Chapter Twenty Four: Birthday Fiascos

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"You're telling me, that you needed help with this little bundle of joy?"

That was what I had asked before everything gave to chaos, Toby, Blinky, and Arrrgh having been called over to help.
Turns out, this little thing was a changeling and the place quickly turned into a mess.
"That's it!" I shouted, my armour activating.
However, blue flames engulfed me, dancing in lightly over my body as I glared down the changeling as it froze in place.
"One more movement and I swear I'll kill you." I growled out.
"Uh... Skylar..." Jim spoke, causing me to glare slightly at him in aknowledgement before looking at the changeling.
"That's new..." Blinky spoke.
I knelt down next to the little changeling, holding up my hand as the flames flickered between my fingers.
"I'll make you a deal. You answer a few questions and I won't burn you to a crisp. Done?" I spoke, raising a brow.
"Fine, but you can't tell anyone I told you. If the bossman catches wind of this, then I'll be fed to Bular." He stated, causing me to nod in agreement.
"Alright, you guys star cleaning up, Arrrgh and Blinky, get back to Trollmarket. I'll put this little guy to bed." I spoke before picking up the changeling by his scruff and heading up the stairs.
"So, who is Bular working with?" I asked.
He cleared his throat.
"Forget I said anything." He stated.
Before I could speak, the sound of a car approaching caught my attention.
I put him in the crib and ran downstairs, Toby leaving through the back as Jim and I tried to finish cleaning the mess.
"Armor." Jim spoke, causing me to deactivate it and shove the amulet into my pocket just before the door opened.
"Claire, we're home." A male's voice announced, causing us to freeze.
They both gasped when they saw us.
"Hi. Mr. and Mrs. Nunez." Jim stated awkwardly as they looked at the mess that still tainted the house.
"I'm Jim, the babysitter. And this is my sister, Skylar." Jim added.
"I was helping him out." I stated just as Claire walked in.
A beat.
"We just put him to bed, he's fast asleep." I added when they glared heavily at us.

The next day, I woke up and walked down the stairs tiredly, Jim joining me.
"Oh! You're both awake!" Mom stated excitedly, smiling as she set two plates at the table.
"To start your big day... Mom's special birthday pancakes!" She exclaimed as we sat down, revealing the pancakes.
She had such a sweet smile as she sat down too.
"He looks like he's screaming." Jim stated with a soft chuckle as I smiled slightly.
"He's excited." Mom stated in turn.
She then sighed.
"I know. I know you have always hated your birthday. But you're both sixteen! This is a big one. We should do something tonight." Mom stated, getting excited.
"Mom, I don't think-"
"You know what, mom, that sounds like a great idea." Jim stated, interrupting me.
I turned my gaze onto him as if he suddenly grew two heads.
"Good, cause this isn't up for discussion. No one should be alone on their birthday." She stated, smiling even brighter before.
However, I wasn't having it.
"That's why there's two of us, mom." I stated.
"When you've both had your fill, I have a surprise in the garage for you both." Mom stated, causing me to look to Jim, though he seemed focused on something else.
I frowned slight moments before we heard Jim's talkie.
He went upstairs as I poked at the pancake.
Why was he acting so weird?
I sighed, pushing the plate away and standing up as Jim came back down, mom peaking at us from the doorway as we approached.
"I know you wanted this for a while, Jim. And that you're the big one-six. Maybe it's time." She stated.
We then heard something running, making me furrow my brows, but Jim seemed unphased.
Wouldn't he be thinking about vespa by now?
"I think you'll get a lot of milleage out of it." She added.
"And Skylar, I think you'll like your gift too!" She exclaimed.
We entered, mom turning to face us with a blender in her hands.
"A food magic three-thousand!" Jim exclaimed in unison with mom, bright smiles on both their faces.
Yeah, something was definitely up.
She then went on about it before grabbing something from behind her, having handed the blender to Jim.
"And Skylar, I have no idea what happened to your old one, but... I got you this." She stated, handing me a skate board.
"Yes, thanks mom!" I exclaimed, checking it out.
"The food magic is perfect mom. I can't wait to cook you something with it." Jim spoke as I jumped, flipping the board before landing back on it.
That's when I spotted Arya and Toby racing towards us.
"Jim! Skylar! You gotta come quick! There's an emergency in... the place." Toby stated, slowing down once he saw mom.
"With the thing. Not even an emergency actually. It's-" Toby began, cutting himself off.
"Hey, is that a food magic?" He then asked, redirecting the conersation.
"Three-thousand. I'll leave you four to it." Mom stated, walking back inside.
"But, you two, tonight... Celebraton!" She then added before closing the door behind her.
"We have a serious problem in trollmarket." Arya stated seriously after the door clicked into place.
"Defcon one situation." Toby added.
"How do you know?" I asked, Jim smiling somewhat, which was weird in this situation.
It's like I didn't even know who he was anymore.
He seemed so different.
"We just do! Come on!" Toby exclaimed.
We rushed after them, me using my board as Toby and Jim got on their bikes.
Arya ran beside us.

