Chapter Fifteen: Is That A Challenge?

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School passed by quickly, and I had went home to grab the other bag I had saved for magical emergencies.
You never know what may be needed after all, nor what would happen.
Besides, while Skylar seemed like a good person, I didn't fully trust her.
Sure, she fought Bular.
Or she will fight Bular.
A sigh escaped me as I opened the door and walked out.
My feet carried me down the side walk as I looked around.
Maybe she will lead me to Bular after all, making it all the more reason to befriend her.
I saw her almost immediately.
She was leaning against the corner of the diner, staring at her phone as she typed something furiously, a frown pulling at her features.
"Is now a bad time?" I asked after a few moments of standing next to her.
She glanced at me.
"Just one second, my brother is being a worry wart, which is extremely unlike him." She replied, finishing off what she was typing before turning off her phone.
"Does he not know? Whatever it is you're about to show me?" I asked.
"Hmm? Oh, definitely not. I don't think I will tell him unless it's absolutely necessary. Especially because of his strange behavior as of late." She replied with a shrug, beginning to walk.
I kept pace with her quite easily as we walked.
"Do you want something to eat or drink? Where we're going doesn't really offer a human friendly diet. Then again, what does?" She spoke, glancing over at me.
"I have some energy bars on me." I replied with slowly.
"Nice to know someone other than me stays prepared." She commented, causing me to nod.
She lead me down the canal and under the bridge.
"What are we doing here?" I asked as she dug through her bag.
"Just... don't freak out." She spoke, grabbing a horngazel.
I frowned.
Why would a human have that?
She then placed it to the wall, drawing an arch before placing it back in her back.
The stone cleared and she gestured for me to follow her before walking in.
A second after she disappeared, I followed.
She just kept getting more and more intriguing.
The stone closed behind me and she began walking down the crystal stairs that glowed upon contact, the next few glowing in response.
I followed her down and what I saw upon reaching the bottom answered almost every question I had about her.
Merlins work.
She was the troll hunter, which didn't make sense at all.
For one, she was human last I checked.
She lead me into a cave with shelves upon shelves of books.
"It seems Blinky and Arrrgh aren't here." She stated before turning on her heel and walking out.
I followed her, frowning slightly.
Before I could ask who she was talking about, we heard a voice that carried rather far.
"If I ever get the chance again, I will give an epic pummeling!"
Skylar's entire demeanor seemed to change at that and she changed course to the find the source of the voice.
Something obviously happened.
"She believes herself to be better." The voice added on, a bit lower in volume now.
We ended up at an area that seemed like a pub, and Skylar lead me over to a table with two trolls that she seemed to have spot on the way in.
"Stay with them. This is Blinky and Arrrgh. Just give me a moment." She spoke, the glare covering her features seeming to harden further.
"All I want is the chance to wail on that fleshbag." The voice spoke again, this time a face matching to the voice.
It was a blue troll that was rather large.
And Skylar was walking right up to him, grabbing the rim of his drink and pushing it back down with enough force to shake the table they were at.
Everything was deathly silent as all attention went to them.
"Is that what you really want?" She asked, her voice much different compared to how it usually was.
It was as if she was a completely different person at that moment.
I glanced at Blinky and Arrrgh, seeing that even they watched with wide eyes.
"You really are a loudmouth, aren't you? Talking as if you didn't lose, but rather had an unfair fight." She spoke.
The troll only glared at her.
"We both know I would win in a fight. I was holding back." He responded, glaring heavily.
"Is that a challenge? And you're saying I'm the one who believes to be better than everyone else..." She trailed off with a dry chuckle, the anger dancing in her eyes that had darkened to the blue of a stormy sea.
"You are in desperate need of a reality check. So, fine. Rematch between you and me." She finished.
The blue troll stood, standing to his full height.
I found myself giving a small hum, seeing something I don't think anyone else did.
The tension between them.
It was very...
Emotional would be the best word to describe it, yet not quite right.
"Fine." The blue troll spoke, giving a stiff nod.
They both stared each other down a moment longer before Skylar caught my eye again.
"Let's go guys, we have work to do." She stated, walking towards the door, the usual tone of her voice having returned, though the look on her face showed indifference.
However before leaving, she said one more thing directed at the blue troll.
"Let me know when your schedule is free, Draal."
The way she said his name was feirce, as if daring him to even show himself again.
Seeing this side of her explained a few things to me.
One being that she definitely had more than one side to her.
And Two; She was not someone you wanted to get on the bad side of.
She was dangerous, and I found that I liked this new side of her.
We ended up walking along a bridge and that's when she spoke again.
"Sorry for abandoning you there, I just really needed to get that dang brute to shut his trap." She stated, causing me to nod.
"It's understandable. I understand why you were chosen to be a troll hunter now." I replied.
"So you really do know of Merlin's work." She stated.
"Every magical being should." I pointed out.
"So which magical being are you?" She then asked, causing me to hum.
"I'm one of the fair folk. A mix between a high elf and a wood elf to be be more precise." I replied simply once we reached the end of the bridge.
I could see the incredulous looks of the trolls, yet Skylar seemed more intrigued.
"Perhaps proof would be more satiable?" I suggested, causing the troll with six eyes, whose name was Blinky, to nod.
"That would be spectacular. Elves of any species has become exceedling rare." He spoke as I messed with the not that tied the charm to my wrist.
As soon as the string slackened, I could feel the force of magic leave me, allowing my true form to be shown.
After that, we spent a long night asking and answering questions.
It took far longer than I have thought it should have.
But I wouldn't have traded those hours for anything else.


I hope you've enjoyed todays chapter.
As always, have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are!
Bye for now, dear readers!

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