Chapter Seventeen: A Mystery Indeed

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Skylar dodged some flames before taking out one of the stands, turning and flipping just in time to avoid more flames.
I was sitting off to the side, reading the book Blinky had told Skylar to read before.
Skylar was getting through it slowly considering how much she was focusing on her training.
"Always be afraid! Fear heightens your senses. Fear keeps you alive!" Blinky spoke as she shot into the air, taking out anouther stand as she moved, turning in the air just in time to avoid the swinging blade.
Skylar landed, falling to her knees to avoid a swinging axe before rolling out of the way.
She stood, panting before twisting, leaning back as far as she could go to avoid a rock Arrrgh had tossed and she turned, throwing the sword at the last stand and taking it out.
She panted heavily, meeting Blinky's gaze as she picked up the sword.
"Arrogance gets you killed." He then added, causing me to nod along with Skylar.
"Draal, however, does not fear you. That will be his weakness, but not you." Blinky stated, causing Skylar to raise a brow.
"You'll be wetting your armor. That will be your strength!" He added, causing me to cringe slightly.
"I don't think my fear will go that far." She replied, stretching her wings out before folding them and stretching her arms.
Skylar then let out an audible sigh.
"Alright, let's go again." She spoke, readying her sword.
However, that was when I heard the familiar laughter of Draal.
Skylar stood tall, glaring at the blue troll as he walked by.
"Look... It's training." He stated, looking directly into Skylar's gaze.
A breath of slight annoyance and amusement left her.
"I would focus more on yourself, Draal. Or, if you'd rather we could move the rematch to right now." She spoke, hardening her gaze on him.
He growled before walking further away, his eyes leaving hers.
She growled in irritation, watching his form disappear from sight.
She scoffed, readying herself again.
"That selfish, arrogant, hard-headed imbecile really thinks he's all that. He's only embarrassing himself. I can not wait to wipe that smug look off his face." Skylar spoke before taking in a breath and looking to the us, Blinky and Arrrgh staring wide-eyed as I raised a brow at her.
"Let's go again." She repeated.
"Let your fear keep you alive, let his arrogance lead him astray." Blinky then advised before heading over to the button.
She scoffed once more, no doubt biting her tongue to keep herself quiet before jumping into the chaos.

We stood in front of the museum with the rest of our history class.
"I know contemporary media might lead you to believe European history is full of swords, sorcery, and scandal. I assure you, the truth is far more interesting. And there's no better place to start than Renaissance Era Pottery." The lady finished, making Skylar smile as the rest of the class groaned.
I simply stayed silent with a neutral gaze.
"Since we have limited time, Ms. Nomura, perhaps it's best if they explore the museum on their own." Strickler suggested, making all the others disappear quickly, though Skylar stayed by my side.
"Actually, Ms. Nomura, if it's alright, Arya and I would prefer to have a classic tour. If it's not too much trouble." Skylar spoke, offering a small smile.
"It's far better to learn this way." I put in.
"It's no problem at all." Ms. Nomura replied.
Strickler decided to tag along with us as Ms. Nomura led us around the museum.
Which Skylar didn't seem very happy about.
Skylar stopped at a certain pot, admiring the design, causing me to stand by her side.
"The detail here is exquisite." Skylar spoke softly, causing Ms. Nomura to smile as I nodded in agreement, taking out my artbook and beginning a rough sketch after finding a blank page.
"I'm glad you think so. Not many enjoy the simple things of history." She stated, causing Skylar to smile.
"It's the simple things that are the biggest building blocks of history." I spoke, never taking my eyes off the vase.
"Precisely!" Skylar agreed.
"I love history. Each piece tells a different story. Each design is unique, the meaning behind each piece, different. It's a mystery what..." She trailed off frowning, placing a hand to her temple.
I paused in my movements and looked over at her.
"Are you alright?" I asked, Ms. Nomura seeming to share a worried gaze as Strickler frowned.
"Sorry... I just feel as if... This conversation had happened before..." Skylar replied a bit unsurely.
"A simple case of deja vu it seems." Strickler spoke.
"Come on, why don't we take a break, it seems you need a moment." He then spoke, leading Skylar away, avoiding his touch quite clearly.
I stayed where I was, watching the three walk off before moving on.
That's when an air current rushed over me briefly and I glanced over, seeing a closed off area.
I walked towards it, something nawing at me.
I walked through, staring up at the stone that stood in front of me, a few pieces missing.
Something told me to begin drawing it, so I did, the details coming easily as the pencil danced across the page.
The only thing that caused me to stop was a hand on my shoulder.
"What are you doing Ms. River?" Strickler asked as my gaze met his.
"Oh, I apologize. I just... This caught my attention and I had to draw it... I jut can't seem to place where I have seen it before..." I spoke, frowning as my gaze moved back to it.
"Let's get you over to the others before you get in trouble." He spoke, causing me to nod.
He lead me back to where Skylar was, who was now by her brother and Toby.
I closed my book and walked up to stand beside Skylar.
"Are you feeling better, Skylar?" I asked, catching her attention.
She hummed before nodding with a slight smile.
"Yeah, I have no idea what happened back there. Weird, isn't it?" She then asked, causing me to nod.
"Yes. Weird." I agreed before glancing over.
"Do you mind taking a quick picture of me?" She then asked, holding her phone out to me.
I nodded.
"Can you hold this?" I asked, holding my artbook to Jim.
"Yeah, sure." He replied, taking it gently.
I then took the phone and Skylar posed next to the armor stand.
I rolled my eyes playfully at her before taking the picture.
I studied it a moment before nodding and handing it over.
"You look nice." I stated, as she looked at the picture.
"You're right. We should take one together now." She stated, putting her arm over my shoulder and postitioning her phone in front of us, slightly upwards.
I offered a small smile as she gave a toothy grin.
She took the picture, giving a soft yet sincere smile as she looked at it.
My gaze then moved to Jim, my artbook open in his hands, eyes wide before his blue gaze met mine.
I walked towards him, frowning.
"That's private." I stated calmly.
"Right, sorry. I didn't know that you were such an artist." He stated a bit shakily.
He was on the page I drew the bridge.
My frown deepened.
"You know what this is, don't you?" I asked, tilting my head slightly as I took my book from him.
"Not really, no." He replied, a bit to quickly.
I raised my brow at him, humming.
I then gave a nod and returned to Skylar's side.
"Hey, we got a problem. I was able to take care of part of it thanks to Toby and his blabbering." She whispered softly.
My gaze met hers, seeing she was rather serious.
Almost as serious as the times she and Draal were at each other's throats.


It seems the tables keep turning.
Just as soon as you think one thing, the story turns on its side.
Only time will tell what will happen next I suppose.
As always, Have a spectacular morning/afternoon/evening/night!
Until next time.

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