath, parting my lips as I released it.
I was ready.
I opened my wings, stretching them before folding them.
That's when there was a knock at the door, the echo reaching me all the way from the stairs.
It didn't take long for the fighting to ensue.
It took longer for Angor's steps to echo across the bridge, the two of us meeting eachother's gazes.
"Angor Rot." I greeted, voice low as I watched him readjust the grip he had on his daggers.
"You know what to do." The voice spoke as I forged my sword into two.
We circled each other, watching every move.
I was the first to lunge, pushing the two swords together to slash at him with a single blade, causing him to dodge out of the way instead of try to counter.
Block, block, swing.
The movements were engraved into my brain, my eyes not missing a single movement of his.
I grabbed his arm when he swang at me, swinging my sword down onto his other arm, effectively cutting it off.
He pushed me to the ground, fighting against me as the blade neared my eye.
I kicked him off me, gaining a cut just below my eye.
I pulled a quick number three before swiping his other blade from the discarded arm and thrusting it through his chest.
The shock that enveloped his features was almost comical as he slowly turned to stone.
Fear lay in his one remaining eye.
I saw Claire and Toby in the corner of my eye, however, before they could make a move, I summoned my sword and swung it at his neck.
He head hit the ground rolling before his body crumpled to the ground.
I panted heavily, staring down at the pile of rubble before my features morphed into a glare.
"Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now!" The voice shouted in my head, causing me to wince before I rolled my shoulders, looking to the others as they piled in.
All except Arrrgh...
My grip tightened around the sword.
Blue lights then started swirling around me, lifting into the sky.
"What- I mean Who are they?" Claire asked gently.
"These are spirits of our fallen brethren." Kanjigar replied, taking form in front of us.
"Trollhunters who lost both soul and life to Angor Rot. Our brothers and sisters shall take their proper place in the void and rest in peace. Thanks to you all." He explained further before turning to me.
"We are in your debt." He stated.
"Just lay off the insults and we'll call it even." I stated, sheathing my sword.
Draal then walked forward.
"Father?" he asked, reaching up to Kanjigar's spirit.
Kanjigar reached towards his son in response.
"My son, I am so sorry for pushing you away. I am so proud of you." Kanjigar spoke softly.
"Father." Draal breathed out.
The former trollhunter then pulled away, causing Draal to call out to him again as he disappeared in a ball of blue light.
"NOW!" The voice shouted, causing me to wince.
I took in a deep breath, slipping away as everyone walked out.
I moved away from the group, heading to Killahead.
I pulled out the final stone, opening my amulet.
a deep red-purple glow emitted from the amulet after the stone was placed.
I took in a breath.
"Skylar!" Someone shouted from behind the door.
"Don't make the same mistake I did, please!" Jim shouted.
"Trust me..." The voice whispered.
"For the doom of Gunmar, eclipse is mine to command." I whispered.
Pain shot through my wings as the amulet shot towards me, the armor that was once a deep silver now becoming a slick black, the indigo glow being replaced by a deep red wine color.
I took in a breath, looking over everything before taking the amulet and placing it in the bridge.
I glanced over my shoulder, the door being broken in by Draal.
Jim pushed past him, eyes full of betrayal.
"I won't be long." I stated before stepping into the darklands, the bridge closing behind me.
"Quickly, Quickly!" The voice begged.
"We have a stop to make first." I stated.
"...That wasn't the deal."
"You're right. But it's what I have to do." I countered.
The voice did not reply.
I took that as my answer, beginning the search for the nursery.

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