Chapter Thirteen: Lunch Invitation

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I was still a bit perplexed by the fact that Skylar had asked me to have lunch with her small group.
I also had no idea who Claire was, but I knew Jim and Toby and they seemed kind enough.
I didn't want anyone to pry into my life or my reason for being here.
After all, it didn't concern them.
Yet, at the same time, here I was trying to be in theirs.
Their life didn't concern me either.
But it's different, isn't it?
A sigh left me as I walked through the busy halls.
This is why I didn't socialize.
I didn't understand humans as their social cues, despite being around them for so long.
It was tiring either way.
I ran a hand through my ash blonde locks, my violet gaze glancing around the halls that surrounded me.
I was nearing the lunch area outside.
I could only imagine that this would be where they were.
After all, it was a nice day.
The sunlight greeted me and I squinted my eyes, my  pupils quickly adjusting to the light.
I spotted the odd group almost immediately and slowly made my way over.
"Hello." I greeted, interrupting their conversation.
"Hey, Arya. Sit, sit." Skylar spoke, patting the empty spot next to her.
I took the seat, setting down my lunch tray.
"Hey, Arya." Jim greeted, Toby giving a small 'Hi'.
I gave a simple nod in return before my gaze roamed over the other tables.
"You're pretty observant." Skylar pointed out, causing my gaze to fall back to her.
"I like knowing what's going on around me." I replied before moving my gaze to Jim.
"I have a question for you, if you don't mind." I stated, causing him to pause in his chewing.
He swallowed after a moment, nodding.
"When I first came here, you seemed... shocked. Why is that?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.
"Uh... We don't normally get new people?" He spoke with a questioning tone.
"What are you talking about, Jimbo?" Toby asked before taking a big bite.
"Yeah, we've had three new students this semester. And that's not counting Arya." Skylar added on.
"Oh, hey! Claire!" Jim then stated, standing and waving someone over.
He was avoiding the question.
How strange.
A girl with black hair and dark brown eyes came over.
"Hey Jim, Skylar, Toby." She spoke before her gaze fell to me.
"You're the new student, Arya right?" She asked, my gaze meeting hers.
"That is correct, yes." I replied, giving a small nod.
"Want to sit with us?" Jim asked, sitting back down.
"Sure." She replied, sitting down on the other side of Skylar.
I tilted my head ever so slightly as I studied the people at this table.
My thoughts were quicky interrupted by that glow from Skylar's bag.
I frowned as I stared at it.
I nudged Skylar, catching her attention.
I moved my gaze to her bag and she looked down, seeing the glow.
"Oh! I gotta go. Be right back, guys." She spoke, grabbing her bag and racing off.
What a strange character.
However, that glow was almost exactly like that magical residue in the canal.
Messy, but not as powerful.
Why would a human have something with a magical aura?
It might be worth looking into...
I frowned, standing up and grabbing my own bag.
"Everything okay, Arya?" Jim asked, causing me to meet his gaze.
"Yes. I just have something to attend to. Enjoy the rest of your lunch." I replied before walking off in the direction Skylar had gone off in.
I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath as I focused.
I took my time, trying to find Skylar, wherever it is she may have gone.
Taking a deep breath, I decided to head to the girl's locker room.
I pushed the door open and I heard a 'C'mon' from behind the line of lockers.
I walked over, tilting my head at the indigo glow that greeted me.
"Skylar." I called, catching her attention.
I tilted my head, studying her armor.
It was completely silent.
"Hey." She greeted as if this was completely normal as she crossed her arms over her chest, wings readjusting themselves behind her.
"Hey." I said in turn before gesturing to her armour.
"New style?" I asked.
"Oh yeah. Soon everyone is going to be wearing one of these." She replied.
I nodded as the silence settled back in again.
My gaze then fell onto the sword that was on her back.
"That sword." I stated, walking closer with narrowed eyes.
A pain echoed through my temple and I winced, stepping back as a few flashes of the future crossed my vision.
The smallest of glimpses.
"Woah, sit down." She spoke, leading me to the bench in the center of the room.
"Do you need some water?" She offered, her armor glowing before disappearing, a feather falling to the ground in the process.
I frowned, picking it up.
"It was you." I stated, looking into her ocean blue eyes.
Her brows furrowed.
"I found another of these in the street, a truck laying on its side." I explained, causing her to widen her eyes.
"I never would have thought..." I stated, trailing off as I studied her.
The amulet she was holding looked oddly familiar, much like the design of the sword.
"That looks like Merlin's work." I finally stated, the discovery hitting me.
"Kind of. How do you know that?" She asked.
The bell then rang as I parted my lips to speak.
"We'll talk tomorrow. I believe we both have questions that need answers and we can start tomorrow after school." I stated, standing up.
"Sounds good." She agreed.
We then headed to class in silence, the two of us exchanging looks.
We both knew what those looks meant.
A promise to not expose our secrets to anyone.
An understanding.
This was the first time I've ever been trusted with such a thing with a person that wasn't my brother.
It felt...


So, Arya now knows.
It was only a matter of time before the secret would get out.
Well, I suppose it's time to say goodbye.
Until the next chapter of course.
Enjoy the next twenty four hours!

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