Chapter 62: Slushies and Poptarts

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The sun was just beginning to rise, causing me to sigh as I glanced around.
It was too quiet.
After spending so much time around others, I've come to despise being alone.
It's strange.
Living one way for so long and then... having your entire world flipped upside-down and become a life you never expected.
A life you never thought you would be able to have.
They say blood is thicker than water.
The full saying the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.
The people you choose to spend your time with, those you are happy with, is a stronger bond than those you once depended on.
Stronger than the bond of those you share most of your life with.
Under circumstances such as this, I believe it to be true.
I've never had a friend before this, the only person I cared for being my brother.
Now he's gone and... I'm still here.
There's no changing this outcome, but...
I'm almost happy for ending up here.
If my brother was still alive, I wouldn't be who I am today.
I'd still be drifting and I wouldn't have the friends I do now.
I understand why my brother was trying so hard to be part of the society humans had built without our interference.
He always needed others to feel as though he was somebody in the world and I understand that now.
Needing to be part of something.
Angor Rot popped back into my mind, how he said we met before.
If we had met, why can't I remember?
I frowned, sitting up from my bed.
A sudden craving gnawed at my stomach.
I groaned, cursing Skylar for getting me hooked on those slushies she loved so much.
I glanced at the clock, seeing it was already eleven in the morning.
How did that happen?
Didn't the sun just rise?
I glanced back out the window, seeing the sun was much higher in the sky than before.
Why on earth did it take me so long just to get out of bed?
I shrugged it off, heading out of my room.
Faster I left, faster I could get that slushie.
I still had to try the green flavor and the orange flavor.
I shoved the phone in my pocket, locking the door behind me before walking down the sidewalk.
I was surprised not to have received a notification yet.
No missed calls or unread texts.
I guess today is just a slow day?
Which doesn't exactly feel right.
I pushed those thoughts away.
If something was happening, I trusted Skylar to tell me.
I huffed, entering the store and heading straight to the slushie machine.
Green or orange?
Eenie meanie miney moe
I hummed, grabbing a cup and filling it up with the flavored ice.
As it filled, I took out a twenty before capping off the cup and sticking a straw into it.
I walked over to the counter, letting them scan the drink.
"Is that everything for you?" He asked, causing me to nod and hand him the twenty.
He quickly typed in the amount before handing over my change, which I stuffed into my pocket.
"Have a good day." He spoke.
"You too." I responded with before walking out, sipping at the slushie.
A cold rush sent a shiver through me, the taste of orange and mango covering my tongue.
This just might be my new favorite.
I hummed to myself as I walked down the busy sidewalk, everyone enjoying their day of sunshine and clear skies.
I took in a deep breath, the fresh air filling my lungs.
It wasn't as fresh as it would be if you were deep in the forests, away from people, but it was clean.
Not like the cities.
My features twisted into that of disgust, the memory of the air in New York stinging my nose.
I took another sip of the slushie.
I still can't believe Skylar convinced me to try these things in the first place.
All it contained was ice, artificial flavorings, and sugar.
Yet, it was absolutely delicious.
That's when I found myself in front of Skylar's house, causing me to frown.
I must've come here by habit.
I didn't even realize I was walking this way.
I guess I should check in to see if everything's alright.
I sighed, walking up to the door and ringing the bell.
A crash sounded behind the door before quick footsteps approached the door.
Jim opened it, leaning against the doorframe with a sheepish smile.
"Hey... Arya. What brings you here?" He greeted, glancing over his shoulder.
I raised a brow, not able to see past him very well.
"I just wanted to check on Skylar... How is everything?" I asked slowly once his blue gaze met mine again.
"Oh, you know... She's Skylar. Good 'ol Sky. Nothing that Skylar wouldn't be." He replied awkwardly.
Something shattered behind him, causing him to wince before muffled screaming was heard.
Jim then smiled unconvincingly.
"Just Sky..." He stated with a nervous laugh.
I then ducked under his arm, squeezing past him only to find Skylar being held off the ground by Draal as she struggled to free herself from his grip, Strickler holding his hands in the air as he stayed at least ten feet away from the angry teen.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Strickler ate the last of her cereal... We were trying to get everything ready for taking on Angor Rot." Jim finally admitted.
"I'm guessing she hasn't ate yet?" I spoke, watching Skylar glare daggers at the changeling as she slowly calmed down.
"Nope." Jim stated, popping the 'P'.
"Hey, Skylar." I greeted, walking up to her.
"Hi." She replied breathlessly, finally giving up in her struggle.
"Do you want a poptart?" I asked, pulling one out of my bag.
"Okay." She muttered, causing me to nod.
Draal set her down and she took the poptart from me.
"So, where's Claire and Toby?" I then asked, looking around.
"We weren't going to bring them in. I was about to call you to help us out... Until I realized that the impure ate the last of my cereal." Skylar replied, tearing off a large part of the poptart before popping it in her mouth.
I only nodded, turning my gaze onto the changeling that was now composing himself, clearing his throat.
I then took another sip of my slushie, the condensation gathering on my fingers.
"So..." Jim began.
"You should've stuffed the sock in his mouth." Skylar stated sourly.
"Yes." Draal agreed simply, causing Skylar to snort.
"Alright, fill me in on the plan." I spoke up, gaining their attention.

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