Chapter Three: Memories

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Dalius was in the bathroom, messing with his lips when I walked in.
I frowned slightly.
"What are you doing, brother?" I asked, causing him to look over at me from the corner of his eye.
"Putting in my lip piercing." He replied before refocusing on the task.
"Why would you want a lip piercing? They're ridiculous." I asked, watching him finally get it right.
"I think it makes me look alluring." He replied, rinsing off his hands.
"If you were anymore alluring, women would be falling a your feet." I stated.
He turned to me with a smirk.
"Don't forget the men." He reminded.
"Oh no, the men would be eating themselves with jealousy. The L.B.G.T.Q plus community would be worshipping you." I corrected, meeting his golden gaze.
He smiled genuinely this time.
"You're lucky you're my sister." He stated.
"Why is that?" I asked, raising a brow as if this was anything of significance.
"Because you're just like all the other fair folk. Given we've only encountered two others." He replied.
"Is it really a surprise?" I asked, looking away.
"I just don't think we should hide our emotions. That's one thing I can agree on when it comes to humans." Dalius spoke.
He was never afraid of sharing his opinion, no matter how it might sound to others.
He slung his arm around me, walking us out of the bathroom.
"Don't worry about it too much, alright. I still love you." He stated, causing my gaze to slide to his briefly before looking away.
I love you too, brother."

Time skip:

"Dalius." I warned in a whisper, narrowing my violet eyes at his frame.
He simply placed a finger to his lips, continuing to walk towards the group of girls in the diner we were eating at.
I shook my head at him as he began to talk to them, messing with the charm on the bracelet that hid my true form.
My brother's laugh caught my attention again and I glanced over, seeing the girls smiling with 'stars' in their eyes and red blush over their cheeks.
I let a silent sigh escape me.
After a bit more chatter, he finally walked back over to me and sat down with a victorious smirk.
"So, what did they give you?" I asked, raising a perfectly arched brow.
He only hummed smugly in return before showing me his newly aquired treasure on his rest.
For an elf, he was extremely materialistic.
A dainty silver watch adorned his wrist and I met his golden hues.
"A watch, really?" I asked with a sigh.
"Hey, we can sell this to a pawn shop and get more of that human money in order to move on to the next pocket." He stated, rolling his sleeve back down.
Another sigh escaped me as I stirred the tea leisurely.
"Anyways, I only had to take a few pictures with them in order to get it." He added, causing me to pause in my motion.
I was impossible still, the only movement being my gaze lifting to meet his once again.
"Pictures?" I asked lowly, causing him to lean back, popping a fry into his mouth.
A glare over came my gaze, darkening my features.
He sighed and looked out the window, avoiding my gaze.
"You know the rules." I hissed out, narrowing my gaze further.
"What does it matter?" He asked softly, almost calmly.
"What does it matter?" I repeated.
"Those rules are what keep us safe. There isn't many of us left and you know why that is? Because of humans." I spoke in a harsh whisper before relaxing my features with a slow breath.
"You know this. I don't understand why I must remind you." I stated, sipping at my tea despite the hot temperature.
"It won't happen again, honest." He stated, meeting my gaze over the rim of the cup.
I slowly lowered the tea, pressing my lips into a thin line before replying.
"We both know that is not true."

Time Skip:

We walked through the park, one of the last pieces of nature in this city.
"We're getting close." Dalius stated, causing me to glance at him briefly.
"I can feel it too." I replied, keeping the indifferent tone I've been using most as of late.
"Don't act like you're not excited. We both know you are." He stated, giving a lop-sided smile, which I thought suited him far better than it suited me.
It was silent for a moment.
"You'd get more attention if you smiled as well." He then stated, causing me to look at him from the corner of my eye.
His golden eyes were dancing with humor and delight.
"Attention is what gets us killed. It's bad enough these charms don't do much with the appeal we already give off to humans..." I trailed off before looking forward again.
"Not that you mind anyhow." I added, a ghost of a smirk pulling at the corner of my lip.
He gave a dramatic gasp, walking ahead of me in order to turn to face me fully, walking backwards.
"Was that... Was that humor?" He asked with a incredulous tone.
"I have no idea what you are implying." I replied, going along with his little charade, despite the tone I had.
He then let out a melodious laugh, the sound carrying through the park as he turned to face forward again.
"Whatever you say, Arya." He stated, smiling brightly.

Time skip:

"Run!" Dalius shouted at me.
"Not without you!" I shouted back, reaching for his hand.
"If you don't go now, both of us will die! Just go Arya!" He shouted at me.
"Come with me. I can't do this without you." I cried, tears rushing down my cheeks.
He tore off his necklace, the one that held his enchantment to make him look human.
"I'm always with you." He spoke, giving his loving smile as he passed it to me.
"No, Dalius! Please! I shouted at him, being drowned out by the roar.
"I love you, sister." He spoke.
That's when the cave in happened.
I never saw him again after that...


Well well well...
What is this?
A new player has joined the game.
What happens now?
As always, leave a comment and I hope you enjoy this upcoming journey.

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