Chapter 58: I'm Really Sorry About This

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The next morning, despite all of us not getting very much sleep, we headed to school.
For some reason, Skylar seemed more energized then all of us.
She never did tell us what actually happened.
After she said there was a bigger threat then Gunmar, she suggested we all get some sleep while we could.
However, there was something different within her aura.
I could feel the change, but couldn't see it.
It was weird to say the least.
Right now, we were standing around Skylar's locker, the others talking about whether or not they should trust Angor Rot.
"I have to trust him. We don't have any other choice." Skylar replied simply, closing her locker.
"I got it! You take the ring and wear it!" Claire spoke up, my shoulders tensing at her words.
"Absolutely not. Betraying an Assassin is not on the agenda for me." Skylar replied simply, causing me to breathe in relief.
I didn't know why, but I was extremely grateful for that.
"We're not betraying him, we're controlling him." Toby replied.
"Guys, let's respect Skylar's wishes." Jim spoke up.
I raised a brow at him and Skylar rolled her eyes.

After school, I sighed as Skylar handed the Kiarosect to me.
"Jim said I wasn't affected by it last time. I want you to activate it when it comes." Skylar stated just as Jim's phone began to ring.
"Blinky is stuck in the café with mom outside, he's turning back." Jim explained quickly.
"I'll get my shadow staff from home!" Claire stated, taking off in a run.
"Claire, wait!" Jim shouted just as a truck beeped its horn.
I acted on instinct, immediately turning on the Kiarosect.
"Good work." Skylar stated, dragging Claire out of traffic and placing her next to Jim.
"Alright, Strickler is at the dentist. We need to take care of the gnomes in trollmarket, Blinky needs to be saved, Jim had a test he was late to. You take care of the gnomes and Blinky. I'll take care of Jim's bookstacking contest and his test before heading over to the dentist. We'll meet back up after." Skylar added, taking Jim's phone from his pocket to set a timer.
"Alright." I stated, grabbing the horngazel from Claire's bag.
Skylar then activated her armor and I headed off to the Café in order to get Blinky.
I ran across the streets, quickly finding the café.
First, I took Dr. Lake and placed her back in her seat, grabbing the table cloth and heading back to Blinky.
I placed it over his head and dragged him out of the bathroom.
I would need to find something better to carry him in.
I sighed, shaking my head before looking around.
There was a wagon near the dumpster.
I sighed, grabbing it and pushing Blinky into it before moving as quickly as I could to the canal.
He was far heavier than he looked.
I sighed, finally reaching the canal.
I took out the horngazel and quickly opened the door, dragging Blinky inside and placing him in his study before heading over to the Gnome mess.
I grabbed a sack and began placing the gnomes inside.
Why there was so many, I didn't know.
After that, I tightened the bag and handed it off to Bagdwella.
Now to meet back up with Skylar.
I raced back to the school, seeing Skylar waiting.
"Hey, Nine minutes to spare." Skylar stated, showing me to timer.
"Let me see the ring." I spoke.
She handed it over and I slid it onto my finger, seeing where Angor was.
"The sewers." I stated, pulling the ring off.
"Let's go." Skylar stated.
I nodded, realizing she was leaving me with the ring.

When we arrived to the sewers, we had two minutes left.
"We better be quick." Skylar muttered, causing me to nod.
We raced down the tunnels, eventually finding where Angor was.
He was holding the Killstone, seeming to admire it.
Skylar quickly plucked it from his fingers without a second thought.
"Alright, let's go. We'll give him the ring later." Skylar spoke hurriedly before beginning to leave.
I nodded, following after her.
However, that's when time slowly began to unfreeze.
"Uh oh." Skylar stated, glancing back at Angor to see his eyes slowly shift to us.
"This isn't good." She stated.
My grip tightened on the ring, his golden gaze falling to me.
Angor Jumped down from the rock, no doubt angry that we had stolen the Killstone.
"We have your ring." I stated, causing him to freeze.
He slowly turned to me, his gaze hard as he studied me.
Skylar took it from me, causing his gaze to move to her.
"I want to make a few changes to our conditions." She stated, causing my eyes to widen.
"That wasn't the deal." Angor stated, grabbing his knife.
"You're right. We want the Killstone and for you to break the curse. You can do whatever you want to Strickler after." She stated.
"You dare try to control me?" He asked, voice low.
"I don't see this ring on my finger." She replied, showing off the ring briefly.
I was shocked.
I knew we needed the Killstone, but bargaining with an assassin was never a good idea.
His anger showed that as he tried to attack first.
I jumped out of the way, Skylar dropping the ring as she moved away from the troll.
His dagger coming down on the ring.
"We need to go." I spoke lowly, looking to Skylar.
"Damn right." She stated.
We took off running, Angor yelling from behind us.
He quickly gave chase.
This was a bad idea.
Very bad idea.
"I'll kill you!" Angor stated, lunging for Skylar.
I pushed her out of the way, Angor Rot colliding with me.
"Run, Sky!" I shouted, capturing Angor's wrists as he glared down at me.
Skylar activated her armor instead of running, wings catching fire.
She was angry.
Skylar delivered a hard kick to the side of Angor's face before grabbing me and pushing me ahead of her.
We came to a opening leading to the outside.
I pushed Skylar ahead, her armor deactivating as she slipped through.
Just as I was about to slip through, I was pulled back.
"Arya!" Skylar shouted.
"Just go! Let someone protect you for once!" I shouted back.
I could see the conflict in her eyes.
I met Angor's gaze.
"I'm really sorry about this." I stated, delivering rule number three before slipping from his grasp.
Skylar grabbed my hand and we ran as Angor Rot yelled behind us, his voice eventually fading.
Once far enough, we slowed down to catch our breath.
However, once we caught each other's eyes, Skylar began to laugh breathlessly before sobering.
"I can't believe he destroyed his own ring." She stated with a sigh.
"We should have just gave it to him." I added, causing her to nod.
"Yeah. And then he would have killed us anyway for taking the killstone in the first place." Skylar pointed out.
"Yeah... But now, he is definitely going to kill us." I added, causing her to laugh bitterly.
My gaze narrowed as I spotted something glint on the back of her neck.
"What is that?" I asked, gesturing to it.
Skylar met my gaze before sighing.
"Don't tell Jim." Was all she said about it, moving her hair over whatever it was.
"Not until I figure it out myself." She added.
I sighed before nodding.

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