Chapter 59: Is It Skylar or Are You Napoleon

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I placed the Killstone on the table with a sigh.
"Let's hope he doesn't want this back." Blinky stated at the sight of it.
"He does." Arya stated, causing me to shrug.
"With the ring destroyed, there's no controlling him now." Blinky added.
Draal then walked in, clearing his throat after meeting my gaze.
"I saw no sign of Angor Rot." He stated, looking to Blinky after.
"Then he has evaded us for now. Be wary." Blinky warned lowly.
"There's no saying when or how he'll strike." He added on.
"Damn it." I growled out, fist clenching.
"What's wrong?" Arya asked.
"Now we're inclined to help Strickler. As I said, he'll come to us for help no doubt." I replied before groaning.
I needed to hit something, throw something.
I took in a breath, releasing a fist.
"Which will make him the perfect bait for the assassin. Everyone on his list in one place." I stated, a small smirk coming to me.
"She is terrifying." I heard Toby whisper to Arrrgh, the troll nodding in response.
"Think about it. What would be more tempting when you're looking for revenge? Look me in my eye and tell me you wouldn't take the chance." I stated, looking them all over, my smirk turning into a full on grin.
"I just realized how often you call the future." Jim stated, causing me to raise a brow.
"Yeah, and I bet you he attacks us while we're home too." I stated, grabbing the Killstone and placing it back in my pocket.
"That would also be correct." He replied, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Precisely. So, we pick up Strickler, get the house ready. Take care of Angor." I spoke.
"Let me try to talk to him." Arya suddenly spoke up, causing my gaze to fall onto her.
"You want to talk to the assassin?" Toby asked, seeming flabbergasted.
"We talked a few times. He isn't simply looking to spill blood. Let me talk to him and see if I can try to convince him to see reason." Arya stated, looking to the floor as she crossed her arms.
"Are you insa-"
"Do it." I interrupted, shooting Claire a look.
Arya looked up at me, seeming a bit shocked.
"If there's anyway we can do this without it ending in someone's death, we should take it. If you really think you can do this, then you can try. We're still going to prepare otherwise and if he still choses to at least take Strickler's head, tell him to remove the spell and he can do whatever he want to the changeling." I replied with a shrug.
Arya offered a small smile.
"You really don't like Strickler." Jim stated, taking an unsure step away.
"Am I not making that obvious?" I questioned, raising a brow.
"More so everyday." Blinky replied, causing me to shrug.
"So, we have two plans. Diplomacy and-"
"A plan of attack!" Draal shouted, interrupting Blinky with a smile.
I couldn't help but smirk at his excitement.
Fighting was fun after all.
I then raised a brow at Toby.
"What?" I asked.
"You scare me with how well you strategize." He replied simply.
I could only smirk in response.
"Someone has to be." I replied, standing up straight.
"Alright, Napoleon." Jim stated, causing me to laugh.


Deep in the woods Far from Arcadia


"Finally." I spoke aloud, seeing Bular's eyes open slowly.
They had returned to their normal red color, much darker than the bright red they were before.
"Hello, Bular." I spoke softly, moving to his side and offering him some water.
He frowned, looking around his surroundings.
"Where am I?" He asked, causing me to sigh.
"Not where you're supposed to be." I replied, shaking my head.
"I know you." He then stated.
"Of course you do. We're friends... Or we were, a long time ago." I replied, gently letting go of the bowl as he took it.
"I remember..." He spoke softly, trying to stand in the small cottage.
"Woah, easy before you knock something over. You haven't moved in months." I spoke, placing my hands on his shoulder.
He frowned, noticing the scar protruding from his chest.
"Nasty isn't it?" I asked as he lowered himself back down.
"What happened?" He asked, frowning deeply at me.
"You were under someone else's control. For a long time. I broke their control over you after bringing you back from the death." I replied, standing up and lowering my hood as I stretched.
"Blythe." He then breathed, catching my attention.
"I'm surprised you remember my name." I stated, tilting my head at him.
"We were friends." He pointed out again.
"Against all odds." I laughed, my hand running over Xena's feathers before moving over to my books.
"Now, just to make sure I fully broke their control over you, how are you feeling? Any pain anywhere?" I asked, raising a brow.
"No." He replied.
"Not even a slight pressure in your head?" I asked, raising a brow.
He was quiet a moment before shaking his head, almost knocking something off the shelf.
"That's good then." I stated with a sigh.
"Now, let's get you back into top health. We have a long trip ahead of us." I spoke quickly.
"Where are we going?" He asked, narrowing his gaze.
"Arcadia." I replied simply.

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