Chapter Two: A Sick Day

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The door flew open and I looked over, breathing heavily.
"Skylar, everything okay?" Jim asked, rushing over.
"Yeah... Yeah. I just... I had a nightmare... It felt so real." I replied slowly, placing my head in my hands as I leaned forward.
"This isn't what happened before." I heard him murmur.
"What?" I asked, looking over to him.
"Nothing, c'mon. We're going to be late if we don't get going." He replied, causing me to frown.
A head ache began to form and I winced.
"Woah, what's going on?" He asked, worry coating his voice.
"I-I don't know." I replied before pressing my lips in a thin line with a groan.
"It hurts." I whispered.
"Why don't you stay here for the day? Maybe you need more rest?" He suggested.
"No. No." I whispered, forcing myself to stand.
Black dots swam across my vision and I slowly blinked them away.
I felt myself falling back to my bed.
"Yeah, you're staying here today." He stated, forcing me to lay down.
"Fine. I'll come into school later. I won't miss the entire day." I mumbled in response.

Time Skip:

I rolled through the covers, groaning as flashes dashed across my vision.
Finally I threw myself off the bed, giving up on trying to rest.
Maybe a walk would do me good?
I forced myself up from the floor, grabbing my jacket on the way out with a heavy sigh.
I pulled it on before walking out my room and down the stairs.
I opened the door, walked out and locked it behind me.
I then stuffed my hands into my pockets as my eyes adjusted to the light.
With slow steps, I began making my way to the canal.
Everything seemed more vibrant than usual, almost pulsing with life.
A ticking slowly began to form in my ear, almost as if a clock had taken residence there.
It grew louder the further I got, every step in time with a tick.
What was it?
Where was it?
I came across the canal quicker than I had thought and slid down the side.
I stumbled slightly, shocked with how the ticking had grown louder.
"Skylar... Lake... Skylar... Lake."
My name was being said by two voices in perfect sinc, echoing after the ticking.
What was going on.
My blurring gaze fell onto a pile of rocks and I found myself walking forward.
I fell to my knees and began sorting through rubble until I found two glowing figures.
I frowned, picking them both up as they echoed with the remanants of my name.
The strangely built one with the slight purple glow began to become brighter, the other blinking with a blue glow in response.
Slowly they began to lift into the air, dancing around eachother gracefully before spinning around in figure eights, higher and higher into the air until they became one.
I watched in a dazed awe before my eyes widened, the object flying towards me and hitting me in the chest with a force unlike anything I've ever felt before.
My vision went white as my veins coarsed with a hot, burning sensation.
I felt everything build, that unknown sensation build until it burst.
My vision then went black.

When I woke, I was back at home, in bed.
I felt rejuvinated.
I pushed myself up, stretching as I stood.
A knock sounded at my door and I glanced over.
"It's open." I spoke, Jim walking through a moment later.
"Hey, just got back. You doing okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, I feel a lot better than I did this morning. Did I really miss school?" I replied with, causing him to nod with a small smile.
"Yeah. I'm guessing you slept through the black out." He spoke.
"There was a black out?" I asked, frowning slightly.
"Oh yeah, a big one. And it was really strange, too. I don't remember it happening before." He explained.
"What are you talking about, we had black outs before." I replied, causing his eyes to widen.
He was acting strange.
"No, no. I know- agh. It just felt... different than the other times." He corrected slowly,causing me to knod in response.
"A black out... felt different?" I asked, giving him a look.
"Just... I'm glad you're okay." He said, sighing.
I nodded before clapping my hands and bouncing on my toes.
"I feel like going on a run. I'll be back quick, alright?" I spoke, watching his reaction as I slipped on my sneakers.
"Yeah. Be safe." He spoke, making me nod.
I stretched on my way down the stairs and to the door.
Once I walked out, I burst into a run, darting down the street.
My breaths were sharp as I ran, feeling the wind rush past me.
This was as close to freedom as one could get.
My feet hit the concrete, the quickest of brushes before I hit the dirt.
The fresh air of the forest was the best during any activity.
The feeling of nature, the sound of the birds and the leaves.
Finally, my steps slowed, and I placed my hands on my hips as I came to a stop, catching my breath.
I looked up at the branches swaying above me.
I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath as the breeze grazed over me.
The beat of my heart sounded in my ears as everything got quiet, the blood rushing through me as I slowed my breathing.
It never did last long, but the moments of it should always be treasured.
I then turned and began the run back.
When I reached the house, Jim was on the phone, walking back and forth.
"That's weird. I was sure you were going to find something interesting." I heard him say, causing me to raise a brow.
"What, doing a weird kind of treasure hunt without me?" I asked.
"Hi, Skylar!" Toby greeted over the phone.
"Hey, Toby." I greeted in turn.
"Not really, I just thought Toby might've found something in the canal today." Jim finally replied.
"The canal?" I asked, a burst of panic blooming in my chest.
"Nevermind. I guess... I guess it's just another normal day." He stated with a small frown.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?" I asked, raising a brow.
"What's life without adventure?" He then asked in turn.
I only gave a smile before heading off to my room.
I let out a breath, jumping onto my bed and about to face plant into my pillow until I saw the object resting on it.
My eyes widened and I moved into a sitting position, crossing my legs as I picked it up.
Strange markings in the metal changed before my eyes and I frowned, mumbling it aloud.
"For the glory of Merlin's moon, night and day is mine to comand."
It glowed briefly, a violet-indigo glow engulfing my being before fading away.
In it's place was dark silver armour, a soft glow eminating from a few lines.
My eyes moved to over my shoulder and my hand flew to my lips, keeping a scream from escaping my lips.
Black feathered wings were spread behind me.
A knock sounded at my door.
"Skylar, Jim told me you weren't feeling very well this morning. You doing okay?" I heard mom's voice speak.
"Yeah! Everything's perfect!" I replied quickly, trying my hardest to pull the amulet off of me so I could get rid of this.
"Are you sure? You don't sound like yourself." She stated.
"You just shocked me is all! I'm getting changed at the moment." I replied quickly.
"Oh, well, I just wanted to let you know that Mr. Stricklander is coming over for dinner tonight. Jim invited him over." She spoke through the door.
"Strickler!?" I shouted, anger flaring through me.
I despised that teacher with a passion.
I have no idea why, it was just something about him always rubbed me the wrong way.
Every word he said.
Given, he taught history, which was a huge plus in my opinion, but still.
Ever since I first met him, his energy was just off.
"Yes, that is what you kids call him. Is everything alright?" She asked again.
"Yeah, Everything's fine. He's just the worst teacher to ever exist." I groaned.
"Oh, I doubt he's that bad. Jim seems to like him." Mom spoke with a small laugh.
"Whatever. I'll be out when you have dinner with him. I'll eat at a diner or something." I spoke, causing her to sigh.
"Alright, be careful." She spoke before leaving.
I let out a sigh and the glow reappeared, the amulet falling onto my bed with a soft thud.
I lowered my hands, staring at it before grabbing it again and stuffing it into my bag.
I then grabbed some cash, stuffing it in my pocket before heading out once again.


Another chapter finished, yet a lot has happened.
Skylar is taking on much more than she knows and yet, this story is far from over.
Let me know your theories, your favorite parts.
And as always, I hope you continue to enjoy what is to come.

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