Chapter 46: We Are Twins

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Just as I began to sweep, the base of my skull began to throb in sync with my heart.
A ticking entered my ears and I looked around.
My vision grew hazy as my breathing became labored.
I blinked rapidly, the noise fading as I walked over to the trash, dumping the glass.
I then glanced at Draal.
However, no one was there.
"Guys?" I called out, looking around.
The room was empty.
"This wasn't supposed to happen..."
A voice spoke, causing me to frown.
Where was it coming from.
"Is anyone here? Where did you all go?" I called out.
"You're not supposed to be here."  The voice then stated.
I frowned.
What is happening.
"Skylar?" I heard Arya call, causing me to snap my gaze in her direction.
She was there.
Everyone was back.
I frowned, looking back at my hands.
I was just standing at the trash, the glass having been dumped.
"Is everything okay?" She asked.
I nodded slowly.
"Yeah." I stated, walking over to the closet to place the broom and dustpan back.
"Just a lot on my mind." I muttered.
The sound of a car locking then caught my attention, causing me to tense.
"Mom's home. Everybody, hide." I ordered.
Draal moved into the basement as Not Enrique looked around.
Arya tossed him into the fridge and I froze.
Blinky was still in the bathroom.
Blinky then began walking down the stairs, wiping his hands.
"I have to say, indoor plumbing is remarkable." Blinky stated before the door opened.
I froze, my voice caught in my throat as she stared at the three of us.
And that's how I let Blinky get beat up by my own mother.
Honestly, I have to say I was impressed.
"No more, you violent woman!" Blinky begged, falling to his knees.
Well, that's where I get it from.
"Mom, he's with me." I spoke, catching her attention.
"Skylar? He's... Oh! Wait, wait. What? I'm sorry, who are you?" Mom asked, calming herself down as I helped Blinky up.
"He's Mr. Blinky." I replied, not able to come up with a good enough lie at the moment.
I couldn't look at her without seeing Strickler kissing  her.
I found myself shaking slightly, just barely.
"Okay, what has Skylar done now?" Mom asked, causing me to wince.
"I didn't do anything." I stated, doing my best not to shoot her a glare.
"Oh, Skylar isn't in any trouble. I am here to assist." Blinky stated.
"He's my guidance counselor from school." I added on.
"Since when do guidance counselors make house calls?" She asked.
Arya then stepped in.
"He's new. Strickler brought him in and he has his own way in helping. He's good at it." She stated, causing mom to nod.
Blinky then cleared his throat as Mom crossed her arms.
"Do you mind if we speak alone?" He asked, causing me to tense.
Blinky pulled mom away and I exchanged a look with Arya.
Where the hell was this lie going?
"When I was first introduced to your daughter, I've never met anyone like her. She had a fierceness to her, she was strong and dependable, yet filled with questions. She was acting out." Blinky began, shooting me a brief look.
I gave a thumbs up.
"Having a father walk out of one's life is a traumatic experience enough." I began shaking my head, making and 'x' with my arms.
"At her tender age-" He stopped when mom turned her gaze to me just as I crossed my arms and directed my gaze to the ground.
"Skylar?" She spoke softly.
"I... It doesn't..." I failed to supply the words I needed.
"You're always working, and I needed to tell someone. Mr. Blinky helped me through a lot." I stated, hating this already.
"That's what this is about? The trouble you've been getting into, the strange behavior? Why you don't like Strickler?" She asked.
"Yeah." I replied weakly, clenching my fist tightly as I moved my gaze over the floor boards.
I blinked rapidly, willing the tears away.
"Mr. Blinky?" Mom then asked, finally questioning his name.
Arya placed a hand on my shoulder and I sighed.
She knew how much I hated lying to my mom, but I couldn't drag her into it.
I wasn't going to drag her into it.
"Bulgarian. It's pronounced Blink-heh." Blinky explained.
Mom suddenly pulled me into a hug, causing me to immediately hug her back.
"I really appreciate that, Mr. Blinky." Mom stated.
"Blink-heh." Blinky corrected playfully.
"And I'm sorry for kicking you earlier." Mom stated, pulling away.
"The pain is tolerable." Was the reply.
"And now we know where Skylar gets her ferocity." Arya stated, causing me to shoot her a grin.
"Well, if there's any help that I can be... You know what? I'm gonna write down my number." Mom stated, heading towards the kitchen.
I then glared slightly at Blinky.
"Why would you bring that up? You know I don't ever talk about him." I whispered.
"You do now." Blinky replied as mom made her way back.
"Please call me anytime." She stated, handing him the piece of paper.
"If this helps Skylar work out, you know, what she's... well, what we're going through, I just want to be supportive. Just let me know if there's anything I can do." She stated.
Just as Blinky was about to speak, the door opened, Jim, Claire, and Toby walking through.
I narrowed my gaze on Jim as he walked in.
However, the attention was on Blinky.
"Mr. Blinky. How great to see you." Jim spoke first, elbowing Toby slightly.
I narrowed my gaze further, barely catching his eye.
"Anyways, we should get going. We still have to show the rest of town to Mr. Blinky." I stated, Claire grabbing Not Enrique from the fridge.
"Oh, sure thing." Mom stated, frowning at Claire and the baby now in her hands.
Yeah, I'll let Jim handle that one.
I walked out the door first, followed by Arya and Blinky before the trio trailing behind us.
"Skylar, I need to talk to you." Jim spoke, jogging to my side.
"What?" I found myself spitting out, a glare on my features.
He hesitated as he opened his mouth.
"I, uh..." He faltered, no doubt trying to figure out why I was so angry.
"Want to know what I found out today, Jim?" I asked, but continued before he could so much as speak a single word.
"I found out that Strickler kissed mom. I had to find out from Draal. We are twins and it's like I don't even know you anymore. We used to tell each other everything, no matter how stupid it was. Now... You don't even have my back anymore." 
"That isn't true." Jim stated, anger in his tone.
I was the one that was supposed to be angry, but instead I sounded weak.
I scoffed, looking away from him before looking back.
"It isn't? Then where the hell did you go when we could have used your help in Gato's Keep? Or where were you when I was fighting Bular or Draal? Where were you when I was fighting Nomura? Where were you when I was facing down Strickler, the changeling you are so in love with?" I asked, turning on him.
"You're right, I wasn't there for Gato's keep, but I was cheering you on with your fight with Draal, like you asked me too. I ran when you fought Nomura, because you asked me to. I tried to get you to stop fighting Strickler, and I'm sorry for doing so. You were right about him. You Are right about him. But you don't get to treat me like this because you can't control your anger." He retorted.
A cold, dry laugh escaped me and I paused in my tracks.
All eyes were on us.
"Just tell me what you're hiding from me already." I ordered.
He froze up, tensing exceptionally.
His lips parted before closing, repeating this again and again.
Another scoff left me.
"I was the trollhunter." He broke.
My eyes widened, silence settling in.
"What?" I breathed out.

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