Chapter 52: An Overwhelming Pressure

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"Woah, woah, woah!" Toby exclaimed before pointing at the giant troll.
"Who's this joker?" He then asked.
"It is Blungo, the pretend king." The quagawump replied.
We shouldn't have danced.
We wasted so much time.
"You fight him, eh?" The quagawump then asked.
"Why humans here?" Blungo then asked.
"He is our true king. Returned!" Was the reply.
"What?" Blungo questioned dumbly as Toby shrank back.
"Uh, hi, Mr. Blungo." Toby greeted.
Blungo then lifted Toby up, causing the boy to yelp.
"Shattered King cannot be. King was Shatter-ed. King am I!" Blungo spoke, shaking Toby around.
"My favorite musical!" Toby announced nervously with a smile.
"It's like a play with singing." Toby explained.
Are we really doing this now?
Blungo then just started yelling.
"Use your magic, my king. Cast Blungo away you will!"
I sighed, looking to the gods above, wishing they'd give me the strength to deal with this.
Toby tried the same trick as before, getting a horrible result.
"Dismemberment amuse Blungo! Now I dismember you!" Blungo announced.
Toby had enough time to ask for a dove before Blungo began shaking Toby like you would a salt shaker.
"So, should I transform now, or later?" I asked, looking to the others.
I did not receive an answer because Toby began spilling his guts out about the operation.
"We are so dead." I stated.
"As I said." Arya replied.
"We switch between these two thoughts a lot." I pointed out, causing her to nod.
I sighed, mumbling the enchantment as Blinky pointed out that the Killstone was in Blungo's crown.
"Alright, Blungo. Put our friend down and I won't hurt you." I spoke, unsheathing the sword.
Blungo only laughed and that made my blood boil.
Before I could make my move, Angor Rot fell from the sky, landing on Blungo.
"Who you now?" Blungo asked, shocked.
"Death!" Was Angor's reply.
Disappointment in the line was the least of my worries at this moment as we watched Blungo turn to stone, panic forever written on his features.
I unfurled my wings, tackling the assassin.
We separated, causing me to throw my sword at him, two glowing orbs appearing around me before revealing two blades at my thighs.
I grabbed them, attacking Angor with all my strength.
Angor and I fought, me mainly trying to dodge his attacks and landing very few of my own.
He was fast, I'll give him that.
"Be careful, Lady Skylar! His blade is covered with creepers sun! One cut and you'll turn to stone!" Blinky warned, just as I dodged the blade.
"Thanks for the warning!" I shouted back, kicking the troll square in the chest to try and gain some ground.
Arrrgh was suddenly next to me, grabbing me as Angor appeared from the air again.
"Thanks." I spoke, connecting the blades and throwing them like a boomerang.
I then manifested the sword into my hands again, blocking the next attack before jumping onto a different branch.
Arrrgh then tackled Angor onto the ground and I through my sword again, catching the assassins attention once more.
He jumped up after me as I jumped onto another tree.
"Hey everyone! I got the stone!" Toby announced, causing Angor to turn his attention to him.
"Oh shit." I muttered, watching Arya grab the stone from Toby and begin running as Angor chased her.
I jumped down, hitting the ground running as I chased them.
He tackled Arya, pulling the stone from her grasp and opening a shadow portal.
Claire reached him before I did, the armor having slowed me down.
She had grabbed onto the troll, being pulled into the portal.
"Claire!" Jim shouted, even though he knew.
Only a few seconds passed before Claire reemerged with Angor Rot's staff.
"Are you alright?" I asked, Jim helping her sit up.
"I... I lost the kill stone." Claire stated.
"Don't worry. We'll get it back." I stated, causing her to meet my gaze.
I only nodded, reaffirming what I said.
"Indeed. The victory here was survival." Blinky stated.
"Shadow staff! Very dangerous! Let me take that from you." Blinky then spoke, causing Claire to pull the staff towards her.
"No way. I'm keeping this." She stated sternly.
I looked to Arya, seeing her looking at the ground.
"You did all you could. Don't beat yourself up over it." I stated, causing her to look up at me.
It didn't take long for us to decide that it was long since time we head back home.
I was quiet the ride there, the silence settling around all of us.

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