When we entered trollmarket, everyone was running and axes were swinging everywhere in the heroes forge.
Yelling was heard from every direction as I was in my armor, wings out.
"It's too late Lady Skylar!" Blinky exclaimed, running up to us.
"Arrrgh has lost his mind! Save yourself!" Blinky then shouted.
"Wasn't Arrrgh at your house?" I asked, turning to glance at Toby.
That's when we heard Arrrgh roar, charging towards us as Jim, Toby, Blinky, and even Arya ran off.
I readied myself as Arrrgh jumped into the air.
Suddenly, I found myself trapped in the troll's hold, him roaring in my face.
The floor began to rise behind him, showing balloons as carnival music started playing.
"Surprise!" Everyone shouted in unison, everyone except Arya. She was a bit late.
Arrrgh slowly placed me back down.
I was stunned to say the least.
"Happy birthday Lady Skylar, Jim." Blinky stated, placing a hand on my shoulder.
Arrrgh picked me up and placed me on his shoulder as I took everything in.
"Good actor." Arrrgh stated, causing me to chuckle and nod in agreement.
"Tobias told us of your human surprise birthday customs. Are you not surprised?" Blinky had asked.
"Pleasantly so." I replied.
"I was convincing." Arrrgh stated, causing me to nod again as he placed me back down.
"Sixteen years! A propitious milestone." Blinky stated.
"Sixteen years is when young trolls master command of their bowles." He added.
"The heroes forge!" A familiar voice exclaimed.
We all turned to see Vendel.
"Sacred proving grounds for Trollhunters past, present, and future, reduced to mockery." He stated, popping the balloon Toby had handed to Jim once he was finished.
"It's not mockery, Vendel. Blinky and Arrrgh just wanted to do somethingof human custom for my brother and I today. If it bothers you so, we'll clean it up." I stated, glaring slightly.
"You will remove them post-haste." He ordered before adding, "I don't want anything to delay her training."
He then began walking away and I turned to the others.
Toby and Arrrgh started popping the Balloons as Jim talked with Blinky.
Arya and I teamed up to clean up the streamers and confetti.

Later, Arya had went home, Jim and Toby hanging out.
I was checking up on Draal.
"So, you're sixteen today." He stated, making me shrug.
"It isn't a big deal. Do you have everything you need?" I asked, looking around.
"Humans lives are short. I thought they enjoyed their days of birth." He stated, making me sigh.
"It's complicated to explain." I replied.
He snorted, causing an unwanted laugh to leave me.
"Why are you laughing?" He asked, looking at me with confusion.
"I'm... Sorry." I said, laughing between words.
I composed myself, offering a small smile before the base of my skull began throbbing.
I winced, placing my hand over it to rub it away.
"Is everything alright?" He then asked, causing me to blink away the black spots.
"Just... Deja Vu." I replied, frowning slightly.
"I have to go." I then spoke, walking up the stairs without another word and heading out the door.


Another chapter done.
As always, have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!
I'll see you guys next time!

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