Chapter 56: The Inner Battle

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We stood around, trying to come up with a plan to get Angor's ring from Strickler and Jim was running a little late.
"So, either way, Claire's shadow staff is the best bet. However, finding the correct way to get the ring from Strickler is what's hindering us. We can't hurt him because he's tied to my mom. We don't know if Changewings actually sleep and he's usually not alone because he likes to stay well guarded. The only advantage we have in any of this, is that he's afraid." Skylar went on with a frown after going through a couple runs.
"How is he being afraid in our favor?" Toby asked.
"When you're afraid you make common decisions. Flight, Fight, Freeze. Strickler is protecting himself with multiple beings, his main form of protection being Angor Rot. He's using Angor Rot to scare others into supporting his rule, however, his main shield is willing to go against him. Without his main shield, who is going to want to protect him? The answer is no one. He'll come to us for help if we take his ring, playing into the part that he is tied to mom, however, there will be no card up his sleeve because Angor Rot will break the spell binding them. Simple as that, Strickler played into our hands and will no longer be a problem, whether at our hand or at Angor's." Skylar explained, with a simple shrug.
"How do you know this exactly?" Claire asked.
"She probably talked to Jim." Toby replied in a loud whisper.
A look of anger fell over Skylar's face.
"Or." I began, catching their attention.
"She's just good at these kinds of things. I mean, have you paid any attention to history?" I asked, raising a brow.
"War is chaos. The winner will be the one who controls the chaos, both his own and his enemy's." Claire then recalled, causing me to nod.
"Exactly. However, even if we know the outcome... We're still stuck on getting the ring." I reminded.
"Which is exactly why we're taking a trip." Jim stated, having just walked through the door.
"Sorry for being late." He panted out, trying to catch his breath.
"What were you doing?" Skylar asked, raising a brow as she crossed her arms.
"Training with Draal, lost track of time. Ran here." He replied, gathering himself.
He sure was weird.
"Good thing you're here, Jim." Toby spoke, relief in his voice.
"Why?" Jim asked.
"Because you are technically the trollhunter and you know everything that's going on." Toby replied.
"He isn't the trollhunter. I am. He gave up that title when he went back in time." Skylar spoke sourly, glaring at the shorter male.
"But he still knows the future. I feel safe knowing everything is going to work out fine." Toby stated, causing Skylar's glare to harden.
"Where are we taking the trip to?" Claire then asked, trying to defuse the situation.
I had a bad feeling about this.
"Gatto's keep. I already told Blinky about it." Jim replied.
The look on Skylar's face said it all.
"Guys. We should run this by Skylar, she is the trollhunter after all." I spoke up, causing the three to break apart.
"Oh, yeah. What do you think, Skylar?" Jim asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Do whatever you want." She stated in reply, walking out.
"And she's mad at me again." Jim said with a sigh.
"Because you're taking over." I pointed out.
"What?" He asked, confusion written over his features.
"You gave up the amulet and it chose her. Yet you continue to act as though you are the amulet's user. How do you not realize that?" I spoke, furrowing my brows.
"I'm trying to help her." Jim defended.
"You're dictating her life now because you 'know' what happens. If you were really trying to help her, you'd tell her everything in one go. not piece by piece as you have been." I pointed out.
Claire and Toby looked between the two of us, tension rising.
"I'm not-"
"You are. You miss being the trollhunter and the worst part is that you don't even realize it. You want to be seen as the hero when it is not your place anymore. The amulet isn't yours anymore." I interrupted, speaking the last sentence slowly as to get through to him.
He was silent a moment.
"I'm not." He said weakly, finding it hard to say the words.
"You did the same with Strickler despite his actions in that moment. You want your mom to be happy, I get it, but you're making your sister miserable." I stated before walking out.
I had to check on Skylar now.
I sighed.
We really shouldn't be dealing with this kind of drama when what hangs over our heads is far more important.
Skylar is making an effort on this, but she's finding it difficult to adapt to the fact that she's only the trollhunter because of Jim.
If I was in her shoes, I'd be conflicted too.
But... At the same time, there must have been a reason the amulet went against Jim's intentions.
That was the true question behind it all, yet they were both overlooking it.
I needed to talk to Skylar before we left.
Knowing her, she was probably getting ready to absolutely annihilate someone.
That someone either being her brother, Strickler, Angor Rot, Alden, or Gatto Or anyone else that says the wrong thing to her within the next five seconds.
On second thought...
Maybe I should wait for her to cool off before I get myself killed.

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