Chapter 45: Transformation Central

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"What nonsense have you stumbled into now, Blinkous?" Vendel asked, a sigh leaving Skylar as she placed her forehead into her palm.
"I am at complete utter loss. I can turn wolftoads into willowbait, and willowbait into wolftoads. But this?" Vendel spoke as we sat around the room, watching him inspect Blinky.
Arrrgh then turned around, readjusting a viking helmet on one of his horns.
"Eaten by Gatto." Arrrgh stated before Blinky could respond.
Everyone's gazes snapped to Arrrgh, shock evident in all of us.
We definitely weren't supposed to tell Vendel.
Vendel then grabbed Blinky by the arms.
"You went into Gatto's keep? Just what kind of insanity possessed you?" Vendel spoke, causing Skylar to step up.
"It was my decision. We needed the birthstone." She stated, causing Blinky to continue.
"And I had the unfortunate experience of being swallowed by that slubberdegullion and drenched by numerous potions and-"
Blinky eyes then widened.
"The potions." He stated, freaking out.
"I told you it was probably something of Gatto's." I stated, Skylar nodding along.
I then glanced over at Toby.
"Pay up." I spoke, causing him to roll his eyes before handing over a ten dollar bill.
I stuffed it into my pocket.
Vendel then turned to us.
"And why would you venture?" Vendel asked.
"I told you, we needed the birthstone." Skylar replied before Blinky could stop her.
"What could you possibly need it for?" Vendel then asked.
He was just full of questions today.
Skylar glanced at us before sighing.
"We need to destroy Gunmar." Skylar began, holding up her hand before any of us could pipe up.
"If we don't do something, the threat of him escaping will always loom over us. Can you imagine what it would be like if you no longer needed a trollhunter?" She went on.
"Vendel mad?" Arrrgh questioned softly.
"Mad would be significant improvement! The trollhunter is to protect trollmarket, not risk her life chasing stones from fairy tales." Vendel spoke, causing me to place a hand on Skylar's shoulder as she clenched her fist.
Skylar then took the birthstone from her bag, slamming it onto the table as she stared Vendel down.
Vendel stared at the glowing purple stone before his eyes widened in realization.
"Oh! Oh, my Gunmar's Birthstone. The legends are true." Vendel almost whispered.
Vendel then grabbed the stone, placing it in his own bag.
"This stays here, safe from your bumbling hands." He then stated.
"That's what I was hoping for." Skylar replied with a nod.
"Speaking of hands, uh, when am I going to get back my other two?" Blinky then asked, causing us all to look back to him.
"It could be days, weeks. It's impossible to know when an enchantment of this severity could wear off." Vendel replied, poking Blinky's belly.
Why did they do that so much?
"Well, then, what should I do until then?" Blinky asked as Vendel turned away.
"It's your choice. Stay here for me to poke and prod, or enjoy your day in the sun. For as long as it lasts." Vendel replied, no doubt tired of answering questions.

Blinky decided he wanted to try and be in the sun.
We were slowly coaxing him into the light.
He then turned to Arrrgh, no doubt hesitant about this.
He spent all of his life fearful of the sun turning to stone.
"I'm sorry you won't be joining me on this adventure, my friend." Blinky spoke softly.
Slowly, Blinky stepped into the light, grabbing onto Skylar's hand.
"There, see? All is good." Skylar stated, letting go of Blinky's hand as he slowly opened his eyes to look around.
Suddenly, he ran out from under the bridge, staring directly at the sun.
"Don't-" He let out a pained cry before I could get the warning out, causing me to sigh.
"It's so bright!" Blinky exclaimed.
"We don't stare at the sun for a reason." Skylar stated with a soft loft.
Blinky then turned to her, saying he wished to see more.
Skylar looked over all of us before nodding.
"Jim should be home right now, so we can ask him to cook something up for you. Humans can't eat what Troll's do and I'm sure your hungry." She began, causing Blinky to nod.

