Chapter 53: Floating in Chaos

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"So, what's in the box?" Claire asked as Skylar placed it in her locker.
"Doesn't matter. The job is to deliver it, not open it." She replied.
"Yeah, Claire. It doesn't matter." Toby spoke.
"But aren't you curious, though?" He added quickly.
"There could be a tiny creature that can't breathe in there, Jimbo." Toby began before gasping and looking to Skylar as she closed her locker.
"Or an itty-bitty troll king whose little kingdom needs saving!" He exclaimed as she raised a brow.
I sighed, closing my eyes and shaking my head.
Toby then gasped, quickly getting distracted.
We all collectively followed his gaze to see our school mascot glance over at us.
They gave a wave before walking away.
"Oh, or my soulmate." Toby added with a dreamy sigh.
Goosebumps crawled along my skin and I could have sworn Skylar gave an actual shiver.
"It doesn't matter. At lunch, I'm taking it straight to the post office, and it will not be opened!" Skylar finally exclaimed, mainly looking to Toby.
"Hey, Sky!" A voice suddenly called out, causing Skylar to stiffen and loop arms with me.
The bell then rang and Skylar turned.
Alden and Steve were right next to each other.
"The touch-a-truck-athon is today. Just thought I should remind you." Alden spoke, offering a toothy grin.
"Thanks for the reminder. Now if you excuse me, we have to get to class." Skylar spoke in a clipped tone, glaring Alden down.
His smile fell slightly.
"Can we talk about the other day?" He then asked.
"There's nothing to talk about." Skylar growled lowly.
Alden frowned fully now.
"Skylar. Let's head to class." I spoke, receiving a nod from her.
We brushed past Alden, his gaze following us.
A chill ran down my spine.
"What happened between you two?" I asked lowly.
"He's worse than Strickler." She responded in a whisper.
Never, since I met her, did I ever think those words would leave her mouth.
Jim, Claire, and Toby were quick to catch up.
"Toby, Claire. You'll both be delivering the package. Arya can go with the two of you while Jim and I do that stupid Touch-A-Truck-athon." Skylar spoke, causing the two of them to look at each other.
"I'm going to keep them from fighting, aren't I?" I asked.
"That and to make sure they don't open the box." She replied, causing me to nod.
"Where's the faith?" Toby asked.
"What do you mean? My faith is in Arya. I thought that was clear." Skylar replied jokingly.
"You did say we needed to step up." Claire stated with a nod.
"Cool, Arya can grab the box from my locker, she already knows the combination. Jim and I will head to the truck. Meet us back at the truck if we aren't done by the time you are." Skylar spoke, unhooking arms with me and looking to her brother.
"After you doofus." She spoke, Jim rolling his eyes before she walked behind him.
"Why do you know her combination?" Toby asked as we turned back to head to it.
"We spend a lot of time together. It'd be hard not to know it." I replied, quickly grabbing the box.
"You want to carry it, Toby?" I asked, causing him to snatch it from me as I closed the locker.

"Okay, so right after fourth period, we go straight to the post office." Toby stated.
"Got the package?" He then asked, looking to Claire.
"In my backpack. Check." Claire replied.
"And I have the address. Check." Toby stated, reaching into his pocket.
"Che-Uh---Oh, no." He then spoke, eyes widening.
"Please don't tell me you lost the address." I spoke, watching him.
"What? No! Of course not!" Toby stated, exaggerating his wording.
"You don't happen to remember it, do you?" Toby then asked.
Claire glared at him, humming once.
"It's gotta be here somewhere." Toby then stated.
"Look everywhere. Skylar said we needed to step up. This is the complete opposite of that." Claire stated before I could speak up.
"She gave us the easiest mission, and we've already screwed up." She continued as Toby looked around frantically.
Toby then opened the box, a whooshing sound escaping it before he closed it.
My eyes widened.
A pause.
"Wait, you opened it?" Claire asked.
"No. No. Nope. No way." Toby lied as he chuckled nervously.
"Define 'Open' though." He then added nervously.
"You told me to look everywhere!" He then blamed as I sighed, placing my forehead in my hands.
Claire grunted.
"Well, what was in it?" Claire asked, curiosity getting the better of her.
"Nothin'. Just a whoosh." Toby replied as I shrugged at her gaze.
"Guys. I remember the address. Let's just get going before something bad happens." I spoke, causing them to look at me.
"You couldn't of said that before we opened the box?" Toby asked.
"I did try." I replied with a shrug.
Toby's eyes then widened before he checked his back pocket, pulling out the address.
Claire and I stared at him with completely blank looks.
I grabbed it, placing it into my pocket.
"I'll be holding onto that from now on." I stated as Claire said, "You are so weird."
"We'll meet back here after class." Claire then stated, causing us to go different ways.

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