Chapter Ten: Jim's POV

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It was late.
Too late.
Where was she?
She wasn't here.
I paced back and forth as Toby sat on the couch of my living room.
"What if something happened to her?" I asked, throwing my hands in the air.
"Relax, Jimbo. Nothing ever happens in Arcadia. She's probably hanging out with that new girl." Toby spoke.
Right, only I remember the other timeline...
I wish I had someone to talk to.
I was hoping Skylar would have remembered, too.
Yet, just like everyone else, she forgot.
Maybe I should have kept the amulet.
Atleast I would know where Skylar was.
I grabbed my phone off the coffee table, I had already called her multiple times.
"Jimbo, you already left a bajillion voice messages, it must be full by now." Toby stated.
"Maybe she'll pick up this time." I stated hopefully as it rang for the fifth time.
No answer.
... And a full voicemail box.
I let out a groan, flopping onto the couch next to my best friend.
"I should've just dragged her here with us." I mumbled.
"Relax. If anyone can survive a night on their own, it's Sky. Now let's watch the show you promised we would watch." Toby stated.
A sigh escaped me as memories of Skylar always getting back up after she's been knocked down ran through my mind.
A dry chuckle passed my lips and I sighed, leaning back into the couch.
"Yeah, you're right. You put on the movie, I'll make us some popcorn." I stated, nodding.
That's when my phone rang and I lunged towards it.
"Hello?! Skylar?" I asked, putting the phone up to his ear as he stood up fully.
"This is Claire, actually." My long time crush spoke through the device, causing my heart to both begin rocketing and calm at the same time.
"Oh. Hey, Claire." I greeted, clearing my throat some.
"You sound disappointed." She pointed out, causing me to panic a little.
Geez, how can I be so panicky when we were together before?
Not that she remembers that.
"No, I'm not disappointed. I'm just..." I trailed off with a sigh.
"I'm just worried about my sister is all." I admitted.
"Is she not home yet? It's pretty late." She asked, causing me to shake my head as Toby shot me a small glare, tapping his watch.
I nodded and made my way to the kitchen.
"She's not answering her phone either." I replied.
"Well, if I know anything about Skylar, it's that she's resolute. She's probably just going on a long walk through the woods." She stated.
I know she was attempting to help me, but it only made me sigh.
"That's what I'm worried about. It's dark and something can happen. Something could've happened and we wouldn't know where she is." I found myself saying as I lit the stove, grabbing the jiffy pop to begin cooking it.
"Trust me, Jim, I'm sure she's fine." She spoke, making me nod.
"You're probably right. You're always right." I replied, mumbling the last bit.
"Huh? What was that?" She asked.
"You're very smart, so you're probably right." I stated quickly, causing her to laugh.
"Send me a text when she gets home, I'll see you tomorrow at school." She spoke.
"See you tomorrow." I replied.
She then hung up and I placed the phone back in my pocket.
"She's safe." I said more to keep myself calm then anything.


Sorry for the short chapter today guys, hope you enjoyed it nonetheless!
As always, have a fantastic morning/afternoon/evening/night!

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