Chapter Eighteen: Goblin Drama

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Later that same day, at night, we were all staring at a ran over... thing.
"Goblin." Arrrgh stated, causing me to raise a brow.
"Ruthless tricksters. Kill one, the rest come after you. They also feed off your fear." I spoke, looking to Blinky for confirmation.
He gave a nod before speaking himself.
"Nonetheless, this is not good." Blinky stated, a serious tone to his voice.
"As for the unfortunate soul who ran over this small fellow, may Skaargen's swift blade have mercy." Blinky then added.
"And why is that?" Arya asked, causing us all to look at her.
"What? I never truly had the chance to get to that page just yet." She then spoke, causing me to shrug in understanding.
"Naturally, goblin payback is ten-fold." Blinky spoke, liking the oppurtunity to teach someone something new.
"Which means whoever ran this guy over is in serious trouble?" Arya asked, raising a brow as she waited for confirmation.
However, I decided now would be good for some playful sarcasm.
"Not at all, Arya. They just might die a very painful, gruesome death."
A throbbing began at the base of my skull again.
She let out a dry chuckle, giving the smallest of smiles.
"Very funny." She replied, causing me to grin.
Something fluttered in the corner of my eye and I walked over, reading the note on the front door.
"A delivery driver left a sticky note on Eli's house." I spoke, catching their attention.
"What do you think the chances are that the goblin got squashed by the vehicle?" I asked.
"It does seem the most plausible." Arya agreed, causing me to nod.
"If they're returning at eight, we need to be here." I spoke, meeting everyone's eyes.
They all nodded in agreement.

I sat in the tree, my armor on and wings folded behind me.
Arya was hiding in the bushes below, seeming to be in her element.
The two trolls seemed to be hiding much the same, yet they seemed far more obvious than the elf.
It was already nine by now and I was getting tired of waiting.
I had given the Arya a walkie talkie so we wouldn't be speaking to loudly.
I was left alone with my thoughts in the mean time.
Mostly because it was far too quiet for my liking.
We definitely weren't the only ones waiting for this guy.
I glanced over, seeing the delivery truck pulling up.
The man got out, taking the package for Eli.
He walked up to the door and the lights started going out.
"Skylar, Blinky asked me to warn you to stay where you were. There's more than anticipated." Arya spoke softly over the talkie.
"Any plans?" I asked.
"We can't do anything." Arya replied after a moment.
I growled lowly, watching as the goblins slinked out of the shadows, more and more joining the crowd.
They then ran towards the truck, attacking it.
I frowned, raising a brow as I watched them destroy the entire vehicle until only a tire was left.
That's when Blinky shouted and the goblins turned towards them.
I flew down from the tree and followed after my companions as the goblins gave chase.
Because Toby's house was closest, we ran into the shed, Arrrgh getting stuck soon after.
I turned on the light and the goblins slowly went away.
I sighed in relief before we walked out.
"Come on, we'll head to my house." Arya spoke, leading the way.
We followed after her.
We entered her house, my armor deactivating as we entered.
She turned on the light and sighed.
Their voices drowned out as I stared out the window, losing myself in my thoughts.
A lightbulb went off in my head before the gnome began chattering.
My gaze slowly moved over to a dollhouse that was a very new addition to Arya's house.
Blinky peeked inside and I held my breath as Arya and I exchanged a look.
"Great Gronka Morka! What is the gnome doing in the dollhouse?" Blinky asked in a shout.
"Please do not shout in my home." Arya spoke calmly.
"You told me to take care of the gnome, so, we're taking care of it." I replied slowly, carefully.
"This is a direct violation of rule number two! Whatever happened to finishing the fight?" He spoke, causing me to sigh as I crossed my arms.
"I've been in enough fights to know that there is more than one way to finish it. This is one of those ways." I began, holding up my hand when he opened his mouth to reply.
"Rulle number one is to always be afraid, except if you are around goblins because they can smell fear. You're rules are much different than the rules that humans abide by, which I am in case anyone has forgotten." I spoke clearly, keeping my voice calm.
Chompsky chattered softly as everyone stared at me.
That's when Blinky took a step towards me.
"As your trainer, I can only advise. Not make your decisions. I understand. You're learning the rules in your own way." Blinky stated, placing a hand on my shoulder in a comforting way.
He then gestured to himself and Arrrgh.
"Arrrgh and I will seek out this den, wherever it may be. You just focus on your studies. It seems life has thrown enough at you for one day." Blinky sated.
I nodded softly before sharing a look with Arya.
"But a gnome in a dollhouse?" Blinky then asked, disbelief clear in his voice.
I couldn't help the snort of laughter that escaped me.
"He liked it. He also fancied the doll for some reason... And he needed to stay somewhere." Arya defended, a smile playing at her lips.
"Love is love I guess." I stated with a shrug.
"I suppose. What a strange thing." Arya replied, causing me to laugh.
"Hits you when you least expect it." I added.
"Causes you to be clumsy and quite dim." She replied, nodding slowly.
Blinky and Arrrgh slowly headed towards the door.
"Ah, what a horrible thing." I stated, the two of us exchanging a look.
"Truly horrible." She agreed as the door closed behind the two trolls.
We then burst out laughing.
After another hour of just the two of us, I headed home.
Jim was waiting up for me.
"Where were you?" He asked, a frown on his features.
"Woah, where's this coming from?" I asked, raising a brow.
"You've been staying out later and later. You've been ignoring calls and texts." He spoke before meeting my blue gaze with his own.
"Where were you?" He asked again.
I let out a sigh, running a hand through my hair.
"I was with Arya. We were at her house and I lost track of time." I stated.
He was silent a moment.
"I don't want you hanging out with her anymore." He then stated abruptly.
"What?" I asked incredulously, hoping I heard him wrong.
"I don't trust her." He stated.
I could feel my features slowly forming into a glare.
"You're telling me that I can't hang out with the only friend I have ever made on my own?" I asked, my trying to keep my tone calm.
I knew you could hear the struggle to do so.
"I'm glad that you're trying to make friends, I am, but I just don't think that Arya is the best... choice." Jim spoke, his words falling slowly from his lips.
He was acting so cautious, as if I was some wild animal that would attack at any given second.
"Well, I do trust her. And if you don't like it, you're going to have to deal with it." I replied.
We stared into eachother's gazes a moment.
My gaze was hard and cold, his was one of hope and desperation.
"I'm going to bed. If you're going to keep bad mouthing my friend, then just stay away from her. I won't stand for it." I stated.
He opened his mouth to reply, but I was already heading up the stairs, not willing to listen to whatever it was he had to say.


Another chapter finished.
Let me know what you think thus far.
Now, as always, have a magnificent morning/afternoon/evening/night!
Bye for now!

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