Chapter 11: Haunted "Dreams"

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It was black, swirls of grey circling as I looked around me.
I was trapped.
Everything looked the same.
"Why did you leave me?" A voice asked, the sound slightly distorted and echo-y.
"What?" I had asked, though no sound came out.
"You left me to die." The voice stated, sounding much closer.
I turned in a rush, though it felt like my feet were suddenly caught in something.
"Who are you?"
Again, no sound left me.
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.
"You left me to die." The voice repeated, a distorted form stated, coming out of the swirling black around us.
"I didn't." I tried saying, though it felt like something had wrapped around my throat.
"You could've helped." He then stated.
I was certain it was a him.
As he grew closer, I could make out more and more features underneath the shadow.
It was my brother.
"You wouldn't let me help!" I wanted to shout, but it only came out in a mere whisper.
"Don't give me that. You would have been able to help me if you were faster! Stronger!" She shouted at me, his features finally coming clear.
His face was contorted into a glare that was very much unlike him.
"Please." I whispered, no sound coming forth.
"But you're too weak. You've always been weak despite your high and mighty attitude." He went on.
"Stop, please..."
"You will never make it far enough to avenge me. You would never even be able to last long enough." He spoke bitterly, his voice rising in volume and becoming even more threatening.
I slowly fell to my knees, the darkness around crawling forward, reaching out to suffocate me.
My throat was closing up.
"Stop it! Brother..."
"Why would I stop? Can't handle the truth little sister?"
"Brother." I whispered, tears falling down my cheeks.
"Poor, poor, Arya. It's such a shame..." He spoke, his voice suddenly calm.
I slowly lifted my gaze, meeting his gleaming gold eyes.
They were burning with hatred and resentment.
"I would still be alive if you were never born."
My eyes widened, tears spilling faster like a dam had burst.
The darkness jumped forward like an eager lion hunting a gazelle.
I couldn't breathe.
I screamed as loud as I could.

I sat up in the bed, huffing as tears stained my cheeks.
I looked around, finding myself in my room.
I placed my head in my hands, letting out slow breaths.
My teary violet gaze slowly moved to the hands on the clock.
It had only been an hour since I had decided to 'rest'.
This was the first time something like this had happened.
It was so strange.
I let out a breath, composing myself before standing from the bed.
I'll just keep myself busy until it's time to head to school.
Yeah... Just stay busy.
Don't think about it.
It'll all be fine when I take Bular's life.
He will pay.
Then my brother can finally rest.
I took in another breath, busying myself with a deep clean of my house.
However, before I could get too consumed by it, I was hit with another flash of a vision.


Quite a short chapter, I know.
Again, I'm very sorry for all the long waits.
Thank you all for reading this far in this story.
I am truly thankful for it.
Bye for now!

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