Chapter Eight: A Failed Hunt

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I hummed softly as I moved throughout my house, watering the many plants that rest in the few rooms.
It wasn't a large house, a single floor.
It had a bedroom, a kitchen/dining room, a bathroom, and a living room.
There was also a basement, but it was small.
Perfect for me.
I noticed that the Iris was beginning to get brown on it's leaves.
I walked over, tilting my head with a small frown.
"Hello there." I spoke softly, watching it perk up slightly at the greeting.
"You're not very happy, are you?" I asked, watching it softly.
I hummed, placing my hand on it's petals.
"Let me help you out a bit." I stated gently, a soft green glow eminating from my finger tips.
The brown slowly receeded and I smiled gently before giving it some water.
"There you go." I whispered before moving on to the other plants.
Once finished, I moved into my room, getting ready to go hunting for any signs of Bular.
With silent steps, I walked out of the small house and down the street.
Perhaps the forest would provide a good insight on where he could be.
However, as I walked the street, I noticed a truck laying on its side with a few people around it.
I frowned slightly as I studied it from afar before moving on.
I wonder...
However, I stopped short when a black thing lay across the center of the street.
I moved over, picking it up with gentle fingers.
It was one of the largest feathers I have ever encountered, black in color.
Not to mention it had faint traces of magic surrounding it.
I frowned.
There weren't many magical creatures with feathered wings, though not many were still around.
And a few others.
I hid the feather in my jacket before moving on.

Eventually, I got to the edge of town, walking through the woods with slow movements.
The plantlife around me whispered in the wind around me, speaking softly to eachother, almost fearfully.
That's what they did when there was a predator.
And the brute I was hunting was just that.
I placed my hand on the rough bark of a tree, closing my eyes as I opened my soul to it.
'Can you tell me what happened here?'
"Life. Not. Balanced."
That was all the tree had whispered before shutting itself away.
I tilted my head slightly, my gaze moving to the ground.
A chase took place here.
It was true, life wasn't balanced.
It seemed that a troll was chasing a human, yet different sizes of trollprints overlapped with eachother, causing quite the mess.
Why were trolls and humans always so messy?
I sighed before following the tracks.
This would have to be the only thing that could potentially lead me to Bular, as he is the only one I could think of that would chase after a human.
Unless of course...
Changelings were around.
Yet, it was a doubtful possibility.
Not without the Killahead Bridge.
Soon, the tracks led to the the canal.
The canal.
It seemed anything worth noting happened here.
There were no signs of blood that I could see from here, so I could only assume that the human somehow escaped.
Or perhaps the troll chasing said human was wise enough to bring the body somewhere else before making a mess.
Either way, the tracks ended here, which meant I had to search a long way in order to pick them up again.
Let the search begin.

I had searched for most of the night and the sun was beginning to rise, meaning the troll I was trying to track would be hiding by now.
A sigh left me as I made my way back to the house I had taken up residence in.
The troll must have gotten wise and began to cover up his tracks after the chase ended.
I glanced at the clock on the wall, deciding to meditate for some time before having to get ready for school.
Being in a meditating state was the closest elves got to sleep, as we didn't truly need to rest in order to stay energized.
A sigh left me as I lay motionless in the bed, closing my eyes as memories of my brother ran through my mind.
He was different and that's what made him so amazing.
Now that I think about it...
Skylar almost reminds me of him.
Not because of her personality, but because of her energy.
My brother was a lot like that energy she had.
Yet, despite her offering friendship, she didn't really seem like the social type.
Dalius was always trying to be more social despite the rules we had put in place for our safety, always finding an excuse to talke to someone.
Yet even with those rules, he was still put in danger.
Danger he couldn't escape from.
If only I was faster, he could've made it out.
He should have made it out.
Lost in my thoughts, I realized I was toying with the single braid.
I had put this in as a sign of morning, a single braid for my loss.
I never met my parents, or our people, so I had nothing to mourn of them, but my brother.
He was the only one I really ever had in my life.

"You should try to talk to people. You never know if we'll find a place we like enough to settle down in. You'll need some friends."
"Why would I need friends? I only really need you, brother."
"I may not always be around, you know."
"Don't talk like that. We both have long lives ahead of us."

Those words echoed in my head as I opened my eyes.
A sigh passed my lips as my violet eyes looked to the golden sky of the sunrise in my window.
A few more hours...
Maybe I will accept Skylar's offer of friendship.
Just until my mission is completed.
Then I'll leave.


A nice change of pace, isn't it?
Well, I suppose this is it for now.
Good bye, dear readers, I hope you enjoyed today's chapter.
See you again soon!

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