Chapter 65: Staying Still

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My blood ran cold when I saw the knife going across Strickler's neck, Mom flashing before my eyes.
Then my blood began to boil.
I let out a battle cry, swinging my swords with more vigor, staying in front of him so Angor couldn't get the chance to cut him again.
"Strickler, get the hell out of here!" I ordered, causing him to nod.
Strickler slowly exited the room as I blocked Angor's dagger.
I pushed against him with everything I had, watching for any other weapon.
He suddenly lunged forward, headbutting me.
I landed back, blood quickly flowing from the new wound as I glared up at Angor, rolling away from his attack.
Draal suddenly charged in, jumping over me and landing on Angor.
"Go, Skylar!" Draal ordered as I stood up, locked hand to hand against Angor.
"No way." I replied, summoning the sword back to my hand.
"That wasn't a request. Get your mother to Trollmarket!" Draal spoke back.
I shot a brief glare at him.
"Don't die." I ordered before running after the others.
I shoved Strickler into the vehicle, Arya already calling Claire as Jim called Toby, telling the both of them to open Trollmarket.
I rolled down the window, leaning out to watch what was going on as Strickler Drived, Jim holding mom's semi-unconscious form to ensure she doesn't move around during this fucked up driving.
"Focus on the damn road!" I shouted, seeing Angor running across the roofs.
I threw my hand out, the familiar blue flame shooting towards the troll.
"Skylar... Is that fire?" Mom asked.
"I'll explain everything later, just focus on Jim." Skylar replied with.
"You are not helping." Strickler yelled with a groan as I shot more fire at the assassin.
"Shut up and Drive, Half-Troll!" I shouted back.
I ducked in, the car sliding down the canal.
I held onto the back of the seat as Angor broke through the back window.
I turned in my seat, landing a kick to his nose as Claire and Toby dodged out of the way of the car.
There was no stopping as we began going down the crystal stair case, ending up square in the center of the area.
I huffed, kicking up the door.
"Vendel!" I shouted, my voice carrying through all of trollmarket.
"We need help!" I then shouted as Jim carried mom out of the vehicle.
Strickler leaned against the hood, holding his wound as Arya glanced around.
"Quickly now, follow me." Vendel ordered, seeing the damage as I tasted blood on my lips.
The metallic taste was bitter and made my stomach twist.
"Please, do anything you can." I spoke as our group followed him.
He stayed silent, Toby and Claire joining our little gathering.

Everything felt hazy and blurred as worry clouded my mind...
Or maybe it was the head injury.
So much was going on.
Jim catching Toby and Claire up, Mom being treated to as Strickler sat close to her.
The pounding in my head...
I couldn't focus on it, not without the pounding sounding like a rhythm, another voice.
"I'll get the book." I muttered, sliding off the table Vendel had ordered me to stay on.
I swayed slightly, my grip tightening around the amulet.
"I'll get the book." I stated again, now gaining their attention.
"He needs to pay." I mumbled, my gaze zoning in on mom.
"Lady, Skylar. You are injured. I'm afraid you're in no position to fight." Blinky spoke, gaining a glare from me.
"Don't tell me what I can't do. We're wasting time on this. I'm going." I spoke lowly, my grip even tighter.
"You'd be a liability." Strickler spoke up, my glare hardening over his form.
"I am not a liability. You're the one that caused all this. If you weren't still tied to her, I'd snap your head from your shoulders." I growled out, heat gathering over my hands.
"He's right, Skylar." Arya suddenly spoke, gaining my attention.
"You're injured, even if you were able to go out there, you shouldn't. You should stay here with your mom. I will go with Toby and Claire. That is the end of this discussion." She stated before nodding to the two as my hands fell limply to my side, the amulet hitting the ground before flying back up and swirling around me slowly.
I grabbed it from the air, stuffing it into my pocket before taking a seat next to my mom, the three leaving quickly.
"Fine." I muttered, looking over her features.
She looked so tired, in pain.
My gaze slowly moved to the cut on her neck.
It wasn't looking too good.

Mom had woken just a small bit ago.
I was going over my own account of things, Mom realizing just how long this has been going on.
How it all started on what appeared to be a normal day.
"And Jim went through all this before in a different timeline?" She asked, causing me to nod.
"Apparently." I replied as she turned her head slightly to look at him.
"So much has been going on... I'm sorry for keeping it from you." I spoke.
"Oh, Skylar... No. I'm sorry. I should've known something was different in the way you were doing things. I should've... Known." She spoke softly.
"Right, you should've known that we were fighting trolls and goblins as soon as we start not coming home at a normal hour." I stated, causing her to laugh weakly before sighing.
"I should've been there." She then stated as I just shook my head.
Jim was silent, looking at his hands as they lay folded in his lap.
"No, mom. This is something I needed to do myself. Jim says I only found out where I came from when he was the trollhunter. I think... I think I'll find out what I am this time." I spoke softly.
"You're my daughter." She stated, tightening her grip around my hand.
"I'm more than that. I need to find out what... it's not like I can give this position up, even if I wanted to. I'm starting to enjoy it, besides all the almost dying." I explained softly.
"Skylar." Vendel suddenly spoke.
I turned my gaze towards him as he entered.
"I need to change your dressing." He stated, gesturing to my head.
I sighed, moving over to the table and sitting atop of it.
he was careful in removing the bandaged, all the while Jim whispered to mom.
"They don't understand, Skylar. Not like we do. You're more then they are."
The voice rang in my head, echoing into a faint whisper.
A bad feeling began to swell in my gut.

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