And that's how we ended up in the kitchen with Draal and Not Enrique.
I kinda pushed Skylar closer to Draal so I could lean against the counter.
Blinky then dropped a bunch of food on the counter as I glanced around.
"I can't believe he isn't here. Could've sworn he would be." Skylar muttered.
"I've never cared for human food, but..." Blinky trailed off as he began eating a box of peas.
I glanced over at Skylar, seeing her exchange a look with Draal before looking back at Blinky.
"But the flavor! The texture. If only I had two more hands to eat faster!" Blinky stated, shoving more food into his mouth.
Draal's eyes were as large as saucers as Skylar watched in utter disbelief with how much the former troll was eating.
I had no words.
Blinky then turned to Skylar.
"What do you call this cuisine?" Blinky then asked.
"That would be left overs." Skylar replied slowly, before Not Enrique (Who was sitting in the sink) piped up.
"I can't even look at you. Your whole body is like an old sausage left on the grill too long." 
I blinked at that statement.
Never have I heard anyone describe something in such a way.
Not Enrique then began to laugh, causing me to raise a brow as Skylar sighed, looking up at the ceiling.
"Deya give me strength." She muttered.
"I thought you didn't like your predecessors." I whispered as Blinky spoke to Not Enrique.
"I really, really don't. It's like a very disappointed family coming over for dinner." She replied with another sigh.
"Who invited him?" Blinky suddenly asked, gesturing to the changeling.
"It's boring sittin' around in the crib all day. When I heard you changed, I didn't know it was into a fat, balding hot fudge sundae." Not Enrique replied, laughing.
I sighed again, exchanging looks with Skylar.
She looked just about ready to explode.
Blinky gave a blank look before throwing his head back to spray some whipped cream into his mouth.
Draal then turned to Skylar, seemingly nervous.
"I didn't have time to tell you..." He began, catching her attention.
It took all my strength to keep my eyes on the situation in the kitchen as I listened to them.
I was invested in this ship.
"While you were seeking the stone, that changeling Stricklander dropped your mother off outside." Draal stated.
Skylar clenched her fist, taking in a breath.
"Yeah, I know. I caught him outside as he was leaving." Skylar replied.
I had a sudden bad feeling welling up in my gut as Draal stammered.
"Maybe you did not see... Uh..." He trailed off, Skylar meeting his gaze with a fire burning in her gaze, brows furrowed as she waited for him to continue.
"Smushed faces with the Barbara." He then stated.
My face fell, lips parting in utter shock.
"What do you mean by that?" Skylar asked, her form shaking.
Don't say it.
Do not say it.
"What is the word you would use?" Draal asked slowly.
"Uh... Kissed?" Draal then stated unsurely.
And Skylar lost it.
She grabbed the nearest thing to her, throwing it against the wall as she yelled.
The glass shattered, curses leaving her lips as her entire being shook with absolute rage.
Her armor then dawned itself as she slammed her hand against the counter.
We all watched her in silence, her breathing ragged as she tried to regain control.
"I am going to kill him." She muttered lowly, her wings unfolded to reveal their true size.
"I should have struck him down." Draal stated softly, reaching out to place a hand on her shoulder.
Slowly, the anger in her eyes left and the armor disappeared.
"No." Skylar stated, forcing the word out through grit teeth.
We all looked at her in shock.
"He binded himself to her. If he dies, so does she." She growled out, her fingers curling and uncurling as she stared at the wall.
"There's not a single thing I can do." She then growled.
It was silent, Draal moved a bit closer.
"He is trying to get under your skin, Skylar. Do not let him." Draal spoke softly.
Skylar's shoulders fell as she let out a heavy breath.
I watched as her white knuckles slowly regained color as she looked over to the giant troll, giving a soft nod.
"You're right." She stated softly before glancing over at the glass on the ground and wincing.
"I should clean that up." She added.
A grumble then caught our attention.
"I think my stomach is trying to speak to me." Blinky stated.
Not Enrique grabbed a glass, pressing it to Blinky's stomach as he listened.
"That ain't your stomach, pal. After eating a buffet like that, that fleshy inner tube of a body is about to spring a leak." Not Enrique stated.
And I regret being here.
Blinky then ran past, screaming as he tried running up the stairs.
"This is absurd! How do you function with only two eyes?" Blinky asked before finally making it to the bathroom.
Skylar sighed, grabbing the broom and beginning to sweep.

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