Chapter Nineteen: Changeling Encounters

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The day after the whole goblin incident, we were at school once again.
My thoughts kept revolving around the fact that I had yet to find Bular.
It seems that when it comes to friends, you get distracted.
I could tell that I was changing, and I didn't feel like stopping it.
However, I had no clue as to wether or not that was a bad thing.
Currently, we were in Gym.
I couldn't help but notice that Skylar would glare at her brother every now and then during the game.
Luckily, we were on the same team, the only girls playing.
"Dodge this, Lake!" Steve then shouted, throwing a ball at Jim, which allowed me to grab it and hit one of the members of the opposite team.
He dodged another, Skylar catching it before dodging and throwing the ball.
I dodged one myself, catching a ball she tossed to me before hitting another of the enemy.
Soon it was just Jim, Skylar, Eli, Steve, and Myself.
We were quick to get rid of the remaining people on the opposite team.
Skylar and I were quite the duo.
Though I did have questions for her brother, yet he seemed to be avoiding me, which was quite strange.
Skylar and I got changed quickly before I tilted my head back and looked to the sky.
"I think..." I began, trailing off as Skylar looked at me.
"That I might have a way to track the goblins, but I need a few items." I stated, causing her to smirk.
"Make a list. I'm sure we'll be able to get them." She replied, causing me to smile lightly.
"Just... Don't say I didn't warn you." I replied, causing her to smile mischieviously.

It took us a few hours after school to gather the ingredients and an extra hour for me to prepare the mixture.
By the time it was finished, it was dark, which worked out rather well.
"So, what is this stuff exactly?" She asked, causing me to glance at her as I dipped my fingers into the jar I had filled.
"Well, let's just say it's a magic recipe to track whatever it is you want it to track, as long as you have the dna for it. Thank goodness for that one goblin getting ran over." I explained, flicking the glowing blue goo onto the ground.
"Not to mention that it is extremely helpful for nature's growth." I added, waiting a few seconds as tracks slowly began to light up.
We exchanged a look before we followed the maze of tracks, eventualy coming to where they all merged.
The museum.
Skylar suddenly pulled me down into the bushes, pointing towards the tower of the museum.
Goblins were crawling through.
That's when my gaze moved to the doors, seeing Ms. Nomura heading inside.
"What's the plan?" I asked, a frown taking over my features.
"We need to get her out somehow." She replied before looking over and spotting an open window.
"We'll go in through there. For now, she's fine as she isn't provoking the goblins and she isn't afraid because she doesn't know about how dangerous her situation can be. So, we'll get in, get her out, get rid of the goblins..." She spoke, trailing off at the end.
I sighed, before nodding.
We headed towards the window and climbed in.
On silent feet, we looked around.
Finding Ms. Nomura was easy because she was in the only room with the lights still on.
We hid near the doorway, going over a way to get her out safely, speaking in hushed tones.
After all, we didn't want to scare her.
"She knows we're art lovers, we could tell her we just couldn't wait to see the new exhibits?" Skylar suggested softly with a frown.
That's when I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing the both of us to turn to face the culprit.
"We all need to get out of here, now." Jim spoke, causing my eyes to widen at him.
"Jim, what are you doing here?" Skylar asked in a harsh whisper.
"I knew something was going on with you. I should've know sooner. I didn't think-" He cut himself off.
A clatter of objects caught my attention and I peered around the corner at Ms. Nomura as they continued to bicker quietly.
A gasp left me and I moved away, a hand flying over my mouth, catching Skylar's attention.
"What is it?" She asked, gesturing for her brother to shush.
"Changeling. She's a changeling." I spoke quickly, keeping my voice quiet.
That's when we heard the goblins.
Skylar grabbed her brothers arm, pulling him behind a display case as I hid behind one of my own, keeping my breathing slow.
Skylar stayed crouched, peeking around the display case to watch the goblins.
They were slowly drawing closer.
Suddenly, the goblin ran off and Skylar sighed in relief.
However, it was cut short by Jim's phone vibrating.
It was a call from Toby.
Skylar grabbed it tossing it away from us.
However, that didn't stop Ms. Nomura from finding us.
"I knew I detected the stink of teenage flesh." She stated, standing behind us.
We took off running, falling through the curtains that lead to the room I was in before.
Skylar summoned her armor and I got ready to fight.
Jim grabbed a nearby pipe.
The questions just kept piling up when it came to him.
Nomura walked through a moment later and Skylar extended her wings.
"But a human trollhunter.... That I've never tasted." The changeling stated.
"You know, I liked you a lot better when you were just giving out tours." Skylar stated, readying her sword.
Ms. Nomura widened her eyes as I grabbed the dagger from my boot.
So the fight began, Skylar and I both began to attack, Jim getting distracted by a few goblins.
We took turns dealing blows, which she either dodged or blocked.
She was skilled, I'd give her that.
But that was about all the credit she deserved.
It felt as though the fight was going on forever.
Finally, as Nomura turned to me, Skylar grabbed the rug underneathe us and I moved out of the way before she gave a harsh tug, pulling it out from under Nomura's feet.
"Arrogance gets you killed." Skylar had stated as Nomura's feet came off the ground.
She went to twist in the air, seeing the goblin.
A scream left the changeling as realization hit.
When teh goblins began to swarm her, we started running.
The armor disappeared from Skylar's form and she stuffed the amulet into her pocket as we ran.
That's when the red and blue lights entered our vision, cop cars surrounding us.
This is not how I imagined our night to end...
Luckily, Ms. Lake offered to give me a ride home after picking up her kids.
I can only imagine the explaination Skylar would have to give for her brother later on...
Speaking of, another fortunate thing, we were able to say we only broke in because Jim left his phone at the museum.
It worked...
Even then, I couldn't help noticing that Jim didn't seem at all affected by discovering a new world.
Unless... That world wasn't at all new to him.
Not to mention, how he was even able to find us.
That's when it hit me.
About the bridge and why it was so familiar to me.
Because that bridge was of the world kept hidden from humans.
Killahead Bridge...


Exciting, isn't it?
Well, I don't have much to say today, so as always, have a Fantastic morning/afternoon/evening/night!
Bye for now, dear readers!
Don't forget to let me know what you think and don't be afraid to comment your theories!